The Death Knell

Chapter 2711 Mobilization Meeting

"Adjutant, search the multiverse and help me find some earth filled with nuclear radiation. The radiation should be widely distributed and low in intensity."

Su Ming began to prepare for action, but before chasing down the surviving members of the successor family, he first had to arm these spiders, such as covering them with radiation dust.

The heirs are all very sensitive to nuclear radiation, and they will feel uncomfortable all over if they are exposed to it even a little bit. This is a weakness that can be exploited.

Su Ming had not announced this secret before, and Gwen, who also knew it, was regarded as a gossip, so the spiders didn't know this.

Now all it takes is Su Ming to lead everyone into an earth that is a nuclear wasteland by 'accidental', and then tell everyone that they have gone the wrong way and return the way they came.

Just like bees will stick to pollen when they land on flowers, radiation dust can be regarded as something that can be spread by the wind, and Deathstroke only needs to continue to pretend not to know, and wait until the spiders fight the successor again, everyone All have advantages.

The spiders may think of that accident when they walked into the wrong door, but they took advantage of it. Who will go into the details of how this advantage came from?

If you pick up a rabbit that was killed on a tree, would you pick it back up, skin it and stew it? Or will he immediately protect the scene, call the police and apply for a judicial autopsy to study why the rabbit is speeding?

"Retrieving, please wait."

The adjutant's voice rang in her ears, and she had already started working. Selecting a nuclear wasteland from all the parallel realities linked by the spider web was not too troublesome, because the master of the totem knew the status of the totem.

Who is irradiated, who is poisoned, who is going to die, etc., a series of situations will be reflected on the spider thread of fate and time.

The adjutant did quickly give the coordinates, and had prepared a collective sonic blast transmission. Even the coordinates of the successor ghost girl who was equipped with an X metal droplet tracker were locked.

At this time, Zhang Parker had turned off his artificial sun and was stroking each piece of equipment lonely, as if doubting his life.

Captain Universe was communicating something with Jessica and seemed very happy.

Takuya and the others were chatting with Ham at the other end of the parking lot, and Little Black Spider even took out a portable handheld device for everyone to play with.

Everything seems much more stable.

The death knell floated up and hung in the air. He took out the golden trumpet of the God Killer, brought it to his mouth and coughed:

"Ahem, friends, I have a piece of news to share with you, that is, in the endless parallel universes, I should have locked onto the Earth where the Successor family is located!"

The crowd below was silent for a moment, and then the sound boiled like water falling into hot oil.

Everyone has their own opinions, some are worried, some are excited, and some are angry. They can't wait to share their emotions with the people around them, and their voices get louder and louder.

Su Ming did not stop them and allowed everyone to discuss freely. He just looked up at the hole in the garage roof. The sky outside was getting brighter and the sunrise was coming.

The air quality on Earth 13 is good, and the environment is well protected. Because with great power comes great responsibility. Space Spider is also responsible for combating illegal sewage discharge and preventing land desertification and other things.

The air environment of this quality in the suburbs of New York is quite good. It smells of dew and green grass, and it's like the forest is breathing cool air next to you.

After a few minutes, everyone gradually became quiet, because the death knell just floated there without speaking. Instead, they wanted to hear what he had to say.

Seeing such a scene, Su Mingcai smiled and nodded to everyone:

"Personally, I must take revenge on the Successor family, otherwise the deaths of so many Spider-Man are meaningless, and if they are allowed to hide, they will definitely come back in the future. You hope that your future children will do the same. Facing what we are facing today? You must know that totems can be inherited by blood."

It is easier to accept that you state your position first, but do not say that you want to kill all the enemies, only that you want to take revenge.

The crowd was thoughtful, and many people nodded. For Spider-Man, family and friends are very important, and they will not let the successor threaten those around them.

Although many of them are single, and there are also many orphans who have no family at all, it is never wrong to think ahead for the future.

Su Ming doesn't care which Spider-Man has no fighting ability. As long as they want to go to the battlefield, then give him the ability to protect himself so that they will not die from soul-draining.

Superheroes are never spoken by words, they are made by fists. As long as it is a masked person, who doesn't have the idea of ​​​​being a hero?

"It seems like everyone is on the same page as me, and I'm relieved to know that being angry for your friends is a valuable trait."

Deathstroke was the first to applaud, clapped his hands a few times and then said seriously:

"Your choice is right. Suffering is not the answer. We must fight. Don't say how powerful the successors are. Many people have seen it. We repelled them on the previous earth and subdued three important families. members, they are not invincible.”

"Then how can we defeat them?" A mean voice came from somewhere in the crowd, so mean that it made you want to hit him.

"Good question!" Deadpool mingled in the crowd to help, and Su Ming took over the conversation: "The battlefield will be the enemy's home, maybe a planet or a special dimension, but it will undoubtedly be a strange place. In a strange place For local operations, the troops must not be divided, and everyone should operate in the sewers."


Originally, some people wanted to ask what to do if there was no sewer, but after thinking about it, the successors and brainwashed super villains appeared in the previous battle. How could there be no such thing in the place where they live?

Even if they don’t eat or drink, they still have to use water for bathing and washing, right?

As long as there are these living needs, there must be sewers, unless it is medieval Europe, only people there like to walk in feces and urine.

"When the time comes, everyone will gather underground first. I will take a few people out to investigate the situation. Once the terrain and enemy distribution are ascertained, I will inform everyone to swarm up to ensure nothing goes wrong."

This is not actually a tactic or strategy. In short, as long as everyone is infected with a certain degree of radiation dust and the enemy's devouring ability is disabled, it will be fine.

Without the ability to 'suffocate' people, the heir family's miscellaneous soldiers are actually no match for Spider.

Some Spider-Man felt that this arrangement seemed a bit hasty, but Deathstroke took the initiative to explore the way by himself, so the Spider-Man accepted this suggestion and said nothing more.

Deathstroke has taken away the most dangerous task, do you still want to take no risk at all?

Then why do you still have the face to see people? If the worst happens, just withdraw it.

"Then it's settled, everyone pack your things. Captain Spider, don't go there yet and continue to maintain this shelter. If things don't work, we will come back."

Deathstroke nodded towards the captain. It was daybreak. The first ray of morning light shone on the black and yellow armor from the big hole on the top of the parking lot, making him look like a god. He then arranged for the British Spider to do what it was good at:

"William, please record the results of the meeting and make sure everyone wants to go. If anyone doesn't want to go, be sure to confirm his name and code number loudly and loudly, and then draw a picture and record it. Don't make a mistake. !”

The British captain nodded, took the notebook handed over by Xiao Wang and began to write down the list one by one.

Everyone was brave. No one wanted to be a deserter and be called out many times. They were heroes without a doubt.

A few minutes later, everything was ready. Deathstroke also lowered his mask, the red goggles lit up, and a demonic, hoarse and gloomy voice said:

"Adjutant, teleport us to coordinate No. 1."

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