The Death Knell

Chapter 2685 Journey

Miles is obviously still a lot younger. Terrorists were mixed in with those marching people, and behind the terrorists are militia organizations that are now in large-scale rebellion across the United States. According to SHIELD's investigation results, these militia organizations There is a shadow of Hydra behind them.

Therefore, even if it is true that there is some kind of remote-controlled bomb that will explode those people's corpses, Miles's level of investigation cannot catch the secretly controlled Hydra agent.

After trying several times, he gained nothing, but Fury called and asked him to stop the investigation immediately and not to cause trouble to the military.

The devastated little black spider could only go to the cemetery and talk to the dead about all the pain in front of his mother's grave.

"Sometimes I feel that I may be the worst Spider-Man. No matter how many people I save, I still can't save you." Miles, who was holding a plastic bag of his uniform, looked at the name on the tombstone and whispered as if Talking to himself: "With great power comes great responsibility. If it were Peter Parker, what would he do?"

Of course, there will be no answers to these questions. My mother is dead, and so is Parker. In normal reality, dead people don't answer questions.

This reminded him of another parallel world he had visited before. In that world, there was a living Peter. It would be great if he could go there again and ask about it.

"I'm not giving up, but becoming Spider-Man cost me my family, my father is now missing, and SHIELD doesn't think anyone can survive Galactus's blast. Mom, what should I do?"

The sunshine in New York in the afternoon was so good that you could see the lavender antimatter no-fly zone in the sky, but Miles couldn't feel any warmth. He even pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt and wore it, hiding his face in the shadows. .

There was a sound of wind behind him, and his cell phone rang at the same time. Miles adjusted his mood and took out his mobile phone.

The caller ID showed a Cyclops.

Miles sighed, but according to regulations, he had to answer the call, and the wind behind him already indicated that the Quinjet was hovering above his head.

"General Director, do you have any more instructions? I've let that case go, really."

"It's not that. Get on the plane now. Someone will explain it to you on the way." Fury gave an order directly, and then cut off the communication. Through the receiver, he could hear the mess on his end, it was like Black Friday. A supermarket where looting occurred.

"But I have to go to class tomorrow..."

The little black spider struggled in vain, but Fury's order could not be disobeyed. The Quinjet had released its stealth state and opened the hatch not far above his head.

Black Widow Jessica Drew, wearing her trendy jacket uniform, stood by the door and waved to the boy:

"Come up here, Spider-Man."

"Hey, will my secret identity really not be leaked?" Miles climbed into the plane after taking off. He looked at his coach and supervisor speechlessly: "You can even call me by my name, but I don't have any clothes on." Don’t call me Spider-Man when I’m in uniform.”

Jessica showed a devilish smile and reached out to touch Miles' head: "But if I didn't yell like that, how could you get on the plane in a panic? As long as the result is good, your identity will not Leaked, probably.”

The agents' methods are despicable, but effective.

But in fact, Miles and Jessica have a good relationship. Although she is called Black Widow, she is not a murderous perverted agent. She simply inherited the codename of the original Russian agent Natasha.

To put it simply, the Russian spy Black Widow came to the United States to work alone, and also joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Ultimates. She took the opportunity to hook up with Tony and wanted to steal his money and technology to support various underground organizations. Organizations divide America.

When she was discovered by the old housekeeper while stealing, she killed Jarvis, and then Tony killed her. It's as simple as that.

Jessica is the female clone of Peter Parker. A few months after Peter was bitten by a spider, Fury stole his body cells and launched the "Spider Project" in the weapons program. , cloned a lot of spider-powered users of all kinds.

Her original codename was Spider-Woman, but after learning her true identity and the death of Peter Parker, she asked Fury to inherit the codename Black Widow.

Fury originally didn't want to give her a code name. After all, repeating code names would cause difficulties in personnel management and even cause some degree of confusion.

But Jessica said that if her wish cannot be fulfilled, she will change her code name to 'The Bad Thing Made by Nick Fury'...

This is exactly what Lu Dan can tolerate. He won't get rid of his useful tools just because of code names, but he can't let Jessica always talk about cloning when introducing herself to other superheroes. People's problems.

In the end Fury gave in, one of the few compromises he made.

"Okay, what's our mission this time?"

Miles gave up resistance, opened the plastic bag, took out his uniform and put it on. After his mother died, he tore up his original uniform, and this one was made for him by Jessica.

"It's just a regular mission. Go to the battlefield of the 'Catastrophe' to see if we can recover the genes of the former president." Jessica sat next to the boy and took out a small device to play the mission introduction.

Miles fell silent, the movements of his hands paused, and his expression became ugly.

In that battle with Galactus, former President and Captain America Steve Rogers drove a spacecraft into the enemy's mouth to harass him. This resulted in Galactus' defeat, being sucked away by negative space, and being swept away at the same time. Also leaving was Thor.

Afterwards, people only found the captain's shield on the battlefield, and nothing else. Only a huge sinkhole remained in the battlefield.

Miles' father, an agent of SHIELD, also disappeared in that alien vortex. He thought his father might not be dead, but everyone else in the agency thought he was dead and refused to help in the search and rescue.

But now, Fury asked him to search for Captain America, who was recognized to be dead, which made the little black spider a little difficult to accept.

But people have to bow their heads under the roof. Although Miles wants to refuse this task, he is not even qualified to refuse.

"Okay, let's go, why don't you go fly the plane?"

"It's just the two of us, there's no need to go to work in such a hurry." Jessica stood up and smiled at the little black spider. She stretched: "Anyway, we just need to go there to find things, and Fury has no rules. How long does it take for us to get there, why don’t we go have lunch first?”

"If you don't eat, you're spying on me again. You know I didn't eat lunch." Miles shook his head speechlessly. He was already a little used to this kind of different kind of concern.

Jessica shrugged and acted very calmly: "Not just me, everyone in the command hall saw you wandering around Central Park like a fly on the brow, and the system on the space carrier even listed you List of suspected threats, thinking you are going to rebel.”

The little black spider pursed his lips and squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "So I was almost killed by a Gauss cannon, right?"

"That's not true. We have spider senses. The shells won't hit us so easily, but we're bound to be in a hurry." Jessica, who walked into the cockpit, started the suspended fighter plane and headed towards the west: "By the way, say You have spider sense, have you had a strange feeling recently? Like you can't see danger approaching?"

"It happened intermittently, like now." Miles got into the passenger seat and covered his head.

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