The Death Knell

Chapter 2706 Deadpool’s tactics

It's unclear what the twin brothers and sisters have experienced in the past. Maybe they have seen Deadpools in other parallel worlds, and now they are panicking.

The moment Deadpool appeared, the two men had already begun to retching. Judging from their frightened eyes and expressions, they must have recalled something painful.

Also retching along with the enemy was Gwen. Her key problem was that Deadpool was too close, and the 'strong fragrance' on the bitch's body made people dizzy.

"Fortunately, in the mirror space, Wade is not completely exposed. If his red and black uniform is slightly changed in color, it will not be a big problem to blend into a group of spiders."

Watching Deadpool visit the brother and sister, Su Ming whispered to Xiao Wang next to him, then took out some fabric from his pocket and asked Gwen to cover her face and mouth and nose:

"Wade smells bad and tastes bad, but it will be fine once you get used to it."

"I remember, there were rumors that Deadpool and Deathstroke were brothers. It turns out that this is really the case! He is your cousin, and you are planning to show me his movie?! Ugh!"

Comforting has no effect, and just covering the nose is useless. The nausea caused by Deadpool comes from a conceptual level and cannot be solved by such an easy method.

When reading comics in the past, Gwen had seen many characters vomiting after seeing Deadpool's true appearance, and she also felt that it might be an exaggeration of literary and artistic works.

But seeing it with her own eyes, no, before seeing her true appearance, the body odor alone was already unbearable for her.

"Don't worry about those details, you just need to know that he can handle these two. Xiao Wang, how is the situation outside? How many Spider-Man died?"

Su Ming saw that his cousin had an arm ripped off the moment he started fighting with the enemy, but his expression remained calm and he asked Xiao Wang about the situation outside the space.

"Less than ten people died, but I think this level is about the same. Solus is currently being held back by this real-life Captain America, but I don't think she can hold it for long."

Xiao Wang flipped his wrist, and a picture was projected, allowing him to see some things happening in the outside world.

The surrounding neighborhoods are in chaos, and after the twin brother and sister were imprisoned here by Deathstroke, the battlefield situation outside has not changed much. It is a melee between the three forces.

There are more and more local superheroes, and the new Avengers and the new X-Men have arrived, successfully turning the ruins of the city into a pot of porridge.

In the New Avengers, a girl wearing the stars and stripes was fighting Sorus, being knocked away time and time again, and rushing back again and again with a shield.

"That's not Captain America, but 'American Dream.' In some parallel universe, she might be Steve and Paige or Sharon's daughter."

Deathstroke raised his fist to his chin and shook his head slowly. Solus had already shown a very strong strength, but the American dream of holding a shield in his hand could last him a whole day. This was probably some kind of inheritance.

"Is it possible for both Paige and Sharon? Our captain is also a bit shaken about relationships."

Waiter Gwen wiped the foam from the corner of her mouth. She had adjusted herself. By constantly hypnotizing herself that Deadpool was just a comic character, she anesthetized herself.

"Steve is just an ordinary person, and he also has ordinary people's troubles." Su Ming observed the battlefield and selected prey, as if he were looking at the products on the supermarket shelves: "Wang, have you seen the 'Descendant' totem? I The man who carried him was not found on the battlefield.”

Xiao Wang narrowed his eyes, pinched his fingers to adjust the magic details, and then shook his head:

"No, Master, at least not on the ground or in the air."

Deathstroke moved his chin and thought for a second: "The Ultimate Spider-Man is over there, and several of his little brothers are also there, except that the new Spider-Man of this earth, May Parker, and her brother are missing. Maybe the child has returned to It’s in her hands.”

"I'm not so optimistic." Gwen shook her head. At this moment, Deadpool and Bora started biting each other's necks. She pulled the corners of her mouth in disgust and turned her head away: "The heirs feed on spiders, maybe That little guy has got into every enemy's belly."

Su Ming calmly denied: "There is no such possibility, because whether the ultimate spider has acquired the descendants, or the descendants have been eaten by the enemy, then they should evacuate."

Just like what he said, Ultimate Spider-Man is still leading the team to fight to the death, with no intention of leaving. This shows that the set goal has not been achieved and efforts are being made.

Gwen's observation skills are good, but she lacks the ability to think logically.

While the three were chatting, Deadpool had already gained the upper hand in the battle not far away. His uniform was ripped into holes by the brothers and sisters, and the pus, blood and unknown viscous liquid flowing out of the wound made him close. Invincible in battle.

Bora bit him just now, maybe because she wanted to suck the life and soul out of the bitch, but she was like sucking into a human septic tank, and now she was vomiting so much that she couldn't stand up at all.

Blix's situation was slightly better, but after Wade took off the broken mask, his face was enough to deal with him.

Deadpool's weapon is sodium carbonate steel, which is an anti-self-healing metal that can prevent the division and replication of body cells. The powerful radiation is even carcinogenic, but Wade doesn't care, he is already a cancerous person.

It was originally a killing weapon prepared for his good friend Wolverine, but it has no problem being used to restrain vampires who can heal themselves.

Without the transfer of clone consciousness and the ability to self-heal, vampires are actually not difficult to kill. Not everyone is Dracula and has immortality at the level of a mythical concept.

Wade is a little crazy, his brain is not normal, and he will even smell his armpits to see if he is sweating during the battle.

But he is also very smart and knows how to use his own advantages. Because of the mental patient's broad thinking, his fighting skills are like an antelope hanging its horns, making the enemy invisible. Therefore, he can also be regarded as a different kind of fighting master.

Bora and Brix had caused him a lot of injuries. The flesh, flesh and internal organs on his body were almost piled up on the side, but he was in good condition today and healed very quickly.

On the contrary, the injuries Deadpool inflicted on the opponent with carbon sodium steel were almost permanent wounds.

The cousin only needs to use the tactic of exchanging injuries for injuries and fight the enemy desperately. No matter whether the body parts are torn off or not, even if he can be hit by the opponent a hundred times in exchange for stabbing the opponent, it is still a pure profit.

As vampires of the heir family, when had the brother and sister seen the tactic of humans chasing them to replace their wounds? For a moment, his mind went into a dead end, completely forgetting that he actually had air superiority.

"Go attack him from behind, idiot brother!" Bola was lying on the ground vomiting, with sharp long teeth extending from the corners of his mouth, and a piece of rotten skin hanging on it.

"Shut up! My retarded sister!" Brix's body was stained in many places. The originally beautiful white dress now looked like a beggar's costume: "His head can rotate 360 ​​degrees! There is no way to attack behind him. Pointless!"

Bora also saw how Deadpool really turned his head around after hearing what they said.

"Then you should think of a solution quickly! Let us get out of here!"

"Fart! If you think you can, just stand up and do that!" Brix scolded back with a bad face, straightened the stabbing sword in his hand again, and started fighting with Deadpool.

"Hey, man, I'm now sure that you are not an incestuous couple, because you have no love at all." Wade shook his head and watched the bayonet sink into his chest, and counterattacked with the two knives in his hands like scissors: "But it's not impossible. The good news is that after you are all dead, you can slowly embrace love and peace in tranquility. By the way, since you are both vampires, the luxurious coffin must have been prepared a long time ago, right? This is also a good thing. , but I really can’t guarantee what you will look like when you are hacked to death by me. It’s better to prepare a jar as a backup..."

A lot of nonsense poured out at the two of them, and Deadpool's mouth was like a machine gun, disrupting the minds of the two with his mean voice.

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