The Death Knell

Chapter 2736 Extraordinary Twins

The basement is filled with all kinds of debris and garbage, and many items still have signs of drying after being soaked in water. The environment is humid and eerie, making it a perfect place for a perverted killer to live.

"Hi, Eggy, do you live here?" Deathstroke greeted the giant eggs in the garbage dump, and then walked towards the abandoned boiler in the corner.

This guy named Dandan is really an egg, or more like an egg-shaped Doctor Octopus, relying on a belt that fixes mechanical limbs to move.

He is considered an 18th-tier villain. His dream is to own his own pancake stall, but because of his poor fighting ability, he can't even find a suitable place to do odd jobs.

After all, it is an egg. Even if it is touched by a child, it will break and the egg white and yolk inside will leak out, which is a serious injury. His life has never had anything to do with the word 'hope'. Just being alive is enough. It's hard enough.

For ordinary people, the simplest walking action is full of risks for him.

"Oh, uh, hello, Mr. Deathstroke." Dandan, who had been huddled in the garbage and sleeping, stood up. He rubbed his two mechanical arms a little awkwardly: "Did Harley ask you to come here to ask for rent? I I don’t have any money now, and it’s dark and slippery outside. It’s too dangerous for me. Please give me a few days of grace and don’t kill me and eat scrambled eggs.”

Deathstroke shook his head and waved his hands, took out the God Killer Transformation Tool, and began to check the boiler.

What is this and what?

The people who rented Hali's small building were all people she found interesting. She didn't care much about the rent. It didn't matter if they paid more or less. They could also use their labor to pay off the debt.

For example, this month's rent is two hundred dollars, and you can only hand over ten dollars. It doesn't matter. You can offset the difference with your work as long as you help clean the corridors or go to the attic to shovel the cats' poop.

It's a pity that Dandan can't do these tasks, because cats are too curious. If they jump up from behind and pat them, their eggshells will be broken, and they will be seriously injured and will die.

"Don't worry about the rent. Harley asked me to come down to repair the boiler, not to collect debts." The death knell struck the pipeline of the boiler. The principle of this old style is very simple. It is divided into a heating system and a pressurized circulation system: "Continue to sleep with you. If you don't get in the way, I won't kill you, hehe, I'm just kidding."

The boiler can still boil water now, so the problem lies with the latter.

Eggy immediately retracted, and he re-fixed himself in the pile of paper shells. The cartoon-style expression on the eggshell looked very stiff:

"That's great, haha, um, your jokes are also very funny, haha, hahaha..."

This is probably an awkward yet polite smile, but it's very unnatural anyway. The life of an 18th-tier villain is difficult. Whether he meets a superhero or a super villain, he has to smile.

"Good evening, everyone. I heard someone talking in the basement and came down to take a look. Since it's not the police, I'm going home."

The door to the basement opened again, and a dwarf walked in. After seeing that it was Deathstroke talking to Eggy, he put away the blood-stained dagger.

"Good evening, Tony, have you eaten? Remember to put the water in the heating pipe when you get home."

Su Ming nodded and greeted the other party. This was 'Big Tony' who was forty years old and still lived with his mother on the first floor. He was only 1.2 meters tall but was a serial killer. He was also Hallie's tenant, friend and patient. He was also there on a regular basis. Playing the role of Hercules in a circus of freaks.

"Thank you. Today's dinner is liver." The dwarf smiled and licked his teeth, thanked him politely, and then left.

Although he is a cannibal serial killer, he just likes to kill prostitutes because his father ran away with the prostitute when he was a child, leaving him and his mother to depend on each other. This can be regarded as a kind of mental illness.

Her mother was even more seriously ill, and she usually used tricks to curse the bitches on the street at home. But Tony was very filial and listened to his mother's words. His killing methods were all what his mother said when she cursed.

Okay, so Harley's tenants are a little weird, but can they be weirder than her Arkham neighbors? Anyway, as long as she is happy.


Strangulation means that the boiler has been repaired and the pipes have been unclogged, but it doesn't know where to find firewood or coal. It may take some time for the host to have sex with Harley.

"Coal, I haven't used this kind of fossil fuel in decades." Su Ming sighed with emotion, looking at the garbage piles around him and preparing to burn something first for a test run: "The fireplaces at home have been replaced with permanent combustion. The Fire of Faltin is coming, and finding coal in this environment may be a bit troublesome, so let’s fly to the Great Lakes region first.”


Just when Deathstroke went out to find coal in the wind and snow, something went wrong with Oliver and Superman.

"No, no, Clark, this is not Roy, or I mean, not the Roy we know."

Green Arrow was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing only his pants. There was a strange smell in the room, but Superman was kind enough not to tease Oliver about it because he saw the fingerprints on the poor man's face.

"That's right. Didn't Roy do White Lantern's resurrection mission and then went to Gambia and was trapped there?"

Superman patted Roy on the shoulder next to him. He checked and found that it was not a robot, not a clone, not a chameleon in disguise, and not from the Dark Multiverse.

It's Roy. He still remembers what happened in the past and can figure it out.

The latter was watching Oliver cry at this time and said aggrievedly:

"Oliver, are you still angry with me? Can we talk about it? Don't do this to me."

Green Arrow took a deep breath, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and closed the balcony door, then pulled Dachao and hid in the kitchen, whispering:

"Who told you Roy went to Gambia?"

"Well, it's probably because the people's lives there are very poor. The spirit of existence wants to make the resurrected people feel the value of life. We all know this. Think about what happened to Hawkman and the others before. Batman thinks that is the white light. mode of action.”

Superman tilted his head in confusion. He sneaked out in the middle of the night and had to go back before Lois woke up. Now that the world is covered with snow, she feels very insecure.

Hearing Clark bring up Batman to talk about something again, Oliver shook his head speechlessly:

"Actually, Roy is indeed on a mission and has always been in contact with me. In order to prevent anyone from maliciously sabotaging his resurrection process, I kept his itinerary a secret and covered it up. Now my Roy is in Mexico. Look, I’ll call him right now.”

With that said, Oliver took out his mobile phone, first showed Superman the previously undisplayed call, then opened the phone's address book, selected the one marked 'son', and dialed that number.

After a short waiting tone, the call was connected.

"Oliver, what happened? I was just getting ready to go to bed." Roy's tired voice came from the other side: "This damn weather has made the poor people in Mexico, who already have a difficult life, even more miserable. I am busy working during the day. One day.”

Green Arrow spread his hands towards Superman, Clark must have heard the sound, and said:

"We have a problem here. I'll ask Superman to pick you up. Now give me the coordinates."

"What coordinates can there be in the slums of Mexico? All the shacks look the same. I'll just find a place to call Superman. He will definitely not miss me. That's it, let's meet and talk."

The temptation passed, and there was no problem with Roy, then another problem came.

The Roy he is contacting now was resurrected by Deathstroke, which must be true, because the spirit of existence also recognizes that Bai Leng will not lie.

Then who is standing in the bedroom more than ten meters away, wiping tears constantly?

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