The Death Knell

Chapter 2644 Demon Lun appears

Naturally, the old man would not really wait for the mental hospital to send a car. He immediately explained at a very fast speed what a spider totem was, what a weaver, a bride, a gatekeeper, etc. were, and he also told Peter about the web of life in the multiverse. secret.

Then he warned Peter that because the young spider was using spider powers without concealment, all spiders on the earth may have been targeted by the Morlun family, and those vampire bastards who feed on various totems have been exposed. Minions.

Xiaochong didn't believe it at first, but as the old man gave evidence one by one, he became doubtful. When the call from the mental hospital was connected, he hung up the call with his mind full of worries.

"So, I am actually a living totem, a coordinate of the spider web of life in this single world?"

"It's much easier to talk to scientists. You have completely understood what I mean." Ezekiel nodded and took out a pipe from his arms. His old face was full of solemnity: "The Morlun family uses the totem of He feeds on souls and is not a simple vampire. You must hide carefully or notify the Avengers to help you."

"I had a falling out with the Avengers a long time ago. Captain's death is equivalent to Iron Man killing him." Xiaochong lost his temper after hearing about the Avengers, as if he remembered when Captain was shot dead in front of the court. Scenario: "However, you said that communicating with me is much easier, which means that you have had difficult experiences before. Who else have you found?"

"A Korean girl, she was very uncooperative with me, so I could only put her under protective house arrest. In my company, there is a secret mezzanine in the Ezekiel Building." The old man was very calm, with a look of helplessness on his face. The look on his face shows his difficulties.

Peter obviously didn't like this method.

"It is against the law to imprison others illegally. Sir, this is going too far. It's like those people in the military want to arrest and imprison all unregistered sects."

"But if I don't restrict her scope of action, as the 'bride' she will definitely attract the Morlun family, and she will be dead by then." Ezekiel admitted the accusation of illegal detention, and also expressed his own point of view: "Do you want her to live without freedom, or to die after enjoying a short period of freedom?"

Peter shook his head. He had never seen any Morlun family, let alone what kind of vampire could scare Spider-Man.

He was very confident in his own strength, so he didn't think what the old man did was right:

"She should be allowed to choose whether she lives or dies. This is called human rights. Sir, I suggest you give up your behavior of infringing on others immediately."

"You don't still don't understand..." Ezekiel shook his head slowly and refused to let go: "As the totem of the previous generation, it is my responsibility to protect you. For the multiverse You can never imagine the extent of the darkness, let alone how powerful the Morlun family is. In fact, if possible, I would even suggest that you escape from this single universe and seek shelter in the center of the spider web."

Xiaochong rejected this proposal without thinking, because there were still Mary and Aunt May, and he could not abandon them.

"Just by saying that, I can't completely believe you. So, do you have any photos of the vampire named Mo Lun? It would be better if you have a video. If he is really as strong as you say, I will think about it. You behaved appropriately."

The answer is of course no. If the spider encounters Mo Lun, it will basically be a dead end, so how can it leave any video data?

Just as the two were standing on the rooftop communicating, a golden portal suddenly appeared not far away, and a tall man with white hair and a pale face walked out.

The other party was wearing a red sailor coat and was holding a bloody stabbing sword in his hand. After seeing the two of them, he bowed gracefully like a noble, then licked his teeth and stared at the prey with a strange smile.

"Looks like I'm lucky, the two totems are together. Good evening, prey."

His voice was like fingernails scratching a blackboard, and just hearing it made the hairs on Peter's body stand on end.

It was like a mouse meeting a cat, or a small fish meeting a cormorant. It was the feeling of an animal being targeted by a natural enemy. The heart of the little insect seemed to be squeezed by the cold moonlight in an instant.

Ezekiel reacted faster. He immediately attacked the opponent and reminded Peter loudly:

"It's Morlun, run away from Spider-Man, I'll help you hold him down!"

"Hold me? Haha, a totem that is about to decay, what gives you such confidence?" The strange visitor who looked like a European noble raised his rapier, and his other hand was even busy arranging the European-style multi-layered clothes on his chest. Receiver: "Besides, I'm here just for you this time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the originally graceful man suddenly turned into a terrifying image with a green face and fangs. Even the bones under his face were deformed. His big mouth opened to his chest like a snake, and he lunged at Ezekiel with his fangs bared. Come.

Although the old spider is old, as a totem, his abilities are not inferior at all.

Immediately, he leaned back on the iron bridge to avoid the rapier stabbing towards his chest, then swung from side to side like a Matrix, and performed a rabbit kicking an eagle during the backflip.

With two bangs, the soles of the feet wearing retro round-toe shoes were imprinted on Mo Lun's chest, kicking him backwards and even falling off the rooftop.

Ezekiel landed firmly beside Peter, on guard.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Peter immediately started clapping for a good fight.

He himself is not very good at fighting skills. He usually relies on strength and agility to do it. Now the old man's fighting method is so beautiful that people can't help themselves.

However, the old man pushed him, pointed in another direction and shouted in a low voice: "Get out of here quickly! Don't stand there!"

While he was talking, Mo Lun, who had just been kicked away, suddenly jumped out from the edge of the rooftop, and rushed over again with a dark red light all over his body. Ezekiel also raised his fists to meet him, and fought hard with him. Past.

Will Peter escape?

Of course not, he is Spider-Man, how could he let an old man fight with the enemy while he just stood by and watched.

So he joined, but he was very smart. The two of them were in an airtight battle group, and they both fought fast, and he couldn't get involved.

Therefore, he chose to keep a medium distance and use the spider silk launchers on his two wrists for assistance. If he could hit the enemy and stick him to the floor, wouldn't he win?

The idea is good, but it is too difficult to implement.

Just the air shock wave caused by the collision of fists and feet when Totem and Molun fought caused the cobweb liquid to fly everywhere. The cobweb was good at everything, but the biggest problem was that it was too light.

When Peter saw that this method was not working, he began to look around for any props that could be used, such as antennas or drainage pipes, which could be used as weapons.

After all, Morlun has a sword, and both of us are bare-handed. When neither strength nor speed has an advantage, having weapons will certainly have an advantage.

"Wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!"

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