The Death Knell

Chapter 2715 Start investigation

The streets were lifeless. It didn't mean that there were no commercial activities and leisure entertainment. It was just that those people gave the death knell the feeling of being like puppets on strings, and this place was like a slightly warmer underworld.

Most of the people living here are ordinary humans. They all have smiles on their faces, as if they are walking happily through the streets, but those smiles are very stiff, as if they were glued together to fix the flesh. Hundreds of them Thousands of people even have the same raised corners of their mouths.

The currency prevailing here is a system of gold and silver coins with the image of Sorus engraved on them, which are used for trade.

Su Ming and a group of people hid in the dark, observing the lives of people on the streets, watching them use gold coins to shop in stores, and use silver coins in change to stay in hotels and eat.

Sailboats came and went in the sky, stopping at what should have been New York Harbor. They brought all kinds of goods into the city, but the expressions of these outsiders were not right either.

"Huh, Slade, I don't feel good here." Wrapped in two pieces of cloth, like a rolled up carpet, Deadpool lightly jumped to Deathstroke: "I can't say why, but I'm obviously looking at something. It's all normal, but it just makes my anus tight, if you don't believe me, just touch it."


Deathstroke's hand slipped again, and the owl dagger arrived late.

"Of course I know there is something wrong with these people, something is wrong with their mental state. Maybe they have been brainwashed or domesticated a long time ago. They live here. Maybe the successors just want them to 'show how civilians in the magical world live' here. .”

Deadpool looked down at his belly, squirmed out of the roll of cloth, pulled out the dagger from his belly and gave it back to his cousin:

"Are you playing a magical medieval life? You're really good at it."

He held the large intestine in his hand with some emotion, holding the wound with his hand to prevent it from healing too quickly. Then he put the intestine back into his stomach and continued to wink and say:

"If I had a world, I would definitely let all residents perform family emotional and ethical dramas every day. For example, A falls in love with B, but B loves C, C loves D, and so on, so that all people on earth can It forms a huge closed loop. Love triangles and love triangles are both weak. Cousin, how about this 'three-dimensional and all-round love ring' I invented?"

Before Su Ming could express his position, Gwen took a deep breath. Putting aside everything else, it was anti-social to control human emotions to that extent.

But I'm really curious, what will be the result if we really arrange it like that?

Unknowingly, Waiter Gwen showed a cute smile again.

"It's not good, because you didn't consider whether the last two people left were of the same sex." Su Ming picked a stall in the corner of the market and walked over there: "Suppose you and the electrician are Would you like a pair?"

"Oh! It's so disgusting, but if it were Peter, I should try it..." Deadpool thought for a moment and said very seriously. He had really considered using his rotten Broken brain.

Deathstroke shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. He walked to the stall he chose, where there were some dry sea fish with flies flying around on them.

The stall owner had sunken eyes and looked very tired, but he still maintained a perfect smile:

"Welcome! Sir, do you want to buy fish?"

"I want to buy a totem, do you have any here?" Su Ming reached out and turned over a fish, then pulled the tail and lifted it up to take a look.

The man setting up the stall suddenly became nervous, his pupils dilated, and his body began to tremble violently. He said tremblingly: "How dare you? How dare you ask such a question? This is not in the script. Don't hurt me. Those are the masters. For food, we must obey our master.”

"Oh, is the city really a stage?" Su Ming dropped the fish in his hand and rubbed his fingers: "What will happen if I don't hand over a spider totem to its owner?"

"Guard! Guard..."

The man setting up the stall wanted to shout for the guards to come over, but what he faced was not the merciless Spider-Man, but Deathstroke.

The strangulation broke his neck in an instant and swallowed up his flesh, blood and memory. Su Ming's body surface twisted, and he turned into a fishmonger in the blink of an eye.

Stepping into the stall, Su Ming patted the blood-stained apron that had transformed from strangulation, and took over the identity of the original owner.

"The people here have been brainwashed and trained. There is no hope of salvation. They stand on the opposite side and are infinitely loyal. In their eyes, Sorus is the only true god."

Su Ming digested some of the other party's memories. As a slave actor, the guy who played the fishmonger was just an ordinary human being and didn't know anything secret.

Waiter Gwen was very direct. She also walked to the inside of the fish stall and found a few fish baskets to hide behind:

"Then let's strike first and kill them all to avoid these risks. This is safer."

Takuya, who was wearing a leather jacket, sighed with a headache: "Yes, if there is no way to treat it and it is irreversible, we can only ask them to become Buddhas!"

"Become a Buddha..." Sanwu Loli Penny muttered in a low voice and lowered her head to think.

A low EQ argument: kill them all.

A high EQ statement: Invite them to become Buddhas.

It sounds different. The latter one makes people feel warm. Penny said that she has learned it. She is also a mecha pilot. In the future, she will also ask the bad guys who destroyed New York to become Buddhas.

"Hey, you two seem to be crazier than me. The 'they' my cousin said refers to all humans on this planet." Deadpool was wrapped in rags and lying on the fish stall, assuming a posture like a reclining Buddha: "Why didn't you respond when you heard the extermination order?"

Takuya shrugged and answered Deadpool very calmly:

"Because they are from the enemy's side. Although I am sad to ask them to ascend to heaven, this is war. I hate war, so I must end it with my own hands as soon as possible!"

Waiter Gwen also hid behind the fish basket and popped up: "Yes, not solving the danger in advance, and deceiving yourself with a sense of luck. This is the most poisonous part in superhero comics. I prefer to wait for the enemies to attack me." Drown them all in their sleep before we launch human sea tactics."

"Drown..." Penny repeated quietly, thoughtfully.

The guards who came after hearing the news came to the stall. Deathstroke fooled them perfectly, saying that it was just the gold coins that had just fallen. He called the guards when he was excited.

The guards looked at the stall owner as if they were mentally retarded, glanced at a few customers, and left silently to continue patrolling.

Deathstroke then walked out of the fish stall and returned to his one-eyed form:

"The memory of a single sample may be too subjective. I will ask a few more aboriginal people to 'ask'. Although cleaning an entire earth will not cause any psychological burden to me, I still need to avoid wasting manpower, just in case something can be saved. Can arrange to go to my world for space mining, after all, we are all fellow human beings..."

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