The Death Knell

Chapter 2712 Running wildly at the end of the world

"There seems to be no sewers here."

Accompanied by the loud teleportation, everyone was sent to a completely unfamiliar place. Looking around, there was a reddish-brown desert as far as the eye could see.

There are no plants or water sources. There is nothing here except the sky full of red sand and strong winds. The sun shines directly on everyone, making it extremely hot. The rough gravel in the wind is even noticeable through the uniforms. Spider-Man felt a twinge of pain.

Gwen Spider came over with a pergola on her forehead. She asked Deathstroke where the entrance to the sewer was. Initially, she said she wanted to go into the sewer, but she refused, but now that the sun was shining brightly, she wanted to find some shade as soon as possible. The place.

The environment of this earth is not right, and the location where everyone is located is like an unnatural basin. Just rub the ground under your feet twice with the soles of your feet, and glass-like crystals will turn up under the sand layer.

"Xiao Wang, go and find a cellar for everyone to hide from the sun. Wade, go for a walk with me and see if anyone can ask for directions."

Su Ming issued new instructions. If people want to be exposed to radiation dust without causing excessive cancer, it is best to carefully control the dose. Let Xiao Wang use magic to deal with this matter, and there should be no problem.

Even if something went wrong, the worst case scenario would be to send Xiri to the "Fallout" world and get some radiation protection and come back.

As for Deadpool, he is a cancer patient. He has almost all cancers and organ lesions known to mankind. What can radiation do to him?

"I think the environment here is good, for Mars." Wade walked back and forth with his arms crossed, and even danced a few ballet movements: "It's just a bit strange. How come the gravity on Mars is similar to that on Earth?"

"Because this is the earth, and it's New York." Su Ming grabbed his shoulders and flew into the sky instantly.

There wasn't even a cloud in the sky, only sand and dust. The destruction of the ozone layer caused ultraviolet rays to mercilessly hit the ground. Wade, who had rotten skin, soon started to gasp for breath.

Because the painful and itchy feeling of burned skin gave him a strange pleasure.

"Oh, cousin, my body is so hot. Look, my butt is smoking. It feels good, but where is the nearest swimming pool nearby? A car wash is fine too."

Wade, who was flying while being twisted in Deathstroke's hand, was still twisting around, making strange noises, and even tried to take off his pants to show his cousin.

"If you keep talking nonsense, this business will be out of your hands." Su Ming threatened his cousin, and then looked at the wilderness below, looking for places where indigenous people might live.

A few seconds later, the discovery was made. Some thin lines could be seen in the distance, moving towards the huge crater where everyone was.

That's dust kicked up by vehicles traveling at high speeds.

The four-wheel-drive desert vehicle, which seems to have only a skeleton, is very powerful and has been equipped with additional equipment like a bumper or a chainsaw. It looks very ferocious.

Deadpool also noticed it, he squinted his eyes and looked at it, and became happy:

"Ah, I understood when I saw this wasteland style. This is the world of "Mad Max", right? I already have a plan. Let's kill 'Immortal Joe' and you can use the water he saved. And oil, I will take over the wives and concubines he left behind, suck them!"

Wade drooled again due to some stimulation.

"No, although we can also go to "Mad Max", it's Vertigo Comics, not Marvel." Deathstroke carried his cousin in the direction of the convoy: "I'm here too I don’t know exactly where it is, but it doesn’t matter. If you ask about the situation here, I will know the specific earth number.”

Deathstroke lowered his altitude and quickly approached the leader's vehicle. Because the broken vehicle only had a frame and no doors, windows, or armor, and a series of things that blocked his view, he could clearly see the driver.

It feels quite weird, like a rotten person like Deadpool, wearing a sleeveless steel suit with a spider web pattern and a red hockey mask on his face.

These equipments were obviously picked up, and they were a little bit damaged, and I didn’t know how many hands they had passed through, but in the apocalypse, they were still considered good uniforms.

Through the 'real panoramic sunroof', Deathstroke fell directly into the back seat of the car with his cousin. Only then did he stretch out his thumb and wave it in front of Spider-Man:

"Friend, give me a ride."

"Humans falling from the sky? Haha, it's useless. I know you are hallucinating. You mutated bastards want to disrupt my spirit? Bah! Dream on! Just follow me and eat ashes!"

The driver just turned his head and made no move to slow down the car. He just continued to drive wildly.

Deathstroke thought for a moment, then reached out and put his hand on the other person's shoulder: "We are not phantoms, but real humans, from a parallel world. What happened to you here?"

Spider-Man, who was driving, turned his head and glanced at the back seat, especially took a deep look at Deadpool, and replied simply:

"What else could happen? TMD nuclear war! CTM's catastrophe! Decades ago, the mutant bastards used nuclear weapons to exterminate mankind, and they are behind me now, chasing me. If you really want to To prove your human identity, you did it in front of me.”

It seems that he is a Spider-Man, but he doesn't say anything about it, and he actively asks strangers to help him kill people.

At the same time, he was very wary and secretly reached for his short-barreled shotgun, secretly aiming at Deadpool through the back of the seat while driving.

This is normal. Deadpool's uniform looks like autumn clothes, while Deathstroke is wearing thick armor. Who needs to be shot first?

After hearing this, Wade turned his head to look back, and sure enough, the pursuing vehicles also rushed out of the smoke and dust from behind.

But the people in the car are not so much mutants as mutants. They are all freaks with animal heads and human bodies, and their bodies are full of pustules and sarcomas caused by radiation.

Wade saw a huge bunny-headed man at first sight. This bunny-headed man had a red mohawk and wore a vest made of denim. He had his chest exposed, huge muscles, and various spikes. Textures and tattoos adorned his body.

This guy was hanging out of the beam of his car, sticking out his tongue and screaming while waving and spinning the chain in his hand.

"Ah, it sure looks like a wasteland style. The appearance of these guys is just like Fist of the North Star mixed with that Zootopia. Spider, why do they want to kill you?"

Deadpool took a deep breath, took out a stinger rocket from the pony bag behind his back, turned around and knelt on the back row and aimed back.

"Because I hold in my hand the last human genetic sample in the world that is not infected by radiation! This is the future of all humans, and mutants want to completely exterminate us. If you are humans, prove yourself now, I can I’ll give you a ride.”

The driver took out a small can in his arms. The container was about the same size as a box of cans, but it was also marked with black and yellow biochemical warning symbols.

Su Ming already knew which world this was. He pressed Wade's paw: "You're in a hurry, let me do it."

After saying this, Deathstroke's body glowed with colorful flames, and then he punched back.

With just one blow, the pursuers were wiped out in the thick beam of light. He calmly retracted his fist and said in the roaring sandstorm:

"Now, Driver Spider, we can talk."

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