The Death Knell

Chapter 2707 Natural Restraint

"Old men, have you seen it?"

While Deadpool was trying to cut off the enemy's head with his self-named "double knife transforming into scissors", he turned to look at the air aside and spoke to the non-existent audience:

"Before, some people said that these two people are actually members of the German Orthopedics Department, and insulting each other is a fun way to play... But my detective Deadpool has just seen it. It is not the case at all. The two of them have no tacit understanding at all. Even worse than forming a temporary team of mercenaries, the old man who provided wrong information consciously gave away his gift!"

"How long has his symptoms lasted?" Gwen sniffed and her eyes turned into dead fish: "It's like gibbering and auditory hallucinations."

Faced with this problem, Su Ming shrugged. Without finding a suitable external target, he temporarily shelved his plan to bring in more people and looked at Deadpool's behavior indifferently:

"That's his habit. Keeping nonsense can make him perform better. Wade, hurry up, stop playing!"

Deathstroke raised his wrist and tapped the knuckles of his other hand to indicate that he was still in a hurry.

Deadpool, who was having fun, sighed and spread his hands towards the enemy: "You heard it too, the boss is urging me. Can you stand still and let me stab you to death? This is good for all of us."

"Dream! You disgusting monster, we are the successors, the future rulers of billions of realities, we will never die here!"

Bora, who fell to the ground and was still vomiting, raised her head to retort, but when faced with Deadpool's indescribable face again, she immediately lowered her head and vomited again.

If Blix hadn't blocked Deadpool's path to finish the shot, she might have died long ago.

Speaking of which, these two people are quite frustrated. I'm afraid they haven't even used their abilities to 10%. Facing Deadpool, they lost their fighting power.

No way, they have noses and eyes and need to eat. Any creature with these characteristics cannot resist the biological instinct of stomach twitching.

"Guys, she actually called me a monster?" The small eyes on Deadpool's mask blinked, looking very puzzled: "I thought only women who had slept with me would call me that, could it be that... Did she have a relationship with me through her mind just now? She has that kind of super power, right?"


"No? Sigh...then there's no mercy left, die!"

Not sure what answer he got, Deadpool was a little disappointed. The successor named Bora was actually pretty pretty, and he wanted to give it a try.

But after knowing that she had no special abilities, he was no longer interested. After catching Brix's attack with his belly, he threw one of his own katana towards Bora.

The katana is not a particularly good throwing weapon, but as long as it is strong enough and the tip of the sword is pointed correctly, it can still kill people when thrown.

The female ghost lying on the ground vomiting had no ability to resist. She didn't even notice Deadpool's movements. The sword penetrated her Tianling Cap and came out from her chest.

She looked down in disbelief, reached out and touched her own blood, and then slowly fell down without saying a word.

"Hit the target! Yeah!" A crooked smile appeared under Deadpool's mask, and he smiled like a god of war.

There was a twist in the mirror space, and Bola's body was thrown out by Xiao Wang, leaving only the knife still stuck on the ground.

If most people saw their sister being killed, they would definitely be angry, right? But Brix, on the other hand, even laughed out loud when Bora was killed.

I laughed and cried, then suddenly started laughing again, like crazy.

He did not continue to compete with the disgusting Wade, but found an opportunity to turn around and run away, flying into the distant sky, leaving only a barbell-like laughter in the air.

After a while, Deadpool, who lost his hands and feet again, jumped to pick up his knife, then jumped back to Deathstroke, looked at the fool's retreating back, and shook his head speechlessly:

"He knows that this is a mirror space, and you can't get out without magic, right?"

Su Ming also burst into laughter from under his mask: "You should know."

"Then he's still running? Does that make sense? Look at his back, he looks like a dog." Deadpool shook his wrist, and a small hand quickly grew out, with a helpless tone in his tone.

Deathstroke watched the black shadow turn into a small black dot in the sky, and curled his lips: "Probably too happy."

"Hi, Xiao Wang, long time no see. You seem to have gained weight recently." Deadpool started teasing the mage behind Deathstroke again, and reached out to touch the king's chin: "Bring him back, it's best to teleport him to the tip of my knife. superior."

Xiao Wang also retched, because Deadpool's uniform was scrapped during the battle, and he was now naked, revealing rotten flesh, as if it was a semi-dry state after a mixture of cow vomit and baby feces.

He dodged Wade's clutches and immediately began to cast spells. The world twisted again, and Brix, who was originally flying farther and farther away, suddenly turned and flew towards a few people.

In the mirror space, direction has no meaning at all. Su Ming's original plan was to prepare a death meal for the brothers and sisters, but Wade's early arrival ruined the plan and saved a lot of trouble.

Brix, who was laughing happily, realized something was wrong, and the expression on his face turned into confusion, but it was too late to change direction.

Xiao Wang's palm holding a luminous disc suddenly turned, and a portal appeared in front of the opponent, causing him to fly in without braking, and then appeared in the middle of several people, landing right in Deadpool's arms.

"Turn it into money!"

Wade smiled evilly, and a piece of rotten flesh fell off his face, and then he used the same backbreaker that Bane used on Batman, using his newly grown knees to cripple Blix's mobility, and then The two swords slashed randomly.

Being ambushed by a hundred swordsmen is probably the same level.

With flesh and blood flying everywhere, it didn't take long for Deadpool to be covered in blood. But after seeing that his enemy was completely dead, he showed a pure smile, rubbed his fingers at his cousin, and then took out a new uniform from his remaining pocket and put it on. superior.

Su Ming threw the check to him, and then looked at Xiao Wang: "It's almost there. A sufficient number of unfamiliar Spider-Mans have died, but the one I am familiar with has not died, which is just right."

Xiao Wang nodded, canceled the space magic, and several people returned to the battlefield, just in time to look into Solus' eyes not far away.

Behind the other party is the still rotating portal, but he is checking Bora's body at this time, looking very sad.

Deathstroke also kicked Brix at his feet. The tall old man was stunned for a moment, and then locked eyes with Deathstroke with cold eyes.

It felt like being stared at by a snake.

But Su Ming didn't panic at all, and even wanted to laugh a little. Seeing his enemy in pain made him feel good, and he even politely said hello:

"Old sir, are all your family members dead?"

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