The Death Knell

Chapter 2634 Homeless

"Thanks for taking me in, man."

In the teenager's sweat-smelling room, Harry smiled bitterly and took a set meal of sandwiches and orange soda from his friend Peter. However, although he was hungry, he did not wolf it down immediately. Say thanks to Peter.

"We are friends, this is what I should do." Peter smiled guiltily, then turned to clean up the debris on the bed. Fortunately, the uniform was not left outside.

Of course, he felt guilty not only about this, but also about Mary Jane.

Since childhood, the three of them have gone to the same kindergarten and are all good friends, but people have to grow up. Mary has been dating Harry since the seventh grade, which is the first year of middle school.

This is normal. Harry is rich, handsome, and good at basketball, while Peter was just a nerd at that time. He was thin and small, wore glasses, and talked about computers and physics. He was not very popular with girls. normal.

Therefore, Peter could only continue to be friends with Mary and bury the hazy feelings in his heart.

However, things have changed now. Now everyone is in high school, and Peter has become Spider-Man. Maybe power brings ambition, so he finally dared to have a crush on those girls.

Normally I don't think it's anything, but now...

‘Harry thinks of me as his best friend, and he thinks of me as someone to rely on when he’s in trouble. I actually have a crush on Mary. It’s really despicable, it’s not right. ’

It was so immoral to have a crush on his best friend's girlfriend, so Peter felt deeply guilty and even wanted to slap himself.

With this thought in his mind, he peeked out the window. There were scattered snowflakes falling on the street. In the bedroom on the second floor of the house across the road, the curtains showed the beautiful shadow of Mary. She seemed to be doing homework at the desk, biting The movement of the pen barrel is also so cute...


Peter slapped himself in the face, turned around and closed the curtains, shaking his head.

"What's wrong? Is it a reporter?" Harry, who was sitting on the corner of the floor eating, looked up.

The board of directors took away Osborne Industries through a series of despicable means. The young boss was helpless in the face of those dark tricks and was finally kicked out today. Then, the reporters were like sharks that smelled blood. came and asked him all kinds of incredible questions.

They asked whether Norman defrauded the military of funds and ran away. They also asked whether Harry was the man's biological son. Some people also speculated that Norman was a mutant and escaped to Utopia. The company was now recaptured by humans. A great victory.

Harry didn't want to answer a single question at that time. He held his head and rushed out of the crowd, not because he didn't know how to answer, but because he was afraid of killing someone in public.

He couldn't explain why, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart that was stoking his anger, and he almost wanted to hit the reporters to death with his car.

But it was only close, and he still controlled himself with reason. Although he ran away without grace, it was the limit of what he could do. He was really about to lose control at that time.

"No, it's not a reporter. Well, there was a spider. Yes, when I was drawing the curtains, a spider fell on my face. I slapped it to death."

Peter quickly explained that he originally wanted to say it was mosquitoes, but when he thought there were no mosquitoes in winter, he immediately changed his mind.

Harry, who had a bulging mouth, breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and swallowed the food in his mouth: "It's good that they're not reporters. Although I should have gotten rid of them, I'm afraid it will implicate you."

"Don't say such things, you have helped me more than once in the past." Peter sat on the edge of the bed, patted his side and motioned for Harry to come to him: "I still remember when we were in elementary school, someone wanted to bully me. You helped me fight off the bad boy."

Talking about the past, the sad second generation also showed some smiles. He stood up from the floor, took off Peter's dirty socks stuck to his trouser legs and threw them into the bathroom. He also sat down by the bed with a sandwich:

"It feels like those things happened yesterday. We used to play superhero games together at that time, but many of our classmates regarded us as weirdos."

Xiaochong rubbed his palms back and forth on his legs, and said with some emotion: "It wasn't until you showed your cards in the third grade that you said that the three-year period has come, your father is Dr. Osborne, and your family is very rich. Yes, the bad boys won’t dare to come to us and cause trouble.”

Harry, who was still smiling at first, suddenly became depressed again when he heard his father, and let out a sigh.

