The Death Knell

Chapter 2737 A more profound concept

Coal, firewood, and some gasoline were poured in, and the fire started burning brightly. The fire illuminated the dark basement, and at the same time began to emit heat, and the temperature in the enclosed space began to rise steadily.

Flying along, Su Ming also saw a lot of tragic scenes. Many people even froze to death silently in their own homes because the snow crushed their houses or the power supply was interrupted.

The power supply in the United States is also company-based, and there is no coordination between different power companies. Different states often have their own power consumption regulations. The more rural the place, the less able it is to guarantee daily electricity.

Electricity must first be supplied to the factories and farms of capitalists, then to the offices of government agencies, then to public places such as schools and hospitals, and finally to the common people.

Deathstroke was in a good mood today. He rescued a few people who liked him along the way and gave them some coal and fuel. They should be able to survive for a few more days.

I hope they can persist until the problem is solved, but if they freeze to death in the end, there's nothing they can do about it, it's probably fate.

When talking about fate, it is inevitable to think of death. By the way, I wonder if there has been any movement in the Wuren family recently?

Thinking about those things, Deathstroke closed the boiler door and fastened the furnace bolt: "Egg, remember to add coal at night, I'll go up first."

"Okay, walk slowly. Come and play again when you have time, haha..." Dadan humbly took over the task of boilermaker.

Su Ming returned upstairs and greeted the tenants door to door, informing them about the heating. There were mutants, transgenders, obese patients and other characters here, all marginalized people in society that Harley subconsciously collected.

It's probably an occupational disease of psychiatrists. They tend to be subconsciously attracted to mentally ill patients.

When he returned to Harley's room and found that she was not there, Su Ming thought for a moment and went up to the flat floor on the top floor.

Sure enough, here she was, cutting up a frozen corpse to feed the cats. Judging from the clothing of the corpse, it seemed that it was a criminal who had escaped from prison, and he was still wearing an orange prison uniform.

The furry little guys meowed around her and rubbed their tails against her legs, making her giggle.

"Haha, don't worry, little villains, every cat has a share, go and line up."

Not sure if they really understood what she said, the cats dispersed, took their food bowls from all corners of the indoor garden, and lined up under the big tree.

"The boiler has been repaired and it will be warm soon. Do you need my help here?" The God Killer in Deathstroke's hand transformed into a butcher's knife again.

The little lunatic wiped the sweat from his head and gave up his position in front of the chopping board: "Huh, just right, this frozen meat is too difficult to handle. The weather forecast says that the temperature outside has reached minus 40 degrees Celsius. Is that true?"

"I don't know. You have to understand that I can survive directly in the universe. I don't feel the temperature below zero." Su Ming swung his weapon to help the cats divide the meat, and also chopped the stuffing for easy chewing: "Are you here? What are you thinking about?"

Harley sighed, she turned over and sat on the chopping board, shaking her legs:

"I was thinking, since I decided to be a superhero, should I go out and help good people in need? Then when people talk about Harley Quinn in the future, they will say, 'Ah, she saved my life. , she’s a good girl’! Hee hee!”

"You are a good girl."

Su Ming put the minced meat in the first cat's small bowl and watched it run away with the bowl in its mouth.

"Haha! I knew you understood me best! Haha!" Harley wiped the blood on her hands and came over for another kiss: "Well, since my little bee knows that I am a good girl, I don't have to I don’t care what other people think! Share the meat with the kids, and then we go back to the room to have some fun. I asked Xiaohong to use the vines to add to the fun... Wait, Xiaohong, I almost forgot to ask her. How are you doing lately?"

Now that the world is cooling down, Poison Ivy, who is the new spokesperson for the greenness of all things, is bound to have a hard time. No plants can grow at such low temperatures.

Harley wanted to do whatever she thought of. She took out her small mobile phone encrusted with rhinestones and tried to dial a number.

But the call couldn't be reached, so her expression instantly darkened and she cursed a few fragrant words.

"Let's put aside the matter of looking for Xiaohong for now. My dear, let's go and kill all the bosses of my communication operator and his family first, okay? I'm going to blow their heads off with a hammer and make him regret in a pool of blood why he didn't give me anything." I’ll increase my credit limit.”

Su Ming glanced at the screen of her mobile phone: "It's not that you are in arrears, but that there is no base station communication signal nearby. It must have collapsed due to heavy snow... I'd rather help you find Poison Ivy. Adjutant , search for the coordinates of Pamela Lillian Eisley in the main dimension of Earth 0."

"Wow, this kind of name and surname are so unfamiliar!" Harley lay on his back and watched the process of putting food for the cat: "She is my dear little red, you should be with me Love her just as much."

"This has nothing to do with that. The main thing is that our universe has begun to expand now, and things have become a little different. I don't think it's accurate enough just to say the full name. I even want to add a time limit."


Deathstroke cut the meat very quickly, and even strangulated to help. Each cat got its own dinner in a short time. The sound of purring echoed in this indoor garden, which was very reassuring.

The premise is that you don't care what the ingredients are.

"Is it more complicated than the multiverse and the dark multiverse?" Harley tilted her head, one side of her ponytail hanging down.

"It's a little difficult to explain hyper-temporal flow to you, because it involves top-level concepts such as 'origin', 'void', and 'existence', so I'll just tell you the conclusion, yes."

Deathstroke put away his weapon, hugged her waist and sat on the lawn against the big tree:

"Hypertime flow is something that makes even Barry scratch his head. The speed force plane is not worth mentioning in front of the grand concept of infinite earth. Even things like yesterday's cause and effect and tomorrow's effect can be realized in the supertime flow."

Harley thought for a while. Although she has a PhD in psychology and is not an expert in physics, she is still a highly educated person, so she can probably understand something:

"Is it more complicated than the big ball-in-small-ball system where the 40K Earth is located?"

"DC here is a 'set of boxes' and believes that every reality is a cube. In short, it's almost the same. It's okay for you to regard the hypertime flow as an omnipotent universe. We are human beings, and the universe doesn't care how we see them, because there is no problem at all. It’s nothing.”

Su Ming himself was a little unsure and could only tell what he knew, but the conclusion was a bit dark.

Just like Marvel always says that all stories and all realities exist in their omnipotent universe; DC also always says that all stories and all realities exist in the super-time stream, and they also emphasize it, saying, "Marvel also, but God is not pleased with them'.

"Well, living in a place like this, how can one not go crazy? Haha! I won't ask anymore, I'll just listen to you." Harley rested her head on his shoulder and calmed down for a while: "Find the little one Have you found Hong’s position? Should we set off?”

"Adjutant, activate sonic transmission."

Deathstroke's answer was simple: direct action.

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