The Death Knell

Chapter 2704 Recruiting the Team

Deathstroke, who was being talked about by everyone, was currently delivering a speech to the Spider-Men who were left behind.

First of all, it is to affirm everyone’s contribution to the collective protection of Spider Totem, and by the way, to remember those spiders who sacrificed their lives for this or unfortunately died.

Next, he began to pour chicken soup to everyone, telling them that the road was tortuous, but the future was bright, that justice would surely defeat evil, and that the Heir family was undoubtedly the evil party because they were cannibals.

Finally, he pretended to inquire about Ultimate Spider-Man's operation, then expressed his good expectations for it and shared his analysis with everyone.

He said that if this operation succeeds, then his side will take the initiative, gain the right to choose the battlefield, ambush the enemy, and finally launch a counterattack, completely relieving everyone's worries.

The premise is that the ultimate spider's plan can succeed, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome. But as a superhero, Deathstroke always believes in other heroes, and they will definitely succeed, right?

After Zulu's unintentional words, everyone's faces were filled with smiles, and the warm food in their stomachs made them give heartfelt applause to the death knell.

Of course, those disabled people without arms and legs can whistle, at least they still have brains.

After the speech, Deathstroke carried the soda box and walked through the crowd, caring about whether everyone had enough to eat and whether they needed to rest now, and asked Xiao Wang to use magic to decorate the place a little. In fact, he just found some sofas and beds from elsewhere and let Spider At least we had a soft place to sit.

Even Spider-Man, Captain of the Universe, who was dying and unconscious, Deathstroke took someone to visit him and stuffed a few packets of instant noodles and cartons of milk under his pillow.

He also held the captain's hand and spoke affectionately, saying that when he gets better soon, we will build a bright future for the spiders together in the future.

This touching scene was watched by many people, and a few Spider-Man with low tear points even shed tears because of it.

After a series of shows, he successfully gained dozens of old fans. It was easy to say that all he had to do was let everyone know that following the Ultimate Spider would lead to hunger, while following the Deathstroke would lead to food.

"Ugh..." In the deserted dark corner, Deathstroke blew out a smoke ring expressionlessly, and communicated with Xiao Wang and Gwen through strangulation: "Okay, the 'bride' has been obtained, and she I also signed a contract and will throw her to the 40K Karma Taj to protect her. Wang, please inform Mordu and Monaco to prepare for defense, and inform 'that person' to be prepared as well."

"Yes, Master, but are these people really useful? They don't seem to be very good at fighting."

Xiao Wang answered silently, his eyes covertly scanning the happy-faced Spider-Man.

"Piggy is pretty good at fighting, and the secretive Spider-Man is pretty good too. He studied under the Spider Sect and is the Kunlun of their world." Deathstroke took another drag on the cigarette and communicated calmly: "The ultimate Spider-Man is doomed to fail, I just need the 'mouths' of these leftists to speak for us and provide some proof. It is enough that the world behind them is something of value."

Gwen looked at Spider-Man with some sympathy, lamenting that Marvel seemed to be dyed black with ink.

Think about it, the Heir Family and the Ultimate Spider Team were fighting to the death on the other side of the portal, just to fight for a baby, but Deathstroke was on this side of the portal, directly ruining both sides' plans.

Even if the Heir family finally takes away the 'descendant', things will not change at all. It is equivalent to Ultimate Spider-Man only mastering Kane's 'other thing', and the Heirs also take a chess piece, which is considered a tie.

But when no one was paying attention, Deathstroke had already acquired the 'other' Black Widow and the 'Bride' Jessica. As long as the tracker was activated again, there was a chance that he could visit the enemy's hometown.

To do all of this, Deathstroke took almost no risks and achieved things through planning and tactics that others would have to sacrifice their lives to achieve.

And don't listen to what Deathstroke said so nicely in his previous speech, praising the Ultimate Spider-Man to the sky, but Waiter Gwen knew that with Jessica causing trouble there, it would be difficult for Octopus Parker not to lose.

