The Death Knell

Chapter 2658 Underground encounter

"I originally thought that vampires didn't need sewers." Walking side by side with Deathstroke in the dark and deep sewers, Gwen rolled her eyes and complained: "I was disillusioned. It turns out that vampires also have to go to the toilet and wash the dishes after meals. Washing cups, that’s not elegant at all.”

The death knell in the darkness laughed, and his voice echoed in the corridor, especially eerie.

The inside of the sewer is very dry, and the old filth has long since turned into dust. At this time, there is no even smell, let alone the sound of water flow.

The metal passage walls were clean and smooth, and there was no sticky substance between the pipes above the head. However, in the distance, some rustling sounds could be heard, indicating that there must be animals living underground.

"Actually, they don't need to go to the toilet. After all, they make a living by sucking souls and energy, and they don't produce any food residue." Su Ming spread his hands, floated up, and carried Gwen and Xiao Wang forward quickly: "This is the earth. Speaking of this, what do you think is the representative creature on earth?"

"Uh, dinosaurs? I still remember that spring break trip to New York's Museum of Natural History with my friends. What a wonderful memory."

Gwen tightened her pink fur coat tightly, with a nostalgic look on her face.

Then I didn’t get into college, couldn’t find a job, often lost in online battles, couldn’t improve my typing speed, and was just a useless otaku...

Thinking of this, her happy expression quickly turned into one of pain.

"The representative species on the earth is of course human beings." Su Ming shook his head speechlessly, moving quickly in the darkness, and said with the sound of wind whistling in his ears: "This Earth 802 was once a planet belonging to humans, but later The magpie's nest has been occupied by the Morlun family."

Most of Marvel's Earths are the birthplaces of humanity, with the exception of a few worlds with anthropomorphic animals, such as the Earth of Monster Ducks or the Earth of Apes.

Human cities naturally have sewers. After the Morlun family occupied the world, there was no need to dismantle these complex underground facilities. After all, it was thankless. They didn't even bother to dismantle those buildings because the statues were still there.

The Morlun family is not the Court of Owls. They are soul-sucking bats. How could they have owl statues everywhere in the city?

According to the information from past lives and several recent contacts, members of the Morlun family do not have any owl-related decorations on their bodies, so it can be deduced that the statues seen are the relics of their predecessors.

Su Ming had a guess. Earth 802 probably once belonged to an animal god, maybe called the Night Owl God or the Owl God, right? The humans here also believe in it and thus gain the power of totem.

Because statues are the most intuitive ‘totem’ in human understanding.

Society has followed the technology tree of steampunk. Apart from environmental pollution, there are not many problems. There are even rich resources to create statues of gods and rulers everywhere.

But the good times didn't last long. The Morlun family came. These vampires who fed on totems ate up everything here, leaving empty planets and cities for themselves to live in.

There is also a high possibility that the owl god of this earth fell into their hands.

But in Time Travel Invasion 802, you must first be able to travel through time before you can come over and capture the totem here. This shows that the Morlun family’s multi-dimensional travel methods have nothing to do with this bird god.

The Spider God has long been invited by Deathstroke to cooperate, and even the Weaver Master is now in Sepulk. Morlun and the others' methods of traveling through the multiverse must be different from those in the comics. What could it be?

In addition, the leader of the Morlun clan, ‘Father’, is capable of defeating Earth 13’s Captain Spider-Man. He should be at the multiverse level. We need to dig a hole for him to deal with it better...

"Slade, look, there's a boar!"

Just as he was thinking about these things, Gwen, who was being dragged flying at high speed, suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to the front of the sewer.

There were some vague silhouettes in the darkness, looking in the direction of the group of people with pairs of red eyes.

But the next second, countless red eyes lit up in the darkness, as if they were spreading to the stars in the sky, densely packed.

"That's not a wild boar, that's a rat."

Su Ming, whose path was blocked, stopped, took a brief glance, and came to a conclusion.

His vision was not affected in the darkness and he saw those things clearly.

The body is really as big as a wild boar, but the erect ears and the long tail trailing behind are not what pigs can look like. What kind of pig can have a tail longer than its body?

Moreover, these mice were so eerily quiet. There were at least a thousand of them. They could climb the surrounding walls without even making a sound.

They just looked at Deathstroke quietly, as if they knew he was the one who made the decision.

"Wow, such a big mouse? Can we go over and have a look?" Gwen became even more interested. Although she knew that anything could happen in the comic book world, it was still novel to see such a big man with her own eyes.

"These rats... seem to be planning to communicate with us?" Su Ming put the two of them down and took a few steps forward to observe these big rats at close range: "Be vigilant and I will contact you."

They didn't look dirty, but they just had bigger bones and each mouse looked skinny.

As the death knell approached, there was a bit of commotion among the rats. Many rats wanted to retreat, but after the leading rat barked a few times, the movement stopped.

Su Ming's eyes naturally fell on the rat that made the noise just now. It didn't seem to be trying to hide, but stood up on its hind legs, squatting there and looking at the death knell.

No matter what, the mouse's eyes look sneaky, and it always feels like it wants to steal something...

But after all, we are the original inhabitants of this earth. There are always scientists who say that rats and cockroaches will not become extinct even after the extinction of human beings. It is so true.

"Hi, can you understand English?"

Su Ming took out a piece of Elwynn Forest cheese from his pocket and tried to make friends with the boss rat.


The mouse stretched out its paws, grabbed the cheese, stuffed it into its mouth, and stored it like a squirrel.

But they're not rat people, and trying to get their oral structures to speak English may be a bit of a stretch.

"What do you want from me?" But that wasn't a problem, at least it was just a piece of cake for Deathstroke. He asked Strangler to branch out a silk-like tentacle, connect it to the mouse's paw, and directly translate the electrical signals.

"Come on, follow me."

The mouse's thinking is very simple, and there may be something wrong with the translation of strangulation, but the mouse really wants to take a few people to a place.

The group of rats began to move, making way for a few people to stay. The big rat in the lead began to lead the way and even turned around and barked a few times.

"As expected of the Supreme Mage, even rats can communicate. It's amazing." Seeing their body movements, Gwen immediately rushed to Su Ming's side and grabbed the tail of the rat on the ground: "They are inviting us to be guests. move?"

"Aren't you afraid that they will invite us to eat garbage?" Su Ming swatted away the hand that grabbed the mouse's tail and shook her head speechlessly: "But just follow us and take a look. The world seems to have changed a bit."

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