The Death Knell

Chapter 2735 Stop Warming

"Who called him?" Deathstroke, who was also shot by the voyeur, couldn't help but shook his head when he saw Oliver's miserable state, but bitterness and hatred are the character of Green Arrow: "You paid attention because you detected the contact signal. Are you from Arrow Mobile?"

"Yes, Sheriff, the call is from the Republic of Gambia in Africa." The deputy switched to the end, showing a farm on a plantation.

There was a shabby public phone there. The green shell was covered in mud. Someone had grabbed it. There were some suspicious blood stains nearby.

A man wearing a red vest and baseball cap was wandering there.

"It's not the time yet. Yes, it's still night in the United States. I'll wait until daybreak before making a call."

The man was talking to himself, not in a very normal state of mind, and walking around holding the indigenous bow and arrow in his arm:

"But what should I say? Oh, hi, Oliver, I'm Roy. I was resurrected inexplicably, but now I'm stuck in Gambia. I need you to give me some travel expenses?"

"How can I prove to Green Arrow that I am who I am when there is no internet in this rubbish country? Oliver is a smart man, but being smart means being suspicious."

"My own rhetoric sounds like a street scam."

"It's like saying that I am a descendant of the Franklin family and know where the national treasure is buried, but how much money does it cost to hire a construction team to dig it out? If you give me $10,000 today, I will pay you back one million dollars in a month!"

"This statement is definitely not valid, Oliver won't believe it."

The predecessor, Red Arrow, or the arsenal, was scratching his head in the plantation facing the endless banana fields, looking very tangled.

You know, before he died, he went to live in a shelter because he had a falling out with Oliver, and he went there for psychological counseling. The two of them are still a little embarrassed now.

But he is not a member of the Zhenglian and cannot contact anyone else. He only knows Oliver's confidential number.

"No, that's not the case, I can still find another person..."

Roy suddenly stopped, his eyes widened and he patted his head, regretting why he only thought of it now.

He walked out of the corridor of the dilapidated farm and came to the empty dirt road, looking up at the sun in the sky.

"Superman! Help!"

The next second, a red and blue figure appeared in front of him. With a warm smile on his face, the strong man put his big hand on Roy's shoulder:

"Welcome back, Arsenal. Are you ready for the direct flight to Star City? Green Arrow will be happy."


"You think if I call Superman here, who will come?"

Su Ming watched Superman grab Roy Feitian and remembered the chores with interest.

"There is a high probability that it will be Superboy Supreme." The adjutant made some calculations and concluded: "If the DC main multiplicity is regarded as a glass ball, then the ghost universe we are in now is a grain of rice stuck to the outside of this ball. , and only Superboy can reach here across the invisible dimensional barrier."

"Okay, I think Oliver won't be too happy to see Roy later, and he probably won't be able to explain it to Dinah." Su Ming stood up and patted his butt: "There's nothing else important, right? ? If nothing happens, I will go to Earth 0 first. Just tell Bliss and Cindy that I am back. They don’t need to do anything for the time being."

"Understood, Sheriff, besides the Blizzard incident, there are two other things that need to be investigated." The deputy raised two fingers and made a "yeah" gesture: "One is that Nightwing restarted Titan Tower and opened a room to train young superheroes. University. The other thing is that Damian went to find Thalia, probably to inquire about her relationship with you."

"It doesn't matter, no matter what the hell he says, he won't believe it." Su Ming walked out of the throne room, preparing to go to Earth 0 to have a meal with Harley and then start work: "I'll go down first, you keep an eye on all parallel The universe and Marvel also need to send people to do things."

"Okay, be careful." The adjutant waved his hand, and she drifted towards the control room.

Deathstroke raised his mask, exited one of the base's side doors, and soared into the sky.


The snow is very heavy. The snow on the roadside in New York City has completely covered the height of the first floor. It is very difficult for vehicles to move on the road. From time to time, you can hear the sound of sirens after a car crash, and ambulances are also blocked on the road.

Speaking of which, people in DC are also in a lot of troubles. The food crisis in the Year of the Villain has not yet passed, and now there is a big blizzard. It is really like a TV series, without giving anyone a chance to breathe.

But these have nothing to do with Deathstroke. He only solves the problems he wants to solve. It would be great if this weather change comes from some kind of technological equipment, and it can also be used as a weather weapon.

Check it out first.

In the night, the death knell in a black cloak was inconspicuous. He floated outside Harley's window, reaching out and knocking on the frosted glass.

Hallie was using a gasoline barrel to burn firewood in her room while decorating a cake. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked so happy that her ponytails stood up.

It took some effort for her to open the frozen window, let Deathstroke into the room, and quickly blocked out the cold wind.

"Yeah, yeah! My little bee, I thought you wouldn't be back in a short time." She laughed and jumped on him, clinging to him like an octopus, and kissed him several times: "Isn't that right? Is it Batman who complained to you that I didn’t return his Bat-flyer?”

"Huh? Little Sugar Bean, didn't you give it back to him?" Su Ming sat her down on the TV, like a doll, and put her cream-covered hands on her knees.

Harry smiled and pointed to the roof, indicating that he had completely forgotten about it!

"Don't let him spoil your mood, dear, what do you want to eat tonight? Do you want to try my new cake? Or maybe I put cream on myself..."

She winked, then gathered the cream on her hands together, picked it up with her fingers, and smeared a trace on her chin.

The little hand full of cream passed between the breasts, passed the belly, and continued downward...

Su Ming shook his head slowly. Harley might have some misunderstanding about making cakes, because she was using a set of pottery equipment, which is a workbench that can rotate the clay embryos by pressing a pedal.

Her handprints were all over the cake, and the pink cream packaging box on the side should have been white. Who knows what kind of condiments were added to it.

Therefore, this cake must be inedible, and there is only one option left, right?

"Let's find a warm place. The heating seems to be turned off here." Su Ming reached out to hug her, preparing to find a place where she wouldn't catch a cold to play games.

But when it came to the heating issue, Harley woke up. She jumped off the TV, grabbed a piece of dirty clothes and wiped herself, and started talking like a machine gun:

"Yes! Damn central heating. My cats are almost freezing to death! If the earth sinks, they won't be drowned. They can't die in today's cold wind. Wouldn't that be as miserable as the little match girl? If If they die, I will be regarded as a black-hearted stepmother! I won't allow it! Fortunately, this is an old building with a backup system from seventy years ago. Go to the basement to repair the boiler and find some coal. Although I I want to be independent and self-reliant, but repairing boilers is really not in my skill list, so go ahead, I love you, hee hee!"

She pushed Su Ming out of the door, and then she squatted next to the gasoline barrel and started to warm herself by the fire. She also wrapped herself in a small quilt, leaving only her head with a two-color ponytail exposed, looking helpless.

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