The Death Knell

Chapter 2716 Crystal Tactics

Next, Deathstroke took advantage of his mobility and took several people to several continents, conducting multiple sampling tasks in many cities.

But the results still tilted in the wrong direction. Hundreds of samples randomly checked were all docile people brainwashed by the successors, even a few characters who were supposed to be superheroes.

They are like livestock, working diligently for the family. When the successors want to kill them for fun, these people will not resist. They will even cover their mouths when they scream before death, just because of fear. Affect the mood of the owners.

"They have all become slaves. I don't know how many years the successors have been operating on this earth. The world is in their shape." Deathstroke, who brought people back to New York, shook his head. Several people are now sitting on a On the pier, looking at the sea and sailboats: "It can be said that they are completely hopeless. These people are worse than monkeys now."

Takuya's expression was also a bit heavy. He nodded silently at first, and then slowly rotated his bracelet:

"In this case, we have no choice. In order to protect everyone's future, I'm afraid we have to clean them up. Our number is far inferior to the entire manpower of a planet. Once we are trapped in a tight siege, there will probably be casualties."

As a passionate young man, he is more willing to protect his relatives and friends, rather than caring about some people from other worlds with strange expressions.

The answer is definitely yes. This is equivalent to entering the enemy's headquarters and seeing a large group of enemy soldiers. Do you still want to show mercy to them?

Although the enemy base was larger than he imagined, the number of enemy soldiers was also beyond imagination.

"Planet bomb? Cyclone torpedo? Cosmic energy radiation? Biochemical virus? Nuclear weapons to wash the land?" Deadpool has already begun to help his cousin choose the way to destroy the planet. The more he talks, the happier he is, as if he wants to watch the fun: "It's really good. , you have so many choices, but do we have to hide on the moon first?"

"This earth cannot be blown up. I haven't searched it yet. Just clean up all the people." Deathstroke pushed Wade away and looked at the sky with one eye: "Penny, please contact Jessica and the others first and ask them to go back to the sewers and The large forces have gathered together. Xiao Wang, go back and move them all to the moon to wait for me. Adjutant, send a mixer over."

There was a flash of light, and a kitchen mixer used to beat eggs appeared in Deathstroke's arms.

"...Not like this, I want a concrete mixer for construction sites." Su Ming was a little speechless. He wanted to destroy the brainwashed living dead people on this earth. What did the adjutant misunderstand? Think you need kitchen utensils?

He doesn't eat people, and he kills and eats them without processing them.

"Don't refuse yet, give this to me." Deadpool blinked, reached for the egg blender, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket: "The blender in my new home broke yesterday when I was playing with Inez."

Su Ming didn't bother to think about how they played with the mixer, so he threw the small household appliance to Deadpool with his backhand, then flew into space and received the newly 3D printed cement mixer where no one could see it.

After landing invisible again, Jessica's contact happened to be connected, and she wanted to talk to Su Ming.

"We were teleported back to the sewers. Deathstroke, do you have any instructions? I've already chosen a target to attack."

She knew that her team should be suspicious soldiers who attracted the enemy's attention. The more enemies involved, the safer everyone in the sewers and Deathstroke's team would be.

But I usually do a lot of this kind of work in SHIELD, so it’s nothing.

"I have conducted surveys and samples of people from all over the world. They are all slaves brainwashed by the successors. Once a war breaks out, less than a hundred of us will have to fight against the vitality of 7 billion people. It is too unsafe. As long as you know this, don’t publicize it and stabilize other people.”

"That's it." Black Widow Jessica thought for a moment, lowered her voice and said, "I can get a lot of neutron bombs, and I know where Fury in our world hides these things."

Neutron bombs can effectively kill carbon-based life without destroying buildings and terrain.

At the same time, the duration of its radiation residue is relatively short, and the planet can be reused in a short time. As long as you plan how to bomb it, you can save a lot of trouble.

"No, I have a better way, use Terrigen Mist." Deathstroke pressed the communicator and took out a black triangular crystal from his waist bag with his other hand.

This is the Terrigen crystal purchased from Attilan back then.

In addition to activating the ability of aliens and enhancing superpowers, its powder will produce Terrigen Mist when it comes into contact with water at a suitable temperature, which can cause ordinary humans who come into contact with the mist to become petrified and die directly, allowing mutants to obtain A genetic collapse disease called M-POX.

As long as there are enough crystals and enough fog, it is not difficult to destroy unprepared humans. The existence of the atmosphere and air convection will help accomplish many things.

"I understand, Black Widow is offline." Jessica hung up the communication.

"Ah, spreading Terrigen Mist?" Waiter Gwen understood again. She held Penny's hand and looked at Deathstroke: "Although that can eliminate humans without affecting other animals and plants, but in this case, you How will we use this earth in the future?”

"You can use robots, bionics, and undead skeletons. It's not a problem." Su Ming roughly explained the plan, then looked at everyone, took off his cloak and turned it into a flying carpet: "You go to the moon first, and I'll inquire." Here we are, the Heir family’s castle is not on Earth, but somewhere in low-Earth orbit.”

Deathstroke looked at Takuya when he spoke. If there were difficulties along the way, it would be up to him.

Aunt Four Hundred and Penny also had no objections. Killing the enemy was equivalent to saving oneself. The logic was very clear.

Soon they all left. Xiao Wang also sent a message to complete the transfer, and the large force arrived on the moon.

On the dock, only Deathstroke and Deadpool were left.

"Slade, are you sure I don't need to take refuge?" Wade kicked his butt, tore off a large piece of dead skin and threw it on the ground: "Do you think this crystal is strong? Does it taste like snuff? "

"You can't die anyway. You'll only be petrified for a few days at most. What are you afraid of?" Su Ming came to the door of an empty port warehouse, broke off the door lock and went in. He took out the mixer and fixed it, and began to fill it with ingredients: " I am responsible for crushing and stirring, you are responsible for packaging the powder, that’s it, then we just need to take the powder to react with global seawater.”

He threw pieces of crystal into the equipment, and as he pressed the power switch, the thing began to rotate.

The adjutant used anti-vibration gold when printing the equipment, so it would not be a big problem to break these crystals. Su Ming still stared at the large crystals inside, and would poke it with the sledgehammer transformed from the God Killer from time to time.

Not long after, the first pot of Terrigen dust was prepared, and Deathstroke threw some plastic bags to Deadpool for him to load.

Bag after bag of powder was produced, and Wade felt like he was holding the ashes of his enemies in his hands. It was so happy. He had never had the experience of contributing to the destruction of the world.

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