The Death Knell

Chapter 2738 Bald head clears the way

Poison Ivy's current location is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. There is a small rainforest on the island. She used to cultivate her own vines here.

But now the island is covered with snow, the trees have been broken by the snow and sea wind, and there is even ice around the island.

Because of its salt content, sea water generally does not freeze, but there are exceptions.

The physical process of seawater freezing is relatively complex. Cold weather causes the sea surface temperature to drop, and strong winds stir the seawater, causing the surface layer of seawater to lose heat, and the seawater is cooled.

When the temperature of the surface seawater decreases, excess salt will precipitate and form condensation nuclei, causing the upper seawater to become larger and sink, while the lower seawater will have a smaller specific gravity and rise to the surface.

Convective mixing occurs between the surface layer and the lower layer of seawater. The subsequent cooling process brings the cooling water from the surface layer to the lower layer, and then brings the crystalline heat released when ice crystals are formed in the lower layer to the sea surface. The seawater cools again until the entire seawater sinks and the density of the water layer rises. Stop when uniform and stable.

When the seawater temperature drops to the freezing point and continues to lose heat, the seawater begins to freeze. If the cold and hot convection can reach the seabed directly, it can also freeze at the bottom of the ocean.

Just thinking about this information, it can only show that the island where Poison Ivy is located is not in the ocean current zone, and it also means that the global low temperature weather has been going on for a long time.

After teleporting to the island, Harley found Xiaohong with her superhuman sensing ability. In fact, she saw a dialog box floating on the snowdrift in the center of the island, with ellipsis written in the green box.

She quickly ran over, dug Poison Ivy out of the snow, and then used sonic boom teleportation again, and the three of them returned to her small building in Brooklyn.

"Don't die, Xiaohong. If you die, I won't help you protect the plants. I have to use disposable chopsticks every time I go to eat Chinese food!"

Putting the unconscious Red on the bed to keep warm, Harley threw herself on top of her and screamed, but quickly stood up again because Poison Ivy seemed to be frozen and her whole body was cold.

"Sneeze!" Harley sneezed, rubbed the tip of her nose, and looked at Deathstroke: "Honey, do you have any experience in thawing a vegetative state? She is like frozen meat in a hotel cold storage."

Deathstroke reached out and touched Ivy's neck. There was no heartbeat at all. She was truly a vegetative state.

But there is nothing to be nervous about. Poison Ivy often comes back to life. All she needs to do is bury her body in the soil and pour some water on it on a warm spring day to revive her.

What's more, she's not dead yet, and the leaves haven't fallen off her body yet.

"It's just hibernating. Many vines are not annual herbaceous plants. They have a mechanism similar to hibernation." Su Ming straightened up and thought for a second: "This problem is easy to solve. I'll go out and get some equipment." .”


It can be said that the public trial of the century, in the extreme situation of heavy snow closing the city, although the environment and road conditions in the metropolis are much better than other places due to the presence of Superman, in this kind of weather that makes people not want to go to work at the first sight , so many people sent out to judge Luther still required strong action.

This trial has lasted from morning to now. An ordinary person would have been unable to withstand it, but Luther is not a human now. He is a hybrid of human genes and Martian genes, which he got from Perpetua. benefit.

Although this has resulted in reproductive isolation from humans, and the bald head has no descendants, but he has an almost unlimited lifespan, so what is the use of having descendants?

Just because he can sit still does not mean that the justices can also sit still. After all, to become a federal judge, one must be at least sixty years old, so breaks in court trials become more and more frequent.

In the public room, Luther leisurely took the coffee from his secretary Moxi, took a sip, and immediately spat it out with dissatisfaction:

"What the hell is this? Since when can you mix antifreeze and cigarette ash and sell it as coffee in the metropolis?"

Even the small matter of drinking coffee was taken into account by Luther. He deliberately shouted loudly to make the audience in the same room think that he had not returned to Metropolis for a long time, thus confirming that the bald man before was not what he is now. The side view of this bald head proves it.

