The Death Knell

Chapter 2674 Search all the way

There were almost no security measures in the building. Perhaps they were sent out to investigate when the flood came. Apart from the constant echo of Janix's brainwashing quotes, there was no other sound in the building.

On the seventeenth floor, when you open the stairwell door, there is a circular corridor. There is no access control. Only the large screens on both sides of the corridor say: "Today you sacrificed for the family, tomorrow the family will be proud of you. Sacrifice is just the beginning. Technology will bring anyone back to us.”

"It smells like a cult. Speaking of which, if the original body dies, can the clone that inherits the memory still be considered the original person?"

Waiter Gwen rubbed her neck after being put down. Even though it was only a few seconds, she was still a little out of breath after being carried flying.

I don’t know why she thought of asking such a philosophical question, but it didn’t bother Su Ming. The Supreme Mage just chuckled:

"Then you can think about it. After you leave your own world, how about someone makes another one of you and throws it back to take your original place?"

It was hard. Gwen Poole's fist was hard. Just imagining her other self playing with her computer, accessing her account to troll forums, and enjoying the love and care of her parents made her angry.

Understand, no matter how useful cloning is, but only for the cloned body, the existence of those clones is anti-human.

Because they are different from their counterparts in other worlds. The former have their own background, their own story, and their own set of things.

The clones have nothing of their own, and are entirely intended to replace the original body. They are a kind of substitute.

"It's involution. Comic characters are starting to involute. If they don't do well, they will be replaced by clones. And now I am a character in the comics..." The girl scratched her hair, like a Thai style The action of washing hair is the same.

Ignoring the troubled girl, Su Ming took Xiao Wang straight to the destination, which should be the main laboratory.

In the corridor, we also encountered a group of naked people walking by. We thought they were encountering enemies, but these men and women all had the same face, and they wore bowl-shaped hats with two antennas on their heads. Then he walked past the three of them with dull eyes.

Those declarations played on the large TVs on both sides of the corridor, when Janix read them once, they repeated them in unison, and then gradually walked away while shouting slogans.

"Are these cloned Spider-Mans?" Gwen's attention came back. She grabbed a passing clone and chopped off his head with one knife, noticing that the dead had no ability to heal themselves.

They were a group of black men with mustaches and a group of red-haired and freckled women. To be honest, Deathstroke didn't know which world they were Spider-Man from, and even the spider totem didn't respond to them.

Probably because the genuine version and the pirated version cannot connect to each other.

Regarding Gwen's sudden murderous violence, he also acted very calmly, fully demonstrating his attitude towards clones, which is to die.

No matter what their true identity is, these clones are definitely hopeless after being brainwashed to the extent they are today. It would be good to let Gwen practice her killing skills. She has learned how to chop people's necks without any teacher, and she has a good talent.

The enemies must be eliminated. Except for those with positioned baits that can be released, the other clones must be killed either by Su Ming and others, or by the beavers. There is no other way for them to choose.

Perhaps because there was one less person in the team, the team of clones stopped and began to stand still, continuing to recite those brainwashing lines.

"If you want to kill people, go ahead. Wang and I are going to move things."

At this moment, a door not far away suddenly opened, and a bald man wearing glasses ran out. When he saw the headless corpse in front of Gwen, he cursed:

"What are you doing? Which group are you from? Janix is ​​on top! Why are you destroying the experimental subject?"

Then there is no more.

Gwen jumped up and slashed the bald doctor to the ground with a knife, and then slashed wildly several times as if to vent her anger, until her neck was chopped to pieces. She wiped the blood on her face and smiled:


Xiao Wang, who raised his hand to cast a spell and used his shield to block the splattered blood, shook his head and walked towards the room where the bald man came out just now: "It's all brute force, no skills at all. You still have a lot to learn."

"Then you teach me, I'm born with supernatural power and it's easy to teach." Waiter Gwen temporarily let go of the clones who were in a daze, and followed up to be cute: "I already understand, handsome guys, in these damn comics In this world, either you kill or you are killed, and I want to be the one who kills."

"Then you only understand half of it." Su Mingming showed up, raised his hand and pulled out the device that was about the size of a car in the corner of the room, and stuffed it into his pocket while sparks were flying: "There are many kinds of killing techniques, and it's easy to teach you a few, but the key is that you have to understand when not to kill."

Gwen's little face also became serious, her cute smile gradually disappeared, and she began to ponder:

"Is it like Spider-Man said, with great power comes great responsibility?"

"Do you think Deathstroke would be a supporter of that argument?" Su Ming turned his head wordlessly and asked Strangler to rummage through the boxes and read the contents of the computer: "I'm not a saint, think again."

"Unexpectedly, I'm not a middle-schooler like Takuya. Even if I can say something profound, I probably learned it from TV series."

Gwen became frustrated again and started kicking the blood on the floor with her toes.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, an unknown smile appeared under Su Ming's mask:

"If you want to know who should be killed and who shouldn't be killed, it's actually very complicated. The whole thing involves philosophy, sociology, psychology, eugenics, etc. You won't know for sure after decades of research. I understand, but I have a simple judgment method that I can teach you, do you want to hear it?"

The confused and lost girl suddenly raised her head, her eyes sparkled with brilliance, her breathing became heavier, and she asked eagerly:

"What method?"

As a senior who is also a time traveler, Deathstroke will naturally not give in. When Strangler transmitted various data into his brain, he himself put his arm around Gwen's shoulders and gently said the real answer:

"The easiest way to judge is to just follow my example. You can kill whoever I want to kill. You can't go wrong."

After hearing the correct answer, Waiter Gwen suddenly realized. She raised her hand and hit her palm with her small fist, and then nodded slowly.

This is indeed a good way, just like walking in the swamp, you will definitely not go wrong by following the footprints of those who have gone before you.

My knowledge of Marvel is very limited. The most I know is the 616 universe and the 1610 universe. But I heard Deathstroke say that his earth number is 40K, which is a coding form that I have never heard of in my dreams.

Since he was taken care of by Deathstroke, it was only right to listen to him, so he decided happily.

It's not because of how much money Deathstroke has, it's mainly because of his charisma, really.

Gwen, who was getting more and more comfortable in killing people, laughed, obviously relieved, and ran out happily to continue killing the dazed experimental subjects in the corridor. She wanted to celebrate.

Xiao Wang turned to look at the girl who rushed out, and walked to the death knell to help select valuable equipment:

"Master, is it really okay to train her to be an assassin? Her mental state doesn't seem to be very stable."

"Don't worry, Wang, there is no one more stable than her." Su Ming smiled and patted the housekeeper on the shoulder, gesturing for him to pick up some flesh and blood from the clones: "Gwen is a rare kind of good girl. She knows what she wants, and a little bit of bipolar disorder is not a big deal."

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