The Death Knell

Chapter 2660 Somewhere in the Almighty Universe

The Mouse Mage first introduced the history of Earth 802, then complained for a while, and finally offered to cooperate with Deathstroke to completely drive the Morlun family out of the Earth.

Su Ming did not agree immediately. Although it sounded good to have local reinforcements, these reinforcements were rat totems. When facing the Molun clan, they were like meat buns beating dogs.

So he said he would discuss it with the people around him and could not give an answer right away.

The master expressed his understanding and gave up a cave dwelling as a guest room for the guests to rest in.

"It's completely different from the comics I've read. Earth 802 shouldn't be like this." Gwen scratched her head crazily and walked along the wall: "In the original book, this is a planet-level cloning base. The city is filled with soldiers from the Morlun family, but the editor didn’t draw anything about what happened in the sewers!”

She began to panic. Understanding the plot was the time traveler's greatest advantage, but now that advantage was suddenly gone, she felt very guilty.

There are also so-called gods, although we know that gods are not valuable in the Marvel universe, and sometimes they are even just backgrounds.

But now I can’t even count as a background board, right? I am still a waste...

She became discouraged again.

Xiao Wang was much calmer. He leaned against the door of the cave dwelling and watched the rats walking back and forth outside: "Master, do we really want to cooperate with rats? If there really is an animal god behind them, this matter is possible. It will make a difference.”

The wise mice had a good attitude. Maybe they were a little excited after seeing Deathstroke and others because they hadn't seen humans for a long time.

But it is completely unclear what the attitude of the rat gods behind them is and what their temperament is.

"The numerical advantage of rats is obvious, and they are good to use as cannon fodder." Su Ming smoked calmly, the light of the cigarette butt flickering in the darkness: "It is not difficult for me to destroy this earth, planet bombs It can be done by just throwing it away. But I want those cloning equipment and technologies to accurately deal with the vampire scientists, and I also want to continue to track the traces of Morlun. This is not the end."

Speaking of which, the cloning base is quite important, but obviously, as a vampire family, the Morlun family will definitely not be based on a technological planet.

Getting rid of this place can only be said to have weakened the enemy's human wave tactics, but it will not make the opponent's top experts any weak.

"Clone? That's right. It sounds quite anti-human." Gwen didn't understand anything else. She just heard about clones. She cheered up and found a topic to cover up her troubles: "In my previous life, Cloning humans in the world is a taboo in the scientific community, now is there finally a chance to see it?"

The slightly fat Wang held his arms and thought for a moment: "Then we'd better split up with the rats and let them attract the firepower of the whole earth. Let's do something crucial."

"I think so too." Su Ming nodded and raised his hand to draw a map of the earth on the wall: "Let's get information from the mice and then choose the target. Cooperation is not impossible. As for driving them away this time Morlun, it doesn’t matter whether they will counterattack in the future, the key is to track more locations on the earth, this is a good time to expand the map.”


At the same time, the center of the almighty universe, the intersection of multiple dimensions.

There is a large, beautiful and peaceful continent here, like a giant plane floating in the sun. It is where the 'Starlight Fortress' is located and where the 'New Captain Britain's Legion' is stationed.

Almighty Merlin created this place, and then used swords in the stone and different clones to guide different British captains from various earths to arrive here, realizing an all-powerful universe-level monitoring system.

And now, there is a special young man, with a livid face sitting in a high-visibility single room decorated with Union Jack flags, using a strange device similar to a brainwave amplifier.

His name is William Braddock, and Earth-833 is his hometown. The special thing is that he is both Captain Britain and Spider-Man.

The red spider webs on the chest of the uniform formed the shape of the Union Jack, and even sitting in the monitoring room, the spider sense was still tingling his nerves.

The New Captain Britain Legion, an all-powerful cosmic-level force, sounds very noble, but it is more like an observation agency run by Captain Britain.

