The Death Knell

Chapter 2673 Inside the building

The feeling of walking underwater was completely different from what Gwen had experienced when he went to the aquarium before. Unfortunately, instead of tropical fish, he was surrounded by humanoid bodies sinking downwards without heads, which was a bit unpleasant.

The downed clones naturally had beavers to deal with them. Deathstroke and the other three quickly swam along the underwater road to the bottom of the tallest building. It looked a bit like the Empire State Building, even though it was completely submerged. At this time, from the window Look, it's still brightly lit inside.

"Yes, Janix is ​​quite capable. This building is completely waterproof, like a submarine that cannot move." Su Ming stretched out his hand to touch the outer wall of the building, and instantly sent in information on the various components of the building materials. Host's mind: "The outer wall of the building is made of cement, but the inner layer is reinforced with vibranium. It's really good. I want to move the entire building."

"How to get in? If we delay for too long, the enemy will have reinforcements from other worlds coming, right?"

The person who asked the question, Gwen, was still fiddling with the King's Guard fondly. She had never played with such a large weapon that seemed to come from a fantasy world.

"Xiao Wang, send us in."

Su Ming's answer is also very simple, that is, through magic. Janix is ​​a scientist. Does he really think that everyone is Doctor Doom?

This building definitely has no defense against the mysterious side.

Just as he had guessed, Xiao Wang drew a circle in front of him with the hanging ring, and tried to set it on the three of them like a hoop. In the next second, they were already standing in the building.

In addition to a little bit of sea water, there were also a few fish that came in with them, swishing their tails on the ground beside them.

Deathstroke looked at the environment the three of them were currently in. It looked like a place similar to a changing room. The room was filled with iron cabinets, and white coats and biochemical protective suits were hung in the cabinets.

The contents in almost every cabinet are the same. No personal belongings are seen. Connected to this large locker room is a bathhouse, which is slightly better than the situation in the military camp. There are even a few shower heads. It was dripping with water and looked like it was not tightly closed.

The surrounding environment seemed relatively clean, but there was a strange smell in the air, probably chemicals, protein deterioration, and some smoky smell mixed together.

"Ah, this is probably a portrayal of the high school football team." Gwen shook her head aside, looking unhappy: "Many girls like to find football players as their boyfriends, but I can't stand the smell of this collective locker room. .”

"It doesn't matter. There's no need to move these things anyway. We still need to find the cloning equipment in the building. It's best to get some information to take with us." Deathstroke found three and two white coats from the closet and gave them to them. Then he became invisible: "Let's go out and walk around the building. Since there is a locker room here, there must be a security room on the first floor. Go over and copy the map."

Although I don’t know how this place operated before the attack, but such a tall building should have a property without security guards, right? What Janix wants to live on the top floor is to enjoy the ghost life, and he doesn't have to do things like changing light bulbs and repairing water pipes by himself.

As long as there is such a job, there will inevitably be a distribution map of the rooms. It is best to move everything that can be moved before the leaders of the Heir clan react.

Both Xiao Wang and Gwen put on white coats, but they still didn't look like staff, but it didn't matter, as long as they could temporarily fool the possible security cameras.

"These clothes smell like those worn by street girls." The door to the room opened, and the invisible Deathstroke walked out first, while Gwen who followed behind was still muttering in a low voice: "No matter what kind of vampire the owner of these clothes is. , but she definitely killed the very purpose of perfume as a product.”

"Keep your voice down. Have you received training from Captain America or Wolverine? Can you turn all infiltration operations into strong attacks?" Su Ming knocked her on the head and handed her a demon-patterned cloth backpack, which she had received from before. Velen gave a friendly price to the new goods from Draenor: "This is for you. You can put whatever you like in it, but it only has thirty slots."

After receiving the gift of gagging, Gwen's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes. She happily stopped talking nonsense and began to stuff in and take out the things she had gotten before, having a great time.

There are many giant screens as decorations in this building, which are not even consistent with the steampunk style outside, but more like brainwashing equipment brought from some dystopian world.

Janix's quotations were being played on a loop on the big screen, and the mad scientist dressed like a medieval alchemist kept saying brainwashing quotes:

"Jenix regards you as part of the machine. Your contributions are noble. Maybe each of you has no name, but your actions are all contributing to the prosperity of the family."

"There are always complicated reasons in a complicated world, and what you have to do is simple, that is, fight for your family."

"Jenix will not do meaningless things, and you are as important as a screw or a gear."

Xiao Wang raised his eyebrows, looked at the image of the enemy on the big screen, saw him saying those words seriously, and shook his head speechlessly.

There is such a monitor ten meters apart on both sides of the corridor. When paired with a loudspeaker, these combat mobilization broadcasts are played throughout the building, and the high-pitched sound echoes continuously.

"It's wonderful. He is not only a scientist, but also a believer in cybernetics." Xiao Wang rubbed his nose and looked at the air where the Supreme Mage should be: "Master, can we first turn on the CCTV in this building? All turned off?"

"Yes, but it's not necessary. We've got the room distribution map. Let's go upstairs." Deathstroke's devilishly processed voice came from the side, and his tone was very calm: "The first target is the 17th floor, where there are research experiments. Room, I want the information and data inside to save me from having to arrange experimental subjects in the future."

"When did you get the map?" Gwen looked up and blinked.

"While you are watching TV, because this level of verbal brainwashing is too mild, it should only be auxiliary therapy and has no value to me." The sound of the death knell began to move, and the door of the stairwell not far away opened. : "You also need to look for brainwashing equipment or drugs. I just want to make a batch of men in black for use recently. It would be good to get some brainwashing 'hands'."

"The man in black?" Waiter Gwen walked into the stairwell and looked up at the densely packed floors from the handrail: "They are the ones I know who deal with aliens. They are all like dough and can be beaten back and forth without any consequences. Injured man in black?"

The door behind her closed, and Gwen felt herself being lifted up by the collar again:

"you guess?"

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