And Peter immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing again. Talking about his uncle at this juncture was like adding salt to Harry's wounds.

He shrank his neck, feeling a little at a loss. He scratched his head vigorously to relieve his embarrassment, trying to change the subject: "Do you want anything else to eat? Aunt Mei is still working and hasn't come back. I'll go see what else is in the refrigerator. Do you like instant noodles? What flavor? I have them all here."

Xiao Chong smiled dryly and stood up to walk outside. He felt terribly uncomfortable. He just spoke a little too quickly. This was all the sequelae of being bitten by a spider.

"No, Peter, stay and talk to me." Harry's hand holding the sandwich fell on his knees, and his upper body slowly fell towards Peter's crib, looking at the lamps dangling on the ceiling and in the corners. There are wet marks everywhere: "Tell me, is my father still alive?"

Peter rushed back to the bed in one stride and put his hand on his best friend's shoulder: "Don't worry, Uncle Norman is a good man, he will be fine. Maybe he just wants to have a game like in the TV series, where he leaves as soon as he says it. Traveling? Otherwise, he met an aunt he likes and wants to find you a stepmother..."

This speculation made Harry, who was still worried, instantly speechless. Was he missing for six months to find his stepmother? Osborne Industries has left tens of billions of assets behind. How can anyone fall in love like this?

"Stop, I accept your comfort, but I really can't accept this kind of stepmother who can kidnap my father for half a year, if this person really exists."

The bankrupt brother shook his head repeatedly, his teeth stained with vegetable leaves were exposed, and he said:

"Now that my dad is gone, the company is in big trouble because he was suspected of defrauding military funds. Even my house has been sealed by the court. I really don't know what to do. Although I went to a noble school, the high school there is not It teaches business management courses, not to mention the complexity of the shares is beyond expectation."

Peter simply leaned back and lay next to his buddy with his hands on his head:

"I can't help you with this. I'm just a pauper who has to work every day. I'm good at playing games and delivering food. If you want me to invent a brainwave controller or something to deal with those bad guys, I guess you can You have to give me seventy or eighty years."

Osborne Industries belongs to Harry and his family, as you can tell from the name.

Peter couldn't understand anything like a board of directors or shares, but he only knew that people who rob others are bad guys.

Unless the person being robbed is an alien, that's another matter.

Harry smiled, sat up, stuffed the sandwich into his mouth, clapped his hands and stood up, saying as if he was in a much better mood:

"You are so sweet. If I were a girl I would fall in love with you, Peter."

"But you're not." Peter also sat up and spread his hands: "So I'm still single now. By the way, how are you and Mary doing lately?"

"Her? I can't tell, she seems to be very busy recently and doesn't pay much attention to me." Harry showed some confusion, then rubbed his hair, picked up the soda next to him and walked out the door: " However, no matter what happens in the future, I respect her wishes, okay, I'm going to sleep in the attic, it's been a long day today."

Xiaochong nodded, stood up, hugged Harry, and patted his back: "Good night, buddy, things will get better. If you need anything, just ask. I'll do whatever you think I can do."

"Thank you, do you have any wine at home? I want to drink a few bottles with sleeping pills." The rich second generation patted his friend's butt and said in his ear with a smile.

"Huh?" Xiaochong let go of his embrace, pushed the other person's shoulders away, and looked at him seriously.

"It hurts, it hurts! It was just a joke, I don't want to commit suicide, I am not the kind of person who is weak and escapes." Harry smiled and took a breath, breaking free from Peter's restraints: "When did you become so strong in your hands? Oh my God, your shoulders are going to be crushed by you, and I can’t afford the medical expenses right now.”

"Oh, haha, it's nothing. I'm just too excited. People have unlimited potential when they are extremely angry. You know, the effect of adrenaline can enhance muscle strength."

Peter quickly made another excuse. Although many people in SHIELD knew his true identity, he still wanted to struggle. As for his secret identity, the fewer people who knew it, the better.

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