The Death Knell

Chapter 2721 Deadpool’s failed tactics

The ghost spider was immersed in the curiosity after obtaining the symbiote. She was trying out the new abilities brought to her by various uniforms while muttering to herself.

But she didn't know another thing, which was the consensus among the symbiote hosts - never let another powerful symbiote come into contact with her.

"Strangled?" Deathstroke walked on the road, communicating silently with his pet.

The stars in the distance sent colorful light. This castle was always located on the dark side of the earth, so it would be nice to never see the light of day.


The strangle said it was done. The moment it came into contact with and activated the mutated symbiote, it stole the opponent's sample, and the experiment was very successful.

According to the results, with the somatic cells of this white venom, the host should have a high success rate in transforming the 40K Gwen spider after returning home.

But whether the spider isotope can be used by other totems still needs to be studied by the adjutant. He is just a symbiote, not a scientist.

This is enough. After all, the ghost spider in front of him is a person from another world on Earth 65. It is difficult to control and likes to run around. Of course, Su Ming is more inclined to transform the Gwen Stacy on his own earth, and then pass it through Some means and connections to control the girl.

Of course, these will not do any harm to Gwen on Earth 65. Instead, she activated the symbiote in advance and gained powerful power. This can be regarded as a win-win situation.

"Cousin, do you think this family is all poor?" Deadpool was a little listless, and he followed behind Deathstroke: "The room in the servant resting area just now is so big, but except for the golden statue that you took away Besides, I don’t have anything valuable, and I don’t even have a chance to make extra money. You see..."

His fingers started rubbing together again, this time it was still a temporary increase in price.

"If you are the first to attack the next target, I will give you an extra $500." Su Ming remained calm. He paid more attention to the surrounding disturbances: "Be vigilant. Our actions are not necessarily secretive."

"Actually, I'm curious. Since the Heirs all feed on totems, why don't they try breeding them?" Wade stuffed his fingers into his nostrils through the mask and quickly spun them around: "For example, grabbing some male and female Spider-Man, If we do in vitro fertilization for them, as long as the base is large enough, won’t it be possible for them to have a steady stream of success?”

Su Ming smiled softly and whispered to his cousin: "Then have you ever thought about why they didn't carry out big hunting in the past, but only started recently? It's just that they received some tasks."


After walking through gardens and stony paths, the sound of shoe soles colliding with pebbles kept coming. Soon, the majestic main castle appeared in front of a few people.

The main castle looks like a space demon city with the bright moon in the distance as the background. It has towering spiers hundreds of meters high, and more than one circle of stepped inner city walls. Except for the absence of those flying bats, it is really It fits the taste of the vampire family's hometown.

There is a suspension bridge outside the main entrance of the castle. Although it looks useless, there are two guards in golden armor standing there guarding the door, which does look a bit stylish.

Before Su Ming could say anything about the arrangements after entering, Deadpool tugged on his mask, pressed his cousin's chest with one hand, and cleared his throat and said:

"I'll take care of it this time. I'll make the five hundred yuan for sure."

With that said, Deadpool ran straight out of the hiding place and walked towards the guards with steps that he didn't recognize.

Not to mention seeing a weird man in black and red tights, even the rancid smell in the air exposed the existence of Deadpool. The two guards immediately raised their halberds and shouted loudly:


As soon as he heard this question, Su Ming caught Takuya who was about to jump out with a backhand, because he hated to hear people ask him his name. Answering people's questions and doubts is the fuel of youthful passion!

But now is not the right time. Su Ming wants Deadpool to try out the identities of the two doormen. They are dressed like tin cans, wearing heavy medieval armor, and their faces are completely covered.

After all, he is the gatekeeper of the main castle, so he should be better than the servants on the outside, right? Let Wade test it, he can't die anyway.

Deadpool is a mercenary and an anti-hero. Although he likes to talk, he is definitely not the type to answer every question. He only says what he wants to say, or what he says because his tongue is not controlled by his brain.

He quickened his pace, used his teleportation belt to flash directly to the other side of the moat, raised his hand before the opponent launched an attack, and slapped the gate guard twice.

"Long live Hydra!"

Su Ming lowered his head and rubbed his face with his palms: "..."

The slapped guard also tilted his head: "..."

Then a group of people hiding at the corner of the street saw two guards piercing Deadpool's belly with a long halberd, lifting him up and slamming him to the ground, and then stabbed him with the tip of the halberd, stabbing him into pieces. honeycomb.

Waiter Gwen was very puzzled. She asked Deathstroke in a low voice: "Is this a new tactic? Is it to let Deadpool attract the enemy's attention, and then we sneak in through the back door?"

Deathstroke was silent for a moment. He really couldn't tell the fact that Deadpool was imitating him, because not every infiltration operation could be solved by slapping and praising Hydra. He didn't know where his brain had miswired it again.

"No, it's just that he simply likes to be abused. You also know that he is not normal, so just treat this as a personal hobby."

"Personal hobbies..." After hearing Deathstroke's explanation, Penny, the three-nothing girl, murmured to herself. Her eyes became sharp, as if she had learned some new knowledge.

The ghost spider sighed and handed Penny in her arms to Waiter Gwen. She pulled up her white hood and said, "I'd better do it, just in time to experiment with the newly acquired power."

She also has the ability to travel through space. Although most of the time she needs to rely on a spider silk launcher on her wrist to achieve this, she is special in her own right.

Shooting spider silk towards the castle in the dark, she passed through a spider web wormhole that suddenly appeared. When she reappeared, she was already behind the enemy. The two guards were poking Deadpool with their halberds, blood and the contents of her stomach. Those organs just splattered everywhere.

"Ah! Oh! Elegant Butterfly!" Deadpool was poked dozens of times, and he was still rolling around in anger. He didn't have any problems because of the failure of his tactics. On the contrary, he seemed to be enjoying it.

There was a look of disgust under Gwen Spider's mask, and the big pink aperture eyes on the mask also seemed to show a look of contempt.

But after all, we still have to save people, and we can't let him continue like this.

"Hey, gentlemen, look here!"

She suddenly made a noise to attract the attention of the two guards, and then jumped up and performed a flying kick with her legs spread apart. Perhaps she was not used to the enhanced power of the symbiote, and she kicked one of them in the neck. The head flew across the moat and landed in front of Deathstroke and others.

Takuya shook his head. This seemed a bit too strong. Did he actually behead the enemy with just brute force?

Although the other enemy was also kicked in the face at the same time and rolled far away, he did not die. Instead, he took out a shield with the image of Saurus from the gatehouse nearby.

"Come on, Spider Totem, for Master! I can spend all day with you!"

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