The Death Knell

Chapter 2645 Preserved Food

But before he finished speaking, the form changed.

Perhaps because he couldn't attack for a long time, Mo Lun gradually lost his patience, and he began to release a very special ability.

I couldn't see any special movements on his part. Just with a sudden breath, a dark red light was pulled out of Ezekiel's body and flowed into Morlun's mouth like a dragon sucking water.

It can be said that the effect was immediate, as Molun's speed and strength became stronger and stronger visibly to the naked eye.

In contrast, the old man looked older and his movements were slower.

"Let's go!"

Ezekiel shouted at Peter, and while struggling to hold on, the old man asked Peter to leave again.

"No! Let's go together!"

Spidey firmly believes in Captain America's philosophy and will never abandon his comrades in battle.

He didn't care about finding any weapons and jumped directly towards Mo Lun. Even though I don’t have any fighting skills, it’s okay as long as I can hit the opponent, right?

Facts have proved that when he joined the battle circle, he gained no advantage. Molun's strength and speed overwhelmingly surpassed the two of them. Even as the battle time passed, the monster became more and more red and full of energy. .

"Don't worry, come one by one, you are all the food of the family!"

Ezekiel gritted his teeth and shot out two spider threads from his wrist. There were two capsules under his skin, and the threads were ejected from there.

The original thin silk thread was not enough to be used as a weapon, but when many threads were entangled together, it really turned into two whip-like weapons.

Although the totem power in his soul is constantly being sucked away by the enemy, Ezekiel can still persist in fighting. Since Peter doesn't want to leave, let's try to see if two people can kill this Morlun.

When the whips were thrown out, their unique elasticity could bounce up on the ground, shaking back and forth like a poisonous snake looking for a target to entangle. Ezekiel's movements were also very fast, like lightning.

"Go and attack his back." Ezekiel pointed out to Peter, even if it was Morlun, he had no eyes on the back of his head.

"Okay!" Peter agreed, dodging the sword flowers that flashed above his head, rolling on the ground and sneaking behind the opponent, and launched a series of rapid attacks like a violent storm towards the enemy's broad back.

Afterimages of his fists were thrown out, and the sound of the collision with the enemy's body even became a long roar. Within a few seconds, he punched more than a dozen punches.

However, usually even the 'rhinoceros' would be knocked away with a full blow from him. After these dozen punches, Mo Lun did not move at all. He just stood there, letting his back be exposed, allowing Peter to hit him at will. He was still attacking Ezekiel frantically.

Xiaochong took a deep breath. When his fists failed, he changed his legs again, shot spider silk to the ground on the left and right with both hands, retreated to accumulate power according to the principle of bow and arrow, and then jumped and kicked.

He used his full strength, and any ordinary house would be knocked down by this blow.

Unfortunately, it was still useless. The attack landed on Mo Lun like a mud cow entering the sea. It had no effect. This time, even the sound of the blow could not be heard.

"Is that it? The eight-legged insect, is this the totem of the 616 universe? It's really funny." Morlun fought Ezekiel head-on, and turned his head 180 degrees, showing a contemptuous smile towards Peter: "If you are tired of fighting Now, it’s my turn, right?”

"Kill him! Spider-Man!" Ezekiel became even older. He looked like a shriveled skeleton, and his nose couldn't even hold his eyes.

"But me, I don't know how to kill people!"

Spider-Man was at a loss. Although he tried his best, he never thought about killing the enemy. In his heart, he was unwilling to harm any living thing.

Ezekiel was so angry that he almost vomited blood. At this time, Spider-Man's non-killing principle turned into a weakness, which was almost fatal.

He was about to say something and teach Peter how to kill, but Morlun seized this opportunity and suddenly exerted his strength.

Although these special vampires are not as fast as the reaction of spiders, sometimes they can react but their bodies cannot dodge. The old man was careless and did not dodge.

Morlun gathered the energy of his soul in his right hand, used red light to pull apart Ezekiel's spider silk whip, and entangled them together for wrestling.

But that was just a cover. He pulled hard suddenly, and the sudden burst of power was far beyond what the prey was accustomed to before, causing it to lose its balance.

At the same time, the thin sword in his left hand suddenly emerged from under the windbreaker like a poisonous snake, and the sword penetrated Ezekiel's chest.

The huge force directly punched a hole the size of a human head in the chest, and half of the thick arms passed through the chest, lifting the body high.

The vampire turned around and whipped Peter away, who couldn't keep up with his reaction speed, and kicked him away. He hit the wall on the edge of the rooftop hard, and the concrete burst and fell off, and he fell downstairs.

Seeing Peter struggling to get up after being hit, Morlun changed back to his handsome face. The hand holding the rapier stretched out his little finger to stroke his long white hair, and slowly shook his head:

"It's so weak, it seems like it's not mature yet..."

After muttering an inexplicable word, Morlun raised his arms, lifted the dead Ezekiel above his head, raised his face and opened his mouth.

The distant full moon hangs in the sky, and the dead-eyed Ezekiel hangs softly on the vampire's forearm. The blood mixed with black and red energy flows down the hole in his chest and flows into between the fangs. .

Accompanied by the sound of swallowing, within a few seconds the old spider turned into a puddle of dust, which was blown away by the wind on the rooftop and disappeared.

Molun's eyes glowed red, absorbing the soul energy of another totem, which increased his strength and made him feel full.


When Xiaochong saw Ezekiel's tragic death, he felt the extremely sad emotion in his soul and couldn't help but scream.

The vampire just smiled slightly, walked over to Peter who was still struggling to get up, and stepped on his head:

"You are the last one. I won't kill you now because you are too weak. I can take your life at any time."

The skull made a cracking sound, and Spider-Man felt that his head was about to be crushed, and he couldn't even scream.

The red energy on the opponent's body and the terrifying aura made him unable to move, and he could only use his fingers to press the ground with all his strength.

However, Mo Lun really didn't take action immediately, but planned to keep him alive first. Just when Xiaochong's vision was bloodshot and distorted, he took away his foot.

"Strive to become stronger, Peter Parker of Earth 616, strengthen your soul, grow well, become more delicious, become sweeter, and then... when I come to you again, become my nutrition ! Hahahahaha!”

After saying that, he picked up Spider-Man with the toe of his shoe and gently kicked him off the tall building. He turned around and left, walked into the portal that appeared behind him, and disappeared in an instant.

Peter's vision went dark as he fell from the high building, but the howling wind still woke him up from almost shock before he fell to the ground. His hands subconsciously shot out spider silk, and then used a large swing to resolve the kinetic energy.

Climb up the outer wall of the building and quickly return to the rooftop, but there is no trace of the enemy here, only the moonlight and the roar of the wind.

Peter came to the place where Ezekiel disappeared in a daze, knelt down weakly on the ground, stretched out his hands to collect the dust in front of him, held the spider logo on his chest, and cried silently.

Just like the old man said before, totems connect all spiders on another level. This feeling now is as painful as losing a loved one.

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