The Death Knell

Chapter 2684 Little Black Spider

William wanted to go back and stop this brutal act, but it was too late. In just a few seconds, the riot control robots specially made by Tony Stark cleared the road, and the bodies of the marchers were all wiped out by the machines. The cannon was torn to pieces.

The British Spider couldn't do anything. He couldn't bring people back to life. In the end, he could only sigh:

"I have seen countless single universes and watched people's joys and sorrows, but there has never been a reality like this."

"Calm down, none of us know who these demonstrators are. What if they are all Hydra?" Su Ming was much calmer. He walked on the lawn with his hands behind his back: "If you don't know the ins and outs of the matter, just It’s not a wise move to participate in events in another world based on this scene.”

Yes, the Hydra of Earth 1610 is a very thorough underground organization. They always like to disguise themselves as innocent people to carry out terrorist attacks. They are responsible for the militia uprisings across the United States today.

Just beyond Central Park is Fifth Avenue, which has many high-end luxury stores, and the Upper East Side, where the affluent area is located, which is not a popular parade route.

Who comes to New York for the parade of serious people?

They all go to Washington and can sit quietly in front of the white house. Putting pressure on the president is much better than offending the capitalists.

If Su Ming had to judge for himself, he would also find these marchers suspicious.

Maybe they may have been incited by someone, or maybe they are really innocent, but these have nothing to do with their group.

William took a deep breath and wanted to say something.

But at this moment, an explosion occurred among the robot team that went to inspect the corpses. There were many remote-controlled bombs among the corpses of the marching people.

The guards caused some slight commotion, but they quickly reorganized their formation and began to spread out to look for the person behind the explosion. They looked very orderly, which the team commander should have been accustomed to.

"You're right, I shouldn't point fingers at things I don't understand." The British Spider admitted his immaturity with a bit of disappointment.

"It's not that serious. In fact, it doesn't matter if you want to interfere. It's just that you are easily targeted by Nick Fury." Su Ming patted Spider on the shoulder and led the way to the subway station: "The Fury in this world has no bottom line. He Just put a mutant hat on our heads and use nuclear weapons to blow us up, without caring about the people nearby."

"So the reason for not exposing the ability is to prevent the public from being affected?" William really believed this argument, and the air he inhaled in his lungs was slowly exhaled: "You are the real superhero, and you think much more comprehensively than me."

Takuya, who was walking aside, also believed this statement. He almost intervened just now, but now he could only nod his head, his admiration for Deathstroke written all over his face.

Su Ming did not answer, but smiled slightly, accepted the compliment very restrainedly, and said calmly:

"Let's go. I'll invite you to take the subway. Fortunately, there are no anti-counterfeiting methods on coins and they can be used in many parallel realities."

He turned his hand and conjured a steel coin. He threw it up in the air with a smile and caught it. The coin glowed faintly.

We were walking in a busy subway station, and the surrounding pedestrians did not react at all to the explosions and gunshots on the other street. They were like screws in the machine, numbly continuing to walk their own way.

They should all be outsiders. They cherish their hard-earned jobs. Aren't they just dead people? How could tens of thousands of people not die in the city one day?

Whether to go to work and be shot to death by a stray bullet on the street with a small chance, or to starve to death in a rented basement for safety, everyone has different choices.


The new Spider-Man, Miles Morales, the African-American and Latin-American Spider-Man recognized by Nick Fury, has a lot of troubles at this time.

Miles was bitten by a spider when he was 13 years old and gained superpowers. However, due to the growing wave of rejection of mutants in the United States, he did not dare to reveal that he had superpowers and just wanted to live a peaceful life.

It wasn't until not long ago that Spider-Man Peter Parker died in battle to protect Captain America, and Miles picked up his body that he realized the gap between the two.

One uses his superpowers to protect the people, while the other just wants to live an ignoble existence, even though his abilities are the same.

Miles learned from this that with great power comes great responsibility, and then began his own heroic journey.

But everything was not as easy as imagined. The first time he went out on patrol, he was caught and interrogated by Fury's men, and he was forced to join the Avengers.

Now while taking care of his studies, he also has to undergo the training of Spider-Woman and the torture of an adult S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. This takes up almost all of his rest time. If it weren't for the OZ factor in his blood, he might not be able to survive at all. .

In addition, a masked villain he defeated not long ago turned out to be his uncle Aaron, who was his favorite person because this uncle once took a bullet for him when he was young.

Now he is very confused, and he even has thoughts that are completely inconsistent with the idea of ​​​​a superhero.

If it hadn't been for him, wouldn't his uncle have been caught?

If that were all, forget it. After inheriting Peter's uniform, he would often have all kinds of weird nightmares, and even see what Peter saw before his death.

Whenever this happened, the severe pain caused by the spider sense would make him suddenly sit up from the bed, struggling and panting violently.

There is also the death of his mother, the disappearance of his father, the loss of control of venom, and a series of other things that make him live in a nightmare.

And all this, he couldn't even explain to his girlfriend Kate that he needed to keep his identity secret, otherwise it might bring danger to those around him.

It seems that being Spider-Man has many more disadvantages than advantages, and everything is very difficult.

Just as he was sighing secretly, the bell rang. The old woman on the podium slowly put away her lesson plans and left, while everyone was preparing to go back to their homes.

"Hi, Miles, have you watched the news?" My friend Gan Ke came over and mysteriously brought his phone close to him, whispering: "Just now, there was an explosion in Central Park. It was said to be a terrorist attack. There are still bad guys on the loose, do you have any ideas?”

Gunk Lee is his best friend. He has known that Miles has abilities since he was 13 years old. Naturally, he also knows that he has inherited the identity of Spider-Man. Now Miles, whose parents are gone, is staying at his house.

The purpose of bringing the news is to suggest that Miles goes to catch the bad guys. This kind of enthusiasm may really be suitable for becoming a superhero.

Miles looked at the tragic photos of the scene and retched in disgust, because the corpses were all stuck on the wall by the explosion, and the media didn't say anything about it.

He threw his schoolbag to his best friend, took out a plastic bag from his cabinet and prepared to go to the toilet to change: "As usual, prepare my lunch."

"You're so handsome! Miles, come on!" His best friend smiled and encouraged him, and stopped at the toilet door to help him cool off.

But in fact, at this time, Miles had already finished changing his clothes, jumped out of the school toilet window, shot out spider silk and headed towards the city.

But for some reason, his spider sense kept buzzing, as if there was some danger approaching...

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