The Death Knell

Chapter 2703 Cut off one of his fingers

"Are you sure this is the right way to fight? I actually have stronger moves."

Leopardton's cab was brightly lit, and the clean metal walls could even reflect figures. Takuya folded his arms and sat on a chair looking at the battlefield outside the cab.

This giant robot is originally a transformed spaceship, so the bridge area is guaranteed, and it can accommodate No. 100 people without any problem.

It was just a little empty, and there weren't even chairs for guests to sit in the empty hall.

There were not many people standing behind him, it was still the small gang that followed Deathstroke. The person asking at this time was Jessica.

The evacuation route prepared by Black Widow was very useful. When they were raided by the Inheritors, several people escaped smoothly as planned. Now they still have enough energy to help others, which gave her a more important voice.

She knew Deathstroke was using her as bait, but she wanted to prove that she could be more than that.

Just like Fury initially regarded her as a cloned Spider-Man, a consumable among the many clones. But through missions and hard work, she proved herself, and now she has become a level seven agent of SHIELD, living a better life than before, and gaining more respect.

Sometimes it doesn't matter what others think of you. The key is not to underestimate yourself because of it.

In this multiverse-level linkage, Jessica vaguely smelled a sense of future crisis, so she secretly decided to move closer to the Deathstroke forces, who were obviously prepared, in order to continue to survive in the future.

Compared to the Heir family, Deathstroke gives people a more terrifying feeling. Although the man smiles most of the time, the smile seems to be just a mask floating on the skin. He himself is terrifyingly serious.

Although there is no evidence to prove her conjecture, it all relies on a woman's intuition, but in her feeling, Deathstroke is much darker than Fury.

"No problem, let's pursue. It has been recorded in the Eastern art of war that it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt ten of them. While the successor family is chasing and intercepting the other Batmans, we will first drive Morlun thousands of kilometers away to create a geographical Isolate him, and then concentrate his superior forces to eliminate him first."

"Okay! Leo Patton, catch up!"

After listening to Jessica's explanation, Takuya stood up excitedly. While doing several postures similar to radio gymnastics, he ordered his giant robot mount to catch up with Morlun, who was sent flying to the west coast of the United States.

The robot soared into the sky. It was controlled by voice and the guardian bracelet. Takuya only needed blood and no operations were required.

The huge machine broke the sound barrier, turned into a bright light, and landed on the top of the mountain in Hollywood seconds later.

When we arrived, we could see Morlun still lying on his back at the bottom of the pit, looking at the sky, as if he had been distracted for a moment.

He has eaten many totems and dealt with countless spiders, but he has never seen this kind of ghost thing. How should he fight a giant robot that uses cosmic energy?

Just before he could figure out the answer, the mecha appeared in front of him again, and it seemed that he was planning to take advantage of the victory and kill himself in one fell swoop.

Morlun flew out of the bottom of the pit, suspended in the air and dealt with the enemy. He wanted to take advantage of his small size to find opportunities, but this machine monster had super agility that was not consistent with its size.

He couldn't shake him off, and he wasn't as strong as him. Even Spider-Man, who was driving the robot, didn't care about the damage it would cause to the surrounding environment and only thought about how to kill him.

For a moment, Mo Lun was chased and he was running away, and all his methods seemed to have no effect on the robot.

Takuya really doesn't care much about the damage to the surroundings. After all, it was like this in the past. Isn't it normal to use a mecha to fight small monsters and damage half of the city?

Stop the enemy as quickly as possible, no matter what the cost, or the bad guys will destroy more than just one city.

"Leopardon! Spider Rocket Flying Fist!" Takuya in the cab strode forward on his chair, and then posed with both fists outstretched.

The 60-meter-tall Leopardon had a fist that was bigger than a small house. His rocket fist was shot at the speed of light and was tracked. Morlun tried his best and was still beaten to dust.

The other fist lost its target and hit elsewhere, inadvertently destroying a WB studio. A fat-headed Japanese executive suddenly died in fear on the spot, sacrificing himself for the Marvel Universe. .

But Takuya didn't notice this at all. He retracted his fist and continued to hit Mo Lun in the pit with a violent hammer. In a few seconds, he was driven into the unknown seven or eight hundred meters underground, as if he was digging. Come out of the well.

"Almost, 400 aunt, finish him." Jessica held Takuya's back of the chair and ordered with a smile. It was such a happy feeling to have teammates who were stronger than imagined.

To be honest, Mo Lun is really powerful. In her opinion, he may not be much worse than Thor, whether it is speed, strength, or resistance to strikes, not to mention the super power of restraining totems.

But all this was defeated by the super technology of another world. Sure enough, the difference between humans and animals is that the former can make and use tools.

After listening to Jessica's words, Takuya didn't hesitate at all. After getting advice from Deathstroke, he was already used to using his ultimate move as soon as possible to end the battle.

"Leopardon! War Soul Sword!"

As the giant robot pulled out the giant sword installed on its legs and poked Morlun who was unable to get up on the ground like an ant, several people in the cab felt relieved.

By removing a member of the heir family, the threat is reduced by one point.

"What should we do next?" Takuya lowered his arms in an 'L' shape and turned to ask Jessica behind him. Now that the mountain in Hollywood has been moved to the ground, I guess if there are superheroes in the area, they will definitely not be there. They would be very welcome.

Whatever happened, Jessica had already seen a group of suspected West Coast Avengers coming here. She decided to go back to the suburbs of New York to see what was going on.

"Let's get out of here. Deathstroke should be on his way to the battle site soon to take over. We just need to protect ourselves."

William looked down at the Union Jack flag on his chest and placed his palm on his belt: "Don't you need to protect the descendants? That baby."

Black Widow shook her head indifferently, she didn't think that was an important thing.

Deathstroke guessed that the Heirs wanted to collect three special totems. She didn't know exactly how she guessed it.

But the man sent himself to tell Ultimate Spider-Man the news, and Ultimate Spider-Man devised a plan to collect the three totems before the successors.

But now the heirs obviously guessed that everyone would do this, so they used the totem of the last descendant to set up a trap.

But do descendant totems really matter? Now both sides have been misled and regard the three types of totems as a whole, but Deathstroke's plan from the beginning was to ensure that no one could collect all three types of totems.

Presumably, the 'Bride' totem from Earth 616 must have fallen into the hands of Deathstroke by now, right?

Things changed from a two-party game to a three-party game, and Deathstroke didn't even attract many people's attention.

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