The Death Knell

Chapter 2758 Planet Ice Shell

"Seeing this, it feels like I'm back in the movie theater where "Ice Age" is playing." Bobo pulled on his suit, curled up into a quail shape, sat cross-legged on the flying carpet and complained: "There is nothing on the surface. , the environment is still a 'true 3D' version, and the temperature is too realistic."

Three people and one monkey have now entered the single universe that looks like a pearl and arrived on the earth.

Based on Little Jelly Bean's suggestion, Su Ming named this place Martha Earth.

The temperature here is extremely low. The initial information is that there is a big snowball, and the human cities in the past have been buried in the snow.

Strangler immediately checked the composition deep in the ice cap. The good news is that the snow here is made of 100% pure water.

Maybe this is the special rule of Multivariate 2, but it makes Bobo stop worrying about things that go against scientific common sense.

"Our location should be in New York, and the story is always in New York." Deathstroke glanced around, but everything was white: "But we are standing on top of the past New York, and the city is deep under our feet."

"At least there is Earth in another multidimensional world." The raven stepped on the small snowdrift on the side. He didn't know how long the cold weather had lasted here. Anyway, the snowflakes that should have been fluffy were now frozen solider than bricks.

Bobo, who looked like a rotting black man, looked around: "Are there really human beings surviving in a place like this? If so, they should be deep underground."

The Earth is an ellipsoid that is constantly spinning, and the gravity you feel when you climb up and down proves this.

In other words, the earth has mass, and it should also produce geothermal heat. The closer to the earth's core, the higher the temperature. This is the effect of mass and pressure.

"Let's not talk about whether there are survivors." Covered by the wind and snow, the field of vision was still limited. Deathstroke had no intention of looking around, but said: "I told you before, every parallel world in Multiverse 2 is originally It’s time to raise the Gu jar and the training ground, now we need to see what the Void Hand raises here first.”

The answer soon came to light. Perhaps the voices of several people's voices disturbed the sleeping weapons, and the sound of scratching hard objects with their fingernails started almost immediately.

And it's not just one person doing it, it's like there are at least a thousand people scratching the wall at the same time.

A few seconds later, these mysterious evil-minded dignitaries appeared, exactly the kind of living dead that Deathstroke had expected.

They dug through the solid snow with their frozen fingers, came back to the ground, and then began to wander around blankly, roaring like wild beasts.

Zombies are a relatively common type of undead army. The biggest problem is to keep them fresh. Otherwise, if their stiff skin and flesh fall off, wouldn’t they become skeleton soldiers? Even if you don't care about the loss of combat power, the smell of rotten flesh alone is not good.

Therefore, after determining that the target he was looking for was an icy earth, Su Ming believed that there was a 80% chance that it would be the same as getting into a "refrigerator" and encountering a zombie world war.

That's it, it's like putting an elephant in a refrigerator. You only need to change the environment of a planet, and then throw the living dead into it, and they will soon be able to preserve themselves.

Normally, leave it in a remote place and ignore it. Send it out when you need it.

Deathstroke, who also has a multiverse, actually has a similar backup plan to store zombies. It is the same as the Hand of the Void, but Casillas's recent research progress has come up with a better substitute than brainless zombies. Taste.

But this did not affect his guess at the Hand of Nothingness's plan, so he asked everyone to prepare in advance, at least disguised as zombies.

As for what the unknown zombies will use to identify themselves and their enemies, will it be a foul smell? Or hearing? In fact, you can experiment with these slowly. The key is not to let the owner of the room discover anything is wrong, not to avoid being discovered by the zombies.

But the reactions of these zombies were a bit strange, as if they had no desire to eat people, which aroused Su Ming's interest.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, please stay!"

He took the initiative to speak out, grabbing a corpse with tattered clothes and frost all over his body to say hello.


The living dead who heard the sound turned around, glanced at Fatty with his frozen white eyes, and then just let out a simple cry, as if to tell a few people not to bother him, and continued to wander. .

The same goes for other zombies. They have no goals after reviving. At most, they drag their stiff bodies back and forth. After hearing the sound, they look around due to agitation, and then start wandering around again.


The sound of taking photos was heard one after another along with the sound of flashing lights. Harley grabbed a passing female zombie and took pictures in different ways. When she was done, she kicked her away.

What an old scumbag.

"Okay, these zombies have hearing and vision. They may be able to do some simple thinking."

Deathstroke put his hand in front of the zombies and waved it, but these rotten monsters would only move towards the sound, and were completely uninterested in the fat meat that was brought to their mouths.

Bobo, who looked like a black man, was silent for a moment: "How do they get infected? Since it is a zombie weapon, at least there is a way for the infection to spread, right? That is the most terrifying thing about zombies."

If a certain virus spreads through the air, then Bobo doesn't want to come into close contact with them.

Su Ming patted the zombie passerby beside him, sent him to continue wandering, and then told Bobo a cold joke:

"These are magical living zombies. At least no virus samples were collected from these zombies through strangulation. Or to put it simply, these corpses are very 'healthy' except that they have no breathing or heartbeat."

"Excellent, a healthy corpse." The orangutan rolled his eyes and raised his hands in surrender, then immediately changed the subject: "Death Knell, leave these zombies alone for now. If you want to find traces of ice and snow magic, you still have to go deep underground."

"I understand this, good things will always settle."

Su Ming took out the God Killer from his pocket, held the golden scimitar in his hand, and observed whether the zombies reacted to light and energy. Then he slashed at the back of the zombie passerby who hadn't gone far:

"But wait a moment, we need to investigate something more."

The head of the living corpse was chopped off, and it fell on the snow and rolled for a distance. This did not kill it. Its face was facing Su Ming, and its mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, as if it was speaking silently. What.

It feels very awkward in the hand, and even feels a little blocked. The seemingly thin skin of the zombies can actually improve their defense capabilities a lot.

Although they look similar to zombies from other worlds, one of these evil-minded powerful zombies may be able to fight a hundred of their peers from another world.

"Another variety with extremely high physical resistance." Su Ming wiped the knife on the corpse and sighed: "Well, at least it can be deduced that the Hand of the Void doesn't like close combat."

"But they seem to be angry, what do you think?" Bobo came closer and stuck behind Deathstroke.

Many zombies looked here. They stared at the beheaded kind, and then they all screamed:


Cutting off a zombie's head is like pressing some invisible switch. The living dead finally become what they should be in the memory, with red eyes and howling, rushing towards a few people.

They are activated, and now crave flesh and blood, as if a dog's leash has been loosened...

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