The Death Knell

Chapter 2720 Activation

Not mentioning the fact that Deathstroke installed a positioning tracker on Zhang Parker with just a tap, he looked at the map and assigned different tasks to the other teams.

For example, go to all directions to block doors to prevent brainwashers from reinforcing the main castle, annihilate hidden sentries that may call the police, and investigate places where there may be cellars.

Jessica is special. She is very useful. Deathstroke sends her to help search for treasures, whether they are technological or mysterious, as long as they don't touch strange hats.

After all the people were dispersed, there were only a few original people left beside Deathstroke.

Waiter Gwen looked at the spectacle of Deadpool's skeleton rapidly growing flesh and rotting, and was so sick that she retched, but she could still persevere. Maybe it was because she often looked at sand sculptures on the Internet, which provided her with good mental resistance, and even Can talk to Deathstroke:

"You sent them all away again, what shameful thing are we going to do next?"

"You have wronged me. I dispersed them to the periphery out of kindness." Su Ming threw the map to her and asked her and Takuya to take a look at the arrangement: "How many people are left in the Heir family, Takuya and Penny?" The mecha will provide reliable defense when facing the successor and avoid having its soul sucked. Other totems may suffer casualties when facing the successor. It is better to find something else to do for them."

Waiter Gwen didn't believe a word of this statement, because Ghost Spider, her new sister, was still in the team, and she didn't have any mecha to defend herself.

So both Gwen looked at Deathstroke with similar big eyes, but one was suspicious, the other was calm.

Although Gwen Spider is one year younger, she is obviously more mature. Although she is curious about why Deathstroke brings her in the team, she believes that it is not to harm her, but that she must have some trump card that she is not aware of.

Things were just as she imagined.

"The ghost spider is very similar to me. She is half the host of the symbiote." Su Ming gave the answer. If the symbiote provides protection, the successor's soul will not be able to absorb the tightly wrapped totem.

"I see, that's it. I almost forgot. The main reason is that the timeline can't be determined, which is very annoying." Waiter Gwen seemed to understand something, holding her delicate little chin in thought.

"Protect..." Sanwu Loli Penny started to think in her arms.

Gwen Spider doesn't want to waste time guessing riddles. Her character is straightforward. Although she doesn't understand much, she can ask directly.

"Why do you say I'm half a symbiote host? Venom doesn't exist on my Earth. I've seen the Ultimate Spider-Man before, and he said he had the experience of merging with a symbiote."

This is true, the love-hate relationship between Peter Parker and Venom is a long story.

"Your situation is very special. The source of your symbionts is the spider isotope and lizard serum in your body." Su Ming counted the time in his mind, and at the same time began to 'process' the captives in the big cocoon: "The one that bit you originally Spiders are unusual, they are man-made and radioactive, you know that right?”

"I know, that's why I need to take medicine regularly, otherwise I will lose my ability, my whole body will be exhausted, and my mind will be too exhausted to move." The Gwen Spider did not hide anything and stated its weaknesses: "These are all symptoms of being exposed to radiation. "

Su Ming watched as the strangulating tentacles opened the head of a large human-shaped cocoon and sucked the brains inside. He smiled and nodded to the ghost spider:

"Yes, you were once injected with ability inhibitors by Spider Silk, the villain of your world, when you were fighting against the 'Silk' organization, and almost turned into a useless person like the one next to you. Jesse betrayed 'Silk' and stole Spider isotopes extracted from alien spiders are injected into you, allowing you to regain your abilities.”

"...You are saying that the second spider is actually a transformed symbiote." Spider Gwen made a bold guess.

Su Ming shook his head and threw soda to a few people to quench their thirst: "I don't know the specifics. Maybe there is a symbiote that uses spiders as hosts, but in the process of our multi-dimensional travels, your symbiote 'isotope' has awakened. Yes, it is lurking in your body now, eavesdropping on our conversations."


Spider-Gwen's breathing almost stopped. She felt ashamed that her privacy was completely exposed, and she was also a little afraid of the symbiote.

She saw very clearly how the strangulation killed people just now.

At this time, her new good friend Gwen took her hand. Instead of worrying, she said happily: "Don't worry, your Isotope or White Venom is actually a very gentle guy, although he is not very capable. , but it is very obedient, please try to communicate with it."

Miss Poole remembered that, officially described in the comics, Gwen's symbiote was described as 'Dr. Lizard's mutant parasitic cousin' and 'a squirming, amorphous alter-ego of Spider-Woman'.

Strictly speaking, it is a technological artifact of the earth. It is a technological accident and is not an alien symbiosis.

"What should I do?" Ghost Spider held his hood in his hand and put Penny aside on the ground.

"Uh... how do I know? I am just a useless third-tier superhero. My life is like a candle in the wind. I may die suddenly at any moment, such as being killed by a meteor or being struck with a tomahawk. Die, die of diarrhea or cold, a series of funny ways to die suitable for third-tier characters..."

After being questioned, Waiter Gwen suddenly fell into a depressed mode and began to squat down and draw circles on the ground, but she couldn't draw circles with her fingers, which made her even more discouraged.

Deadpool sighed and nodded slowly: "Yes, this is what will happen if you are not popular, but you just need to hold my cousin's thigh. The camera will always be near him."

"This is a comic!" Waiter Gwen didn't appreciate it, but insisted on his own point of view.

Deadpool showed an expression of 'Are you kidding me', and the pair of small white eyes on the mask turned into tadpoles, he shook his head and corrected:

"Movies, we live in a movie world, and I'm still fighting for a PG13 rating. If you don't believe me, ask the audience."

"Comics!" Waiter Gwen stood up, and her fighting spirit was aroused.

"Movie!" Deadpool rubbed his face vigorously, then took out a new uniform from his waist bag and put it on.

The boring argument started again. Su Ming was too lazy to pay attention to these two people, but said to Gwen Spider:

"Let me help you. Let Strangler combine your nerves with White Venom's. Then you can communicate. Strangler will teach it something."

He tilted his neck, and the black bean sprout turned into a tentacle, reaching towards Spider Gwen.

In fact, even without outside help, it is only a matter of time before Gwen activates the symbiote, but now if she has the symbiote in advance, it will come in handy when fighting the successors.

The speed of communication between symbionts far exceeds human language communication, and electrical signals exist at the speed of light.

The black tentacle seemed to just touch the Gwen Spider's wrist for a moment, and then retracted.

But just when Gwen Spider didn't feel anything and wanted to ask something...

Black greasy liquid began to flow from every pore on her body, which quickly turned white and began to eat away at her uniform, twisting and transforming into a new symbiote suit, again her favorite white and pink one. shape.

A strong sense of power surged into her heart, and her still slender arms were filled with a special energy. She could clearly feel that she had become stronger.

She looked at her hands. The white latex-like uniform was attached to the last skin of her fingertips. When she raised her head, two pink haloes appeared on the mask, glowing with a faint light.

A new symbiote was born, and Gwen Spider instantly gained a front-line combat capability among spider totems.

Su Ming smiled slightly and gave Gwen some chocolate as pet food: "Okay, let's start taking action. Saurus still has a few children. Let's find a chance to deal with them quietly first. If we have any questions, we can walk on the road. explain."

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