The Death Knell

Chapter 2661 Traveling through the spider web

Seeing someone stopping her, Queen Sartonian immediately put away her solemn expression, showed a standard politician's smile, and asked in a gentle tone:

"Legion member? You look a little unfamiliar."

"I am a British spider, from Earth-833." William replied anxiously, and he kept waving his hands to enhance the weight of his words: "I want to report a multi-dimensional timeline threat. In each different reality, the spiders Everything is at stake.”

Hearing such a statement, the two women looked at each other and were a little unable to react for a moment.

However, Roma, who came from a family background, quickly came back to her senses. She tilted her head and twitched her elf-like pointed ears:

"Spiders? Do you mean totems?"

"Well, I don't know if this is the right name. Anyway, it's Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and me. By the way, there are also various cartoon animals that can walk upright and talk, Ms. Roma."

After all, William is not a mage, and he is still very young and cannot really confirm what is a totem and what is not.

When he said this, Sartonien rolled his eyes. Now the Almighty Universe is facing an invisible and terrifying annihilation, which is a major event in which reality disappears directly.

And here it is just because some people died on the earth, why is it necessary to talk about it?

"Don't talk about such trivial matters. I still have countless troubles in the universe to solve, and you are here just to distract me about insects!" Sartonien turned around with a face, and lifted the white clothes behind him. Cloak shouted angrily: "Guard, get him out! It's a waste of my time! We have a meeting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, seven or eight British captains came over. They also pulled out their own swords in the stone, as if they were going to hit William hard if he didn't cooperate.

"Please, sir."

A giant British captain over three meters tall said this. He looked like a half-orc with blue skin. He didn't even need to wear a uniform. He just used red paint to draw a rice character on his chest hair.

The guards are completely loyal to the legion, and they will never show mercy even if they want to attack their peers from another world.

William was a little panicked for a moment, he didn't expect this at all.

Before coming here, Merlin in his own world said that Captain Britain's Legion is a great organization, responsible for maintaining the peace of the almighty universe. The members there are great heroes, they speak well, and they are enthusiastic about anything.

However, after he arrived, he discovered that he had been deceived. His job was actually to watch surveillance cameras in a hut on a floating island every day, doing the same job as a supermarket security guard. The entire army was like a huge British bureaucracy, with horribly low efficiency.

For example, in a certain world, Captain Britain died and someone found his body. Do you think the Legion would immediately start investigating the matter?

No, the answer is to have a meeting first.

The discoverer of the body needs to report it to Sartonian first, and the Queen will preside over the meeting as the Speaker, taking the death of someone as an issue, discussing it with the 700,000 members of Parliament, and proposing several alternative plans and voting on them.

Only when a certain plan receives more than three-quarters of the votes will it be approved for implementation due to the majority vote principle. Then a meeting will be held to decide how many people should be sent to implement the plan, who should be sent, whether to use the sword in the stone, and what exactly should be done. Do not distribute magic props or apply for mage companions, etc.

All these things need to be voted on. After the departure of Almighty Merlin, the Queen and the Virgin's control over the Legion is this model, which is the model that the British are most familiar with.

Often, after a round of meetings has concluded, all parties have reached an agreement through transactions and other means, and after allocating credit, contribution and other matters...

Several weeks have passed, and the corpses of the deceased have become soupy.

What's more, that is an ideal situation where the meeting can be held immediately. In fact, there are still many backlogged proposals. There are meetings in this hall every day. The first topic of today's meeting is something that happened ten years ago.

Watching the sunlight on the dome illuminating the entire auditorium like a beam of light, watching countless British captains flying around to take their seats, it was obviously a big gathering of superheroes, but there was only darkness in front of William's eyes.

He doesn't even know what he can do here? It's like joining an ordinary company. As a security guard watching the surveillance, I have no say at all.

"No, I'll send him out." Just when William was about to be taken away by the guards, Roma stopped them. The girl hugged his arm and led him out the door: "The Queen is in a bad mood now. , please be considerate of her, but I personally sympathize with your situation, children."

Roma looks to be in her early twenties, but as the daughter of Merlin the Almighty and the Lady of the Lake, her true age is kept secret.

She called the British spider her child, which was theoretically not wrong, but the secret did not make the girl more feminine. She still looked like a girl who was just twenty years old, with a little baby fat on her face.

"I understand, thank you, Holy Mother." William sighed. Sure enough, he should leave here, right? Perhaps because he also works part-time as Spider-Man, he feels that he is out of place here with the other Captain Britain.

The two walked out of the conference hall. Roma flipped one hand and released a small magic. White light began to condense on the British Spider's left wrist, and soon turned into a red spider bracelet.

"This is for you. It is a shuttle tool that can help you access the web of life and destiny. That web touches every corner of different realities. And with this treasure, you can walk on all the threads."

The Noble Phantasm is very useful. William just thought, and a rotating portal that seemed to be made of spider silk opened in front of him. A thick thread was suspended inside, leading to the dark void, like a circus. The tightrope walk in the group.

And this is the way to go in reverse direction to the core of the spider web.

"Thank you again, Holy Mother. I will never forget your help to us." William showed a little smile. Although the Queen kicked him out, the Holy Mother obviously supported him in investigating on his own.

Roma also smiled, she loosened her arms and pushed the spider's back: "Go, if someone is killing totems, it must be for a very evil anti-life purpose, go and stop them, And ensure the safety of the totems.”

The British spider flew into the portal, and he nodded solemnly: "I swear, madam, I will fulfill our agreement."

The passage was closed after he entered, like a collapsed cocoon. Seeing his figure disappear, Roma lowered his head and sighed.

The people the captain mentioned were massacring various totems, but he sent a totem to stop them. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. It sounds more like feeding a ferocious beast...

Shaking her head, she returned to the hall. There was only so much she could do, because the Almighty Universe was facing another crisis at this time. Now she really had no time to worry about him, so she could only wish the British Spider good luck.

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