The Death Knell

Chapter 2713 Dipping into Radiation

The number here is Earth 10113519, the Earth in the post-apocalyptic era.

In this world, Professor

With the efforts of the X-Gang and the Brotherhood, they successfully triggered a global nuclear war. To put it simply, they lurked in the dark, controlled the nuclear weapons of the United States, attacked nuclear-armed countries around the world, and then mind-controlled the attacked in batches to fight back at the same time. .

Nuclear strikes and nuclear retaliation caused 99% of the human population to be wiped out in just a few hours. Then mutants began to come to the forefront, cleaning up the human survivors on the earth and preparing to take over this crazy world.

They themselves were also exposed to nuclear radiation and suffered various mutations, but these only made them more deformed and powerful.

The Spider-Man driving in front is codenamed Spider-Lord. Due to nuclear radiation, his whole body is as tattered as Deadpool and exudes a strange smell.

But he is a superhero, and he is currently lurking underground in the bomb crater in Queens with some survivors. He even ran to an undamaged egg bank, obtained the last pure human genetic sample in the world, and kept it carefully.

A few human survivors without psychic protection knew the news, which meant that Professor ** also knew it. The mutants sent people to surround and suppress the spider lord, hoping to destroy this last hope of mankind.

"That's it, fellow humans, they want to kill Hope."

In the desert, the Spider Lord stopped the car and communicated with the two. What he said was exactly the same as Deathstroke's memory.

He held a kettle and poured the dirty water into the car's water tank. A burst of mist rose and he took off his mask, revealing a face like a rotting zombie.

Only slightly better than Deadpool, it doesn't look like the rot is so deep, it's just the skin and muscles that are rotting away.

He was obviously very concerned about the burning vehicles not far behind him, and he probably wanted to remove parts. At the same time, he was also surprised at how the stranger could punch the enemy to pieces in the air.

But he is no longer pointing a gun at Wade. At least the sample is safe now, and both of them have proven themselves.

"It's really miserable, it's so miserable." Deadpool kept chanting without sincerity, but his head turned around and looked around: "By the way, which way should your Federal Reserve Bank take? "

The Spider Lord's car stopped at the edge of the large crater, and he tilted his mouth downwards:

"It's all in the air, do you smell it? Oh, I'm sorry, I guess everything inside has turned into dust and you can't smell it."

Wade sighed, as if he had lost the motivation to live, and leaned softly on his cousin's arm and said:

"Slade, let's go. People here are too poor to afford our commission."

"Is it the only human gene that is not infected by radiation? In fact, there are many such things in parallel worlds." Su Ming still gave the spider lord some advice: "If you pretend to let the mutated people destroy this jar, contact us again in the future It won’t be a problem for me to get you tens of thousands of pure genes.”

Spider-Man didn't quite believe it. He just smiled, put on his mask, got in the car again, stepped on the accelerator, and the engine roared.

"It won't happen one day. They can't catch me."

After saying that, as soon as the brakes were released, the car rushed into the basin blasted by the nuclear bomb like an arrow, and disappeared into the wind and sand with billowing smoke.

"What a free man." Wade shook his head and twitched his nostrils: "The dirty-talking Spider-Man is surprisingly cute, but I'm more handsome. It's almost time. Our spiders should be covered If there is no radiation dust, you can fry it until golden..."

Deathstroke picked up his cousin and flew back. Anyway, he came out to investigate, which was just an excuse to kill time.

Back to where everyone was, nearly a hundred Spider-Men were squatting in a newly dug cellar, protected by a barrier formed by Xiao Wang's magic.

Su Ming secretly took out a Geiger counter, secretly checked the radiation readings on several Spider-Man bodies, and made an OK gesture to Xiao Wang.

He walked into the crowd, faced everyone's expectant eyes, and started telling lies:

"Friends, we are a step late. The successors have been here before, but they evacuated quickly. I asked the local residents here and we are just a little slower."

Everyone sighed. It was so close. There was nothing we could do. It was purely a matter of luck. No one could blame it.

"But don't worry, everyone. I have learned through other means a world where there must be a successor. Let's go there now."

"Please wait a moment, Deathstroke." Ultimate Spider-Man walked out of the crowd, followed by his die-hard brother Punk Spider. He took a deep breath: "How do you know where the successor is? If you have special means, Why not share it with everyone?”

Su Ming looked into his eyes, smiled and shook his head: "Because... I am Death Knell!"

"This is not the time to care about personal gains and losses. If you really have a way to search for successors in the multiverse, you should bring this method out and let everyone work together."

Zhang Parker did not flinch, maybe because as a scientist, his curiosity was aroused.

He was curious about how the death knell could lock the enemy's position, because he couldn't do it himself, not to mention that he had come back to find out that the 'bride' was missing from the three types of totems.

As the new leader, Deathstroke did not look for the missing person, which meant that he knew where she had gone and had collected three totems at the same time.

I also want to know what the purpose of gathering totems is. There is no other meaning, I am just curious.

Su Ming wasn't angry either. Anyway, it won't be long before Doctor Octopus returns his body to Peter, so he doesn't need to worry about the dead.

He took out two .50 bullets from his pocket, removed the warheads, rubbed and squeezed them in his hands, pinched two water-detecting sticks, and threw them to Zhang Park, asking him to hold the short ends of the two L-shaped sticks.

"This is how I look for enemies. Feel the vibration of the totem, listen carefully to the voice of the universe, and then wait for revelation from the sky. This spider stick will take you to the target."


The Ultimate Spider was speechless. He was a scientist. After getting such an idealistic answer, what else could he say?

In addition, Deathstroke just said that the enemy is only one step away from leaving here, and he wants to lead everyone to catch up, but you, the Ultimate Spider, insist on asking questions now, delaying everyone's time... What is your intention?

Thanks to the fact that most of the Spider-Man people here are kind and simple people, otherwise, based on Zhang Parker's actions, they have every reason to believe that he has joined the Heir family.

Those monsters do have cloned spider totem hosts. It seems normal for spies to sneak into everyone. The ultimate spider has caused everyone to lose many compatriots before, and now it is delaying the pursuit. It is really suspicious.

Of course, everyone is a good person. Maybe some people thought so but did not say it out loud. After seeing some of the looks, Doctor Octopus knew that he could not ask Deathstroke anything.

He returned to the team, and Yang Tian sighed, as if everything had been calculated by Deathstroke, and now he had even lost the trust of Spider-Man.

No matter what I said, there was nothing they could do to save the day. The spiders seemed to be following the man in black and yellow armor all the way into the darkness...

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