The Death Knell

Chapter 2653 Very angry

Following a ray of light, Su Ming and Xiao Wang arrived in New York on Earth 616. Now that they had some free time, he planned to see what the Spider-Man of 616 was like now.

The moonlight is bright and the city is still bustling. Compared with New York in 40K Earth, this place is only a little bit outdated.

New York is still New York, it is both heaven and hell. When Su Ming arrived, he heard gunshots coming from Hell's Kitchen, like firecrackers.

The two of them are currently in Queens, and the street lights are not very bright. This is what the old community looks like.

"It's strange that our transmission was not blocked by anyone." Xiao Wang touched his chest and rubbed his thighs, feeling that it was not real: "Logically speaking, illegal intruders like us should attract the Supreme Mage of this earth. Just pay attention.”

"Haha, maybe other universes are okay, but 616 is out of the question." Su Ming took a newspaper picked up from the street and pointed to the black Captain America on it: "At this point in time, the card on Earth 616 Martaj is already finished, and now the Supreme Mage is Strange.”

"Strange?" Wang's expression twisted. He is the guardian of Kama Taj. After rigorous and comprehensive training, he will never laugh under normal circumstances: "Pfft, haha, ha... ..."

But Deathstroke’s joke is so funny, how could it be Strange’s turn to be the Supreme Mage? It's almost like Saddam became president of the United States.

However, he laughed so much that he rubbed his belly, but Deathstroke did not laugh, but just silently lowered his head and read the newspaper.

Wang soon stopped laughing, and the expression on his face was replaced by shock: "Master, is what you said true? The Karma Taj of this universe has died?"

"Yes, the three major temples were destroyed, the earth's protective array was completely ineffective, 90% of the Kama Taj mages died in the battle, and the remaining survivors took refuge in the demon gods of different dimensions."

Su Ming flipped through the newspaper in his hand and looked at the new news. What attracted more attention was the loss of Stark Industries:

"The only normal mage who survived is Strange, and you in this world. These two people are temporarily living in the Holy of Holies in New York, but the magic circle there is long gone, and now it is just an ordinary house."

Wang took a deep breath, and the New York night seemed to be sucked into his lungs, and his tone of voice became lower: "How could it be...Yes, you don't exist on this earth."

Deathstroke shrugged and continued walking under the moonlight: "It can be said that the Ancient One of this earth passed away his identity as the Supreme Mage to Strange, and the latter killed Kama Taj eight hundred times in one month. Years of accumulation have all failed, and Earth 616 is a completely undefended place in terms of magic."

Surprised, Xiao Wang looked in the direction of the Holy of Holies in New York: "What about Master Modu?"

"Going to Sithorne." Deathstroke answered while flipping through the newspaper.

"Where is Casillas?" Xiao Wang asked Kama Taj, a recognized genius.

"I have taken refuge in Dormammu," said the Supreme Mage.

"...Master Merlin won't surrender to the enemy, right? Where's Master Monaco?" Xiao Wang still didn't give up.

Just like Deathstroke said, the king in this city feels a serious threat. The power of different dimensions is overwhelmingly pressing on the main dimension of the earth, like countless swords hanging above his head.

"Merlin in 616 went crazy and disappeared, and Monaco died in hell to save Strange." Su Ming closed the newspaper, walked to the vending machine on the side of the road, and kicked it lightly.

He bent down and picked up the two cans of coffee that fell out. They were quite cold. He gave one to Xiao Wang and asked the butler to drink it to refresh himself. He would have to do more business later.

"CTM bastard, no, I'm going to beat myself up in this world!" Xiao Wang cursed the Three-Character Sutra in Chinese, rolled up the sleeves of his coat and drew circles on the spot, preparing to teleport to the Sanctuary of New York: "Although I understand that parallel universes are none of my business, but knowing that the other me is a waste makes me furious."

Su Ming opened the can in his hand, took a sip, smacked his lips and said:

"Do you really want to go? Okay, but you'd better disguise your appearance and become a woman. Strange's weaknesses are 'doesn't want to hit women' and 'can't fight until he's at full health'. I'll find it myself Just Spider-Man, it’s easier to find someone in modern society than in the apocalypse of the wasteland.”

Xiao Wang opened the portal with one hand, and cast a spell with the other hand to turn himself into the appearance of Marilyn Monroe. He nodded to the Supreme Mage and entered the door majestically.


Watching the aperture turn into a bright spot in front of his eyes and dissipate, Deathstroke shook his head helplessly, which is understandable.

Xiao Wang's family has been loyal to Kama Taj for generations, and now he suddenly knows that the ancient master is dead, and the legacy left behind has been squandered by the prodigal son, leaving the earth unprotected in a dangerous and mysterious side...

Su Ming became angry after taking in this story for a moment.

But let’s do some research first.

"Adjutant, hack into the communication network of Earth 616, check the mobile phone users registered as Peter Parker in New York City, and lock the coordinates through the triangulation of the signal base station. I am waiting for your news."

Standing on the street in New York at night, Su Ming, who was drinking coffee, stretched out his hand to hold the traffic light at the intersection. The strangulating tentacles in the darkness spread along the steel and penetrated into the control box of the signal light.

"During execution, a multi-layered firewall system signed by 'Stark Industries Friday' has been detected in the communication network. The cracking has begun. Please wait." The adjutant's voice sounded in his mind, as calm and elegant as ever.

It seemed to take some time, but the adjutant had already entered the system, so there was no need for him to hold the traffic light on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

After drinking the coffee, Su Ming turned around and was going to sit in the corner park for a while, catch some drug dealers and other small people, read some memories and so on.


But at this moment, he felt the sight coming from behind and heard the sound of rapid breathing. Although it was very faint, super soldiers have super hearing.

"Oh? A witness?"

After saying this to himself, he suddenly disappeared.

Gwen, who was lurking in the roadside garden, was suddenly so panicked that she didn't even bother to hide. She stood up and looked around, as if trying to find the trace of the death knell.

However, after the afterimage on the retina dissipated, the death knell seemed to blend into the night. The surrounding environment was dead silent. She could only hear the thumping of her heart and the blood flowing to her brain. She even felt like crying.

"It's over, this must be Gotham. When the bat lights in the sky light up, Batman will see the body of my victim..." She squatted down and began to cry in despair.

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