Now raise the psychological expectations of the left-behind faction. When the Ultimate Team and the others return after losing their troops, everyone's psychological gap will explode, and Deathstroke will take over the leadership.

Leading a group of spider totems in a non-totem capacity is almost as weird as him leading Kama Taj as a warrior, but it all makes sense, damn it.

She is now looking forward to what kind of ghost world Earth 40K will be.

"Wait another two minutes, and we will leave for the other side of the portal. We cannot sacrifice too much combat power." Xiao Wang walked away to make arrangements for the reception, while Su Ming gave instructions to Gwen: "I also need someone to speak quickly. A tongue-in-cheek character, tearing off Zhang Parker’s fig leaf, Gwen?”

"Okay, I understand, let's just make a fuss about the number of casualties. I often watch Japanese variety shows, so it's okay to pretend to be a fool who deliberately reveals his shortcomings."

Waiter Gwen tugged on her pink fur coat, lifted her short hair from her ears, and started doing aerobics to warm up.

Just like high school boys all want to join the football team and become a popular figure in the school, Gwen also once hoped to join the cheerleading team where beautiful women are in the limelight. Unfortunately, she is a flat-chested loser and others don't want her.

She learned her aerobics from the fitness programs on TV. Not to mention alluring, there is no sense of beauty at all.


"Friends! I decided to take a look on the other side of the portal. According to everyone, the compatriot named Ultimate Spider-Man has been away for a long time. I want to see if he is in trouble."

When the time came, Deathstroke walked to the side of the artificial sun and the time and space channel, and explained his whereabouts to everyone.

When he attracted everyone's attention, the little king behind the crowd secretly opened the portal, teleported the 'bride' away, and then returned behind the death knell like nothing happened, standing with his hands behind his back.

"Let me go with you, Deathstroke. If they get dizzy from hunger, maybe they can bite me." Pork said something to make fun of himself, and came out of the crowd.

"No, Ham, I appreciate your kindness, but now that the Space Spider is in a coma, you should stay here to protect the remaining people, protect the artificial sun, and ensure our return."

Deathstroke squatted down with a smile, put his hand on the other person's shoulder, and looked seriously into Piggy's eyes:

"With great power comes great responsibility, Peter."

"When you talk about this now, it's easy for me to think about the situation on Earth 616, where I had hundreds of unexpected close encounters..." Pork hugged Deathstroke and whispered in the man's ear. , he loosened the pig's trotters and at the same time increased his voice: "Don't worry, as long as I don't die, I will definitely guard this place."

"And I!"

The bald 'Spider Swarm' also stood up, which was the 'secret fear spider' that Su Ming said. He was the insect swarm.

"I can help too."

Professor Spider, who has no legs and can only sit in a wheelchair, also stepped forward to "turn the tire around". He is a mutant, and it is doubtful whether he is a spider totem.

"Count me in too. We're all here to help you guard the gate. Everyone can take care of themselves."

The little spider with three heads also came out, imitating boxing movements with his short hands on his chest.

Spider-Man stepped out one after another, expressing their desire for responsibility. They also wanted to prove that they were not trash and should not be the people protected by the Ultimate Spiders. Everyone had their own role.

Su Ming thanked everyone with a smile, fulfilled their wishes, and immediately arranged stations and shifts for them.

Then, a black and yellow mask rose from under the skin, covering the face. He turned around and walked into the portal with Gwen and Xiao Wang.

The human heart can be used. The Ultimate Spider made another mistake, leaving these people on Earth 13 in the name of protection, and letting Captain Universe take them on as 'responsibilities'.

But everyone is Spider-Man, what do these people think? They don't want to be someone else's responsibility.

Now that Deathstroke respects them, they will also respect Deathstroke, although if there is really a named successor, almost all of these people will die...

But superheroes are not afraid of death, they are just afraid that their death will be worthless in the eyes of others.

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