The Death Knell

Chapter 2638 Some pictures

There has always been a legend of the Sun Walker among the vampires, because after Varna's death, Dracula, who gained the power of the ancestor, was a Sun Walker.

He can move freely under the sun, is not afraid of crosses and garlic essence, and even has conceptual immortality, which is very powerful.

Many vampires yearn for this ability very much, especially as time goes by, after Dracula fell into a suicidal state and did not want to interfere with the affairs of the world, his ministers became no longer under his control, and each had their own plans.

Nowadays, Dracula's status is like that of the Emperor of Zhou, that is, he carries the name of the ancestor. The princes from all sides do not listen to him at all, so they only pay lip service to him.

In terms of the power and resources of his men, he is not even comparable to the vampire families in some rural areas in the United States. Now he only has one castle, three wives, a band, and about a hundred soldiers.

He still has personal strength, but now he is a pacifist, addicted to art and love.

In short, his high-level vampires have done all kinds of things in order to gain the ability to move under the sun, such as developing vampire viruses, trying to resurrect the 'Blood Ancestor' Varna, and creating hybrid vampires. etc.

But none of them succeeded. Currently, another famous Sunwalker, the Blade Warrior, is still an enemy of the Blood Tribe.

It was precisely because of this that Dracula saw Deathstroke carrying a vampire with a strange smell. After a closer look, he found out that it was a day walker, and he immediately became interested.

"I know that the Morlun family can move under the sun, and they don't have the weaknesses of ordinary vampires." Su Ming took a seat at the dining table, and the servants immediately began to serve food, which was all food that humans can eat: "But Are they a mixture of humans and vampires? I’m not sure about this.”

It's quite awkward to eat at the same table as a vampire, because you can just eat by yourself while the host is watching.

"Not sure yet... I have never seen this kind of vampire. She is obviously not my blood descendant. I have no bloodline control over this woman."

Dracula sniffed and inhaled, as if smelling the smell, but then he took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose, frowning in disgust, and his long white hair shook like a waterfall as he shook his head:

"The taste of this bastard is really not very good. I can only confirm that she has part of the blood of the vampire family. As for the things in the other blood, it is very unfamiliar."

The head of the remnant body grew again, and Dracula tore off another section of its neck, handed it to the butler, and told him to find a scholar to study it.

Su Ming ate the food cooked by the vampire chef. It had improved a lot compared to the last time he came here. It was at least Michelin level. He saw that he practiced a lot on weekdays.

Also, the vampires are too idle, especially those under Dracula. They have no other hobbies except writing poetry, singing, and painting. Maybe learning to cook is a new way of leisure.

"The source of another bloodline may be the totem of a certain animal. This is not important for the moment." Deathstroke nodded to the servant who poured him wine and continued: "You have a way to trace where she came from. Where are the other family members?"

Dracula hesitated, but nodded: "Although she is disgusting, because of our friendship, I can give it a try."

After saying that, his handsome face suddenly turned ferocious, and his eyes turned pitch black. He grabbed the body in front of him and bit it with two fangs.

With a sound like a balloon deflating, the ancestor began to devour the blood of the captive. The vampire's ability is to convert the life energy and soul of other creatures into the energy form needed for its own survival. During the blood-sucking process, you will see Some memory fragments of those who were sucked by blood.

Obviously, for the vampires, the taste of the Morlun family is obviously not very good. Dracula's expression at this time said everything, he was probably disgusted and nauseated.

As he drank, the female captive who was always healing quickly gradually shriveled up, as if she had lost the thing that supported her life and gradually turned into a mummy.

The fair skin lost moisture quickly and became dry and cracked under the candlelight. Even the clothes on the body became decayed and aged in a very short period of time.

In almost a minute, the prisoner who was still alive and kicking turned into a handful of ashes, scattered on the tablecloth spread by Dracula.

The servants immediately came to clean and tidy him up, while the ancestor closed his eyes, as if reflecting on what he felt.

Seeing this, a vulgar joke that he had seen in his previous life suddenly popped up in Su Ming's mind uncontrollably.

It was about a man who lost a bet with his friends and had to drink the water in the spittoon. But after taking a sip, he found that the phlegm in it was too sticky and kept chewing, so he had to drink it all...

Dracula's expression means something like that. Obviously, this Morlun is very difficult to eat, but he still sucked people dry. It's like he took a sip and found that his memory was unclear. He took another sip and still couldn't see it. Clear, and ended up drinking it without even realizing it.

About three minutes later, the Grand Duke opened his eyes and raised his hands to pat them. A servant brought a gold basin to help him brush his teeth and rinse his mouth.

First use toothpaste and an electric toothbrush as a base, then mouthwash and breath cleanser, and then drink some virgin blood to taste. That's how particular it is.

"She's not a creature of our planet, is she?"

After this set of procedures, Dracula returned to his gentle appearance, his eyeballs returned to red and white, and the veins on his forehead and neck disappeared.

"It is indeed not the case. The Morlun family lives in other parallel worlds in the multiverse. There may be several earths controlled by them, and there are countless traces of their appearance. I want to know the location of their home base."

Su Ming was cutting the roasted suckling pig on the plate, and the crispy skin of the tender meat showed a faint pink color:

“Find them and play with them.”

"Is it the kind of person who wants to die?"

Dracula smiled and raised his glass, sloshing the blood inside.

Deathstroke, who quickly finished the main dish on his plate, nodded slightly and smiled back: "They are eyeing what belongs to me. Besides, this family likes to break into the target's home through space teleportation and carry out evil deeds of sucking souls."

Hearing this, the ancestor shook his head disdainfully, his voice full of disgust:

"It's so vulgar. I don't even know what etiquette and rules are. A real vampire should only enter someone else's home after being invited by the owner. Breaking in directly is something that a beast like a werewolf would do."

"That's it. It's simply tarnished the reputation of the vampires." Deathstroke agreed smoothly, and took out an eredar crystal from his pocket and placed it on the table: "Then can you tell me now? What did you do from that piece of miscellaneous information? What did the fish see in its memory? For example, some unique landmarks on the earth? Or a string of numbers that you don’t quite understand?”

Dracula's eyes fell on the huge purple crystal. It should be made into a beautiful piece of art and could also serve as lighting, and this was obviously the reward for helping.

So he accepted the deal, which was what he was going to say anyway.

"I did see some things that I didn't quite understand, some vague memory fragments. Let me share them with you, Master."

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