Their only job here is to check the mutations that have occurred in all super large, multidimensional, and single universes.

The mutations mentioned here refer to threats from outside the omnipotent universe, from the void, and from higher dimensions.

But so far, there has never been a threat of this level, and I don't know why Merlin established this organization. Most of the captains usually see small fights.

Therefore, everyone usually stays in their own room, looking through the billions of worlds through the device, and observing things that interest them.

Just now, the British Spider saw something terrible through the 'multi-level lens' of the 'observer' under the reminder of the spider sense.

That was a group of people hunting animal totems.

First, on Earth 1983, a man wearing classical aristocratic clothing killed the Spider-Man of that world, as well as his pregnant wife.

Then on Earth 999, a brother and sister, also dressed as nobles, ate the 'Spider Cat' of that world.

Next is Earth 7831. A noble middle-aged man named Desmond, who looks like the same special vampires before, is killing people.

All the inhabitants of this earth are anthropomorphic animals, all are totems, and the crazy man is sucking a red energy from their bodies.

Soon, a white-haired man named Janix appeared, called Desmond his brother, and persuaded him to go home for a meeting first, while the world stayed and ate slowly.

The picture was very cruel. William planned to follow him for a while, but Janix took out a small device and actually noticed his prying eyes.

Someone was able to make eye contact, and William was so frightened that he immediately went offline, because the other person not only noticed him, but also saw that he was a spider totem. The two perverts were drooling on the spot.

He felt an unprecedented threat, a threat to all animal totems.

So he left his observation room, walked out of his own floating island, jumped from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and like the British captains everywhere in the sky, flew to the Starlight Fortress sitting on the sea in the distance.

It was time to go to work. In the golden hall with a dome thousands of meters high, there were hundreds of thousands of seats on both sides. Representatives from different universes sat on those seats, recounting the difficulties of their own earth and asking for help from the United Kingdom. Captain Legion's help.

In this grand golden palace, the current manager of Captain Britain's Corps, the Supreme Queen Sartonian, is patrolling back and forth with the girl codenamed 'The Holy Mother'. ,

As the two members of the ruling class, they didn't know what had happened, and they looked worried at this time.

Almighty Merlin's daughter Roma, the Virgin with black hair tied into a ponytail, looked up at the somewhat busy scene in the hall and sighed: "The situation is getting worse, Her Majesty the Queen, the Almighty Universe 'Intrusion' alarms were heard from every corner."

The blonde woman next to her had a solemn face, and the hem of her snow-white dress was trailing on the clean ground.

The Queen touched her collar device made of white rabbit fur, shook her head slowly and replied: "The world is shattered one after another, Ms. Roma, and they all happen under my supervision. I cannot tolerate this happening."


The guard officer rushed to the two of them with an unconscious man in his arms. Here, even the most ordinary guard was Captain Britain from a certain universe.

"What happened? What happened to him?"

The Queen interrupted her discussion with the Holy Mother. The matter still needed to be kept secret. She took a deep breath and tried to make her voice sound steady and firm.

But the guard was very urgent, and his voice was trembling:

"This is Captain Lionheart of Earth 5682. He just escaped and sent a report. Earth 5682 and the other two single worlds adjacent to it were all destroyed. Queen, Holy Mother, what should we do?"

Sartonian was silent for a while, then waved her hand to signal the guards to take the unconscious person for treatment first, and then lowered her voice and said to Roma: "Holy Mother, the world is being annihilated one by one, and we don't even know the reason."

Roma frowned. She wanted to say something, but she was not as powerful as her father. In the end, she could only whisper in a low voice: "We will find it, and we must find it. The captains in the legion are responsible for the execution, and we are responsible for it." It is our duty as 'omnipotent observers of the universe' to guide the way..."

But then the British Spider appeared in front of them. He didn't seem to understand the atmosphere at all, and stopped the two women blankly:

"Queen, I want to talk to you!"

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