The Death Knell

Chapter 2639 Earth 313

"I can't help you this time, you can find someone else."

Monaco turned over on the super massage chair, with his mustache raised and turned down Deathstroke's invitation to team up.

The Supreme Mage said that he would go to another earth in the multiverse to hunt down vampires. He said that he could not help. After all, not everyone can be as crazy as Deathstroke and would not take going to a parallel world seriously.

There are so many rabbits at home, what if we go away for too long and never come back? The children will starve to death!

Therefore, he suggested that if Su Ming's purpose of bringing the mage with him was to pursue attacks on the soul, it would be best to go to the Ghost Rider.

"The current Ghost Rider is Johnny Blaze. He has almost no control over the evil spirits in his heart. Taking him with him is equivalent to carrying an unstable bomb."

Su Ming picked up the remote control of the massage chair, adjusted the massage level to 'Creation God Level', and stuffed a cigarette into Monaco's mouth.

"Don't just stare at me. I'm still old after all. It might be okay to go to other planets in the universe, but in other parallel worlds, just spare me. You haven't thought about what happens if you meet another Supreme Being. What about the mage? When you get to someone else's side, you become an intruder."

Monaco rubbed a little magic to light a cigarette and insisted on his point of view. He couldn't live without the rabbits at home.

Although Deathstroke paid for him to set up a bamboo rat breeding farm, it was different! Even though they were small furry animals, he couldn't get emotionally invested in the big rats.

"The destination this time is to go to Earth 313 first. To be honest, I have no impression of that place, but Dracula said that the female demon Lun has the number of that world in her memory, and she has forgotten what she wants to do specifically, so I plan to go over and have a look, and I plan to take you to open your eyes."

Su Ming sat on the armrest of the chair, lit a cigarette himself, and hooked Monaco's neck.

The latter still shook his head and combed his hair with his fingers: "I am already this age, so I should give young people the opportunity to broaden their horizons. How about Wanda? She likes to go out with you very much."

"She has unresolved underlying problems of her own. You must know that she is Sithorne's target. Taking her through unknown earths in the multidimensional world is like holding a piece of cheese at the door of a mouse hole."

Seeing Monaco, he really didn’t want to go, and Su Ming didn’t force it. He didn’t necessarily need the combat power of a mage, but someone who could provide mysterious side knowledge, because the Morlun family’s method of traveling between multiple dimensions is still uncertain. .

The ideal companion is of course Doom, who has both magic and technology skills, and is more than enough to be a consultant.

However, Susan had just given birth to a child, and the Latvian dictator was now living the life of a daddy, and also refused the invitation of Deathstroke.

If this happened in DC Diversity, Su Ming would definitely choose to take Bobo with him. Although the black-haired secretary has no fighting ability, he has good knowledge and a quick mind.

Unfortunately, this is Marvel, and the magical knowledge that apes know does not apply here.

"Where's the mysterious guest?" Monaco mentioned another girl.

"The half-year period is here again. She has to sit in the border of hell." Su Ming spread his hands. The apprentice didn't have time. At this time, he should be fighting bloody battles with the challengers.

Monaco slapped his palm and proposed another candidate:

"You can take Xiao Wang with you. He is the guardian anyway, and his duty is to follow the Supreme Mage and do odd jobs. As one of the Archmages, his knowledge accumulation is sufficient."

Su Ming thought for a moment and realized that it wasn't impossible.

Xiao Wang usually stays at Zhongsi Academy, and there is nothing serious for him to do. He spends every day in the principal's office studying how to cook and provide protection for the students. It is no problem to find any Mao Mei to take over for a few days.

"Okay, then you can inform Xiao Wang for me. Alas." Su Ming's hand touched Monaco's pocket very skillfully, took out the small iron box of magic beard wax, opened the lid and applied it to his beard. : "Going to the new world to open up wasteland is like exploring a new continent. There are definitely many benefits. You are missing out on 100 million."

The magician shook his head speechlessly, stood up and cast a spell:

"All the explorers in the past claimed to have found India no matter which new continent they landed on. But I have really lived in the Indian rainforest for so many years. Adventure is the last thing I need."


Endless wilderness, dusty strong winds, the road going from one big pit to another, the surrounding earth is scorched black.

"Master, does anyone really survive here?"

Xiao Wang, who was wearing a lot of protective magic, followed the death knell step by step, obviously his mood was affected by this environment.

They said they wanted him to come and enjoy the time-travel journey together, but they ended up on a ruined earth. They didn't even see any living creatures in the past half day, let alone any valuable items.

There was thick radiation dust in the sky, the sun was completely invisible, the lighting relied entirely on magic, and the temperature was very cold.

"There must be intelligent creatures alive underground, but we are not in a hurry to find them right now."

Su Ming was very calm. When he arrived in a new parallel universe, of course he had to investigate intelligence at the beginning.

It is already known that this 313 Earth is a wasteland world after the nuclear war. The oceans have all been evaporated, there is no water vapor in the air, and there are large and small craters one after another, just like the surface of the moon.

If nothing else, the radiation level on the surface is definitely not suitable for human survival. If there were vampires here, they should have been underground, even under the dry seabed.

I don’t know what was wrong with the people who lived on this earth before. As for blowing up every inch of the ocean? Is this just dropping nuclear bombs until they can’t stop? Or is it simply that the people on the surface are at war with Atlantis?

The entire planet was almost burned to glass, even the North and South Poles were not spared.

Su Ming was still on the surface, seemingly leisurely playing with the soil, just to see if he could find a place similar to a shelter.

The location where the two of them are now is where Washington, D.C., in other worlds is located. All the cities in this world were razed to the ground during the war.

Su Ming came here to look for the underground fortifications of the White House. There must be a command terminal and database there.

Of course, this is also a bet. Maybe the capital of the United States on this earth is New York, but no matter what, as long as it is in the Marvel universe, there is a high probability that the United States exists, even if it has existed before.

As we all know, there is a three-defense fortification with a very high security level under the white house. As long as you find that giant bunker, you can understand the background of the world so that you can make a plan.

The landform has been greatly changed, and it is a little troublesome to search. You can only rely on strangulation and a method similar to prospecting - the tentacles turn into drills to bury explosives deep underground, and then detonate the explosives to feel whether the shock wave hits something large nearby. Special echo.

Of course, for a strangler with tens of millions of tentacles, it only takes a little time to search a city, not to mention the big craters created by these nuclear bombs also save a lot of trouble.

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