The Death Knell

Chapter 2652 Time Travel Hypothesis

The sunlight outside the window is moving, and the shadows of the treetops are also moving on the floor. Time flies by inadvertently.

The guy who invaded the Marvel forum was easily solved. When comic fans and movie fans unite, the fighting power that breaks out is unparalleled, especially those who are fans of Captain America actor Chris and their fans. After one set is played, the enemy will soon be sprayed with doubts about their life.

Finally, it ends with the administrator deleting his account and blocking his IP address.

In fact, at first, Gwen thought that the butt fans were all fangirls. Later, she gradually discovered that this strange group was mostly men. She was surprised and seemed to understand something.

After defeating the invaders, the proud Gwen did not celebrate the victory with her comrades. Instead, she smiled like a victorious general, picked up the cold milk on the bedside and drank it down, as if she was drinking the wine of victory. .

It's not enough, far from enough. Defeating the invaders is just the beginning!

As her confidence grew, she launched a counterattack alone.

She went to the DC forum to register an account, and then posted a group joke, and then she began an arduous battle.

Crackling and banging sounds kept coming from the bedroom. The former was the sound of hard tapping on the keyboard, while the latter was the sound of fists hitting the table.

Gwen's toes were squeezed together tightly, and she was gasping for air. The battle was so fierce.

Compared to Marvel fans’ fandom tactics and private chat harassment, DC fans’ eccentric attitudes are not in vain. Not long after the counterattack began, someone opened a new post on the forum, asking the person behind the account ‘Spider-Man Beloved’, That is, Gwen underwent psychological profiling.

Judging from the language habits and way of thinking, the owner of the account should be a young girl with very immature thoughts.

Moreover, the error rate in English word spelling and slang usage is too high, and you should not be able to get into college in the United States.

Every line of the text reveals the atmosphere of dead house and decadence. He should be an old man with no income.

The analysis of several thousand words was well-founded, and in the end he used the condescending tone of DC fans to persuade his comrades to calm down, saying not to care about the losers in life. Sooner or later, such people will end up in places like Arkham.

There was a chorus of agreement below the post.

Batman121212 left a message saying: "The poster is right, Spider-Man himself is a teenager, and the person whose online name is related to him should also be a young girl."

The flower that wanted to lick the clown left a message saying: "Haha, what a poor girl, Gotham welcomes you."

The bald man’s brightest message today: “Touch the clown upstairs, are you really in Gotham? Take me with you through time!”


The post quickly went awry, and Gwen thought she had a fierce battle with the opponent. However, the enemy finally said that nothing happened, and even ignored her and started talking about other things.

That bullshit psychological analysis was perfect, and she was labeled as a 'psychopath' and a 'loser', and was ignored like a mosquito. Gwen's mentality exploded.


The girl in front of the computer roared angrily, slamming her fists on her chest like Donkey Kong. She hated herself for not living up to expectations and actually analyzing it exactly the same as others.

What she hates even more is that no one comes to support her. The whole day has passed. She has been fighting here all day. The sun outside the window doesn't know when it turned into the moon. Not a single person on the Marvel forum can help. .

After venting, she suddenly felt cold, as if she had been abandoned by the whole world. She couldn't help but retract her legs and curled up on the chair in a daze.

Suddenly, her Skype rang, and a contact's profile picture flashed in the status bar.

Gwen, who was about to delete the post and shut down her phone, was stunned for a moment and pointed the mouse at it by accident.

That was a very unfamiliar name. At least she couldn't remember when she had added this person as a friend. However, his online name was "Almighty Stan" and his avatar was a picture of Stan Lee, the father of Marvel. He didn't seem to be an enemy.

Clicking on the message sent by the other party, it was very simple. The stranger asked her:

"Little girl, do you like Marvel?"

Looking at the flashing input symbols, Gwen scratched his bird's nest-like hair. This question was a bit puzzling. If he was not a fan, how could he add his own?

"Who are you?"

The other party answered immediately, as if the time to type didn't even exist:

"It doesn't matter who I am, sometimes I'm a postman, sometimes I'm a gardener, sometimes I'm a general, but the key is who do you want to be? If you could travel to a Marvel world like Earth 616 and live with superheroes, Who do you want to be?”

Gwen showed a smile. As soon as the other person said these words, it sounded like he was an old man.

What about changing identities, traveling through comics, and having close contact with superheroes? Aren’t these all unrealistic fantasies?

But she doesn't hate this, because she is also such a person. She has fantasized about becoming a superhero more than once. Besides, she is in a bad mood now. She is humiliated by DC fans and has doubts about life. She just needs to talk about other things with her colleagues.

"If I could travel through time, I would want to become a woman like Black Cat. Dangerous, mysterious, sexy, independent, and free. She is ranked 27th among the hottest comic characters in the United States. She is not the top, but she is good enough. use."

As she typed and sent, Gwen actually envied the black cat's figure. She herself was almost like an airport.

The mysterious netizen Stan replied almost instantly.

"Oh? What about the female Thor or Captain Marvel?" Almighty Stan's reply was very long, and a dialog box popped up instantly: "Don't want superpowers? Like flying, heat vision, super-speed self-healing, etc.?"

"No, it's too dangerous. They say that with great power comes great responsibility, so I don't want power or responsibility." Gwen shook her head repeatedly in front of the computer and hurriedly denied: "I'm just an ordinary person, and there's nothing wrong with me. With a superhero’s mentality and spirit of sacrifice, you can just hide when encountering a big incident. When the superpowers fight in the sky, I will watch the news in the safe house and cheer them on.”

"That's it. It's a good ideal. To live a peaceful life in a place as dangerous as 616 is also a high pursuit."

The other party did not laugh at Gwen's idea, but seemed to support it.

Gwen sniffed and showed a cute smile:

"I just want to be able to make friends freely without having to worry about finding a job or going to school. Besides, no matter how strong your superpowers are, you will still die when it's time to die. There are not too many characters who are killed by the plot, so Deadpool's The saying is right, popularity is the key, as long as you are popular, you will not die."

"Do you like Deadpool's magazine?" a dialog box pops up.

The girl tilted her mouth and typed: "I don't like it. I was disgusted after just reading the beginning. Moreover, he loves to say dirty words and dirty jokes, which makes me disgusted twice as much."

"I understand, do you have any Marvel comics around you? From Earth 616." The netizen asked another strange question.

"Yes, I still have the new issue of Avengers that I just bought yesterday. Why do you ask? Let me first say that it is illegal to spread scanned copies on the Internet."

Gwen was a little curious, but the new issue was left beside the bed, together with her socks. She didn't go to get it, but just picked up another comic "Spider-Verse" next to the computer desk.

A netizen sent a message: "Secure it."

Just when the girl was confused, the comic book in her hand suddenly unfolded, and a strong suction force came out, sucking her into the book like noodles.

"Whoosh, snap."

The book closed and fell to the ground, and the girl disappeared, leaving only the pink computer chair still spinning slowly.

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