Strictly speaking, onlookers and reporters cannot be in the same room with the suspect, but this is the metropolis and the headquarters of the Lex Group. Luther can make everyone understand that if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

"Sorry, boss." Moxi pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, with a professional apologetic smile on her face: "There are almost no coffee shops open on the street now, so I can only borrow the coffee machine from the court, otherwise I’m afraid the only water left to drink is the melted snow.”

After hearing this, Luther nodded slowly, with a look of sympathy and anger on his face:

"What? Is it already so difficult for government agencies worthy of people's respect? It is really heartbreaking. As a socially responsible entrepreneur, after I am cleared of my grievances this time, I will donate to all levels of courts across the United States. Ten espresso machines, absolute quality products produced by the Lex Group, to express my respect for all public officials in the country.”

The flattering secretary immediately picked up the conversation: "Boss, you are so kind. The fake one before was completely different from yours. It's all my fault that I was deceived as well."

"That's a clone. It's normal that you can't tell the difference. Don't blame yourself, otherwise I'll give you a salary increase again." Luther smiled and patted the secretary on the shoulder, then drank the coffee.

The boss and secretary were engaged in daily drama, and the people around them who heard the conversation showed expressions of recognition. They now believed that Luther was a good person.

The clone who deceived the people before is dead. He disbanded Lex Company and blew up the building, which also caused great losses to Mr. Luther. He must have been sent by the enemy.

Now that those things have passed, the court and prosecutor's office are still chasing the real Luther. It really makes no sense. They probably want to take the opportunity to blackmail him, right?

Oh, the stinking politicians in the United States know how to do this.

The lawyer representative hired by Luther also sat beside him and nodded repeatedly. Although the coffee that tasted like antifreeze was not for him, what was the purpose of going out to litigate in such a cold day?

Is it social justice and justice? Or is it to support the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature?

No, it's just business. Mr. Luther has offered 100 million US dollars in legal fees alone. Although it has to be divided among seven or eight law firms and hundreds of lawyers, the amount each person gets is not a small amount.

What's more, after trying to flood the earth, food crisis, multi-invasion and other things, life is very difficult for lawyers. So this kind of grand event like a money-making carnival will be embarrassing for everyone.

So he smiled like a dog, and bent down to talk to Luther in a flattering manner: "Sir, this should be the last adjournment for deliberation. It is almost certain that you will be cleared of your grievances. Congratulations."

"Don't congratulate me, congratulate the world. The world is lucky to have a genius like me." Luther smiled crookedly. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest.

"Please give up your seat."

The lawyer was still planning to say something flattering, but a big hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

"Do you know who I am? I...uh, please sit down and I'll go over there, haha."

It turns out that the person appearing behind the lawyer at this time is none other than the legend of Metropolis - Superman.

"Thank you." Superman showed a charming smile, and then looked around at everyone in the room: "Everyone, I have something I want to discuss with Mr. Luthor alone. Can you give us some time?"

People went out happily. Since Luthor was a clone, the frame-up of the Justice League was cleared, and Superman became everyone's idol again.

Jumping left and right on the wall is what Americans are good at.

Luther grabbed his secretary and signaled her to stay. After everyone left, he looked at Superman beside him with a smile:

"Deathstroke, what tricks are you playing? It will be unlucky to pretend to be Superman. He has many enemies who are not as sensible as me."

"Interesting, do you recognize me?" The red and blue Superman uniform turned into black sludge, and soon turned into black and yellow armor: "Did your sense of smell also improve after you stopped being a human?"

Luther raised a hand and showed Deathstroke his new watch. Each time scale position on it exuded a faint green light:

"If this is really Superman, he has collapsed under the chair now. Let's end this joke. Slade, what do you want to say when you come to me?"

"Anti-Superman watch? It's really yours." Su Ming patted the bald man's shoulder and didn't chat much: "I have a friend who was frozen into a lump of ice. I came to you to borrow a red sun generator to warm her up. .”

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