The Death Knell

Chapter 2657 Clone Star

What appeared in front of a few people was a steampunk-style city. In addition to skyscrapers made of metal and pipes, there were chimneys everywhere within the visible range, and slow airships flew in the sky, lifting people or goods. .

Many searchlights poured out beams of light, leaving round spots on the clouds, which were very beautiful in the dark night.

In the densely lit area in the center of the city, you can see a huge statue of a middle-aged man in a trench coat, raising his hand to release an owl.

In addition to the most conspicuous statues, many buildings are also decorated with various images of owls, some spreading their wings and about to fly, some sleeping with their eyes closed, etc. These statues are all made of brass and look bright under the light. Magnificent.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building, Deathstroke and his three friends were observing the city below them. Xiao Wang looked a little bruised and swollen, which caused Gwen to peek at him from time to time.

But whenever the king noticed his gaze, Gwen would turn her head to the other side, pretending that nothing had happened.

After several rounds like this, Xiao Wang still couldn't help it anymore: "What? Have you never seen anyone injured in a fight?"

Originally, he was the king who teleported to sneak attack on Earth 616. He put the opponent in a sack and beat him with fists and kicks. But who knew that Strange was not a martial artist and attracted the attention of the beholder, and even beat him twice. He alone even used weapons.

After several rounds of fighting, Xiao Wang also lost the prize. In order not to be targeted by the old rulers, he had to drop a few harsh words and sneak back to Deathstroke.

As soon as he came back, he found that there was a girl beside Deathstroke, and Xiao Wang immediately understood.

The Supreme Mage likes to groom little girls everywhere. This seems to be the person he has chosen, and he should get along well with her.

But this girl kept peeking at him with strange eyes, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Nothing, um, are you the king of Karma Taj?" Gwen's little hand gestured in the air. After all, this man in a robe still wears a hanging ring on his hand, which is the symbol of the Karma Taj mage. Based on some reasoning based on age and Asian appearance, there should be only Wang.

"It's me, that's right." Xiao Wang touched his face and applied some ointment.

"But aren't you supposed to be the guardian of the Sorcerer Supreme? Why did you leave Doctor Strange?" Gwen blinked. She felt very confused, as if she had read her own comics in vain.

"I did follow the Supreme Mage." Xiao Wang probably understood what was going on, and then looked at the death knell standing on the edge of the rooftop: "Master, didn't you tell her your identity?"

"Anyway, she will know sooner or later. Once we bring her back to 40K Earth, we will let her figure it out for herself." Su Ming waved his hands indifferently. He was memorizing the building layout and landmarks in the city, and reasoning about the direction and location of the underground pipelines.

Generally speaking, underground sewers will be wider in places that look like residential areas or large factories.

By walking along the spacious sewer, it is easy to find the main road, and then find the control room or a place that can be used as a temporary safe house.

He had already guessed which numbered earth the two Molun sisters had escaped from, so he had to make some preparations before taking action.

"What identity?"

Gwen started to act cute, holding her little hands in front of the airport, swaying her body from side to side, and jumping up and down curiously.

When Wang saw the master, he did not object to his disclosure. In addition, Gwen's little face looked harmless, so he answered:

"In our world, Master Deathstroke is the Supreme Mage, the controller of Karma Taj, who is responsible for protecting the earth from the forces of the mysterious side."

"Wow! Is he so strong?" Gwen exclaimed, spreading her little hands and fingers in front of Yuanyuan's mouth: "A person from DC can actually be the Supreme Mage. Was Master Ancient One killed by him?"

Xiao Wang frowned. He didn't like Gwen's unabashed assumption, and the tone of her voice also revealed a disregard for life.

She is obviously a young girl, why would she guess that Master Deathstroke killed Master Ancient One? And still so excited?

"No, it was Master Gu Yi who passed the position to Master Deathstroke. However, she went on a trip on her own, and I haven't seen her for a long time." Xiao Wang took a deep breath and walked away a little bit unwillingly.

This kind of character of looking forward to the death of others while enjoying the fun of oneself seems to have been seen in the cousin of the Supreme Mage.

"What? Your Ancient One Master is a woman? Isn't that the same as the MCU? Is she bald? Does she like Dormammu? Is she good at negotiating terms?"

But Gwen was even more enthusiastic, chasing Xiao Wang and asking questions non-stop, with a look of innocence on her face.

As a comic book fan, of course I want to know who is stronger. Isn’t it normal to compare two characters?

But Xiao Wang has ignored her. No matter how coquettish or cute she is, or even trying to tempt her with the remaining half bottle of soda, Wang seems to have not heard her.

She had no choice but to bravely walk to the death knell.

First he looked at the city, then turned to look at Deathstroke's mask, holding his fingers in his mouth and looking at it curiously.

After repeating this for a while, she stretched out her little crystal-stained hand and waved it in front of Deathstroke: "Slade, this should be Earth 802, the Earth occupied by the Morlun family, and also their cloning base."

Su Ming nodded and retracted his foot from stepping on the low wall at the edge of the rooftop:

"I think so too, and that's good news."

Another difficulty with the Morlun family is that they use cloned vampires to act as soldiers.

For example, the one killed by Deathstroke may still have many clones active on different earths, and here, in a certain nutrient tank, there are a lot of them.

The Morlun family's cloning technology is very good. It can not only copy the body of vampires, but also their souls. The re-created people even have the same personality as the original ones.

The ultimate goal of their research is to clone the life force and soul force in the totem. In this way, they can mass-produce spider totems and achieve a perfect closed loop of self-sufficiency.

But after trying it countless times, this experiment has so far only succeeded in half of the soul aspect.

The Morlun family obtained different living totem cells from different universes and brought them back here for cloning experiments.

However, they can clone creatures, even reproduce human souls, and replicate the abilities of corresponding totems, but they cannot reproduce the unique energy in that totem.

That is, life energy, the energy belonging to animal gods.

For example, if the web of life incarnated by the Spider God is not recognized by it as a totem, it is equivalent to not being activated.

To use an analogy from Su Ming’s previous life...

The cloned Spider-Man is like a Win10 system that has not been activated. It can be used just fine, but there is a disgusting watermark in the lower right corner of the screen, and there is no way to obtain all the functions. For example, it cannot access the Microsoft account and cannot be used. Official online streaming or something like that.

For the Morlun family, there is no life energy in the replica totem, and eating such a totem is simply not enough. This is just like the reason why other vampires drink human blood instead of the blood of pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

Only special blood contains special things that allow them to continue to survive.

"Okay, get ready to go into the sewers. The goal is to purify and occupy the world and get rid of the Morlun family." Deathstroke turned and left, and the black cloak began to deform, becoming two inconspicuous headbands, flying up and fixed Behind his head: "Adjutant, inform the Sky Council and the fleet to be on standby, and the ghost universe begins to dock with this universe."

"Cool!" Looking at Deathstroke's handsome back as he left to give orders, Gwen licked her lips: "I haven't gone through the sewer yet. Is this a dark tactic from DC? YES!"

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