The Death Knell

Chapter 2759: The art of avatar

"The expected reaction was that everyone moved closer to me."

The God Killer in Su Ming's hand transformed into a horse-killing sword, all the strangulating tentacles turned white, and he began to fire quietly.

Killing a zombie triggers a zombie wave. As expected, the switch for these ghosts lies in blood, even blood that has formed black ice crystals in the same kind of body.

This is their switch. Maybe this zombie army is harmless when it is thrown into a world at first, but if even one of them is hurt, it will trigger a domino-like chain reaction.

As long as they smell the smell of blood, they get excited. First they go to share the corpses of the headless zombies, and then they set their sights on Su Ming and his party.

They may have heard the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels, or they may have felt the body temperature of several people. In short, they seemed to have instantly changed from neutral creatures that remained uncontested to the enemy's professional thugs. The kind that leaves the whole body intact.

Now he had to fight against the thief in the house owner's house. Su Ming didn't want to escalate the problem by going to war and attract unnecessary prying eyes. Otherwise, he would just use the Light of Creation to melt all the snow, which would be so troublesome.

The strangulating tentacles formed a tight defensive network, giving several people time to study which direction to dig under the snow.

"Dangdou, what's your opinion? Which direction do you feel is different?" Su Ming held the god Jingos equipped with a silencer and played with it towards the zombies, while asking Harley for her opinion.

The little lunatic watched how Strangler ate zombies. She found it very interesting and pointed in the direction casually:

"Over there! If a thief really opened a factory in someone else's house, then he should have brought his own supper, hehe."

Although what Harley said was a bit crazy, at least she said one thing right.

Assuming that there is really an unknown enemy hiding somewhere, then he should also have a set of things that can convert ice, snow and elemental creatures back and forth and control them remotely. Most likely it will be a magic circle, and it will also have to use snowflakes mixed with special magic energy. Blow into the multi-dimensional Earth 0.

The flow of magical energy in the multiverse can be monitored. Just like the Rock of Eternity in Multiverse 1, Multiverse 2 should have similar settings.

Therefore, thieves will not steal the lights in the room, otherwise the owner of the house may see the changes in the electricity meter the next day.

It is more likely that he brought a flashlight himself. Once someone comes or hears something, the thief must turn off the flashlight first.

Deathstroke did not dare to say that the teleportation to Martha's Earth was absolutely confidential. After all, everyone knew about the sonic blast channel. Although some targeted modifications were made, it was only equivalent to reducing the sound of tearing the space.

The sound of a tank exploding has probably been reduced to the level of a car exploding.

The thief may have noticed the movement and is now hiding to keep a low profile. Perhaps he wants the owner of the house to catch these people first to jack up the tank.

So Su Ming used a trick to deliberately trigger a tide of corpses, and then used this to escape and wait in secret.

"It's this way."

Thinking does not affect the battle. The tide of zombies from the outside world is still coming. As the number of dead zombies increases, more living zombies will be attracted by the faint smell of blood in the air, causing them to wake up and join the battle.

But it's not a problem for strangulation. Although there are a lot of them and their strength is reasonable, but who can say that zombies also have human body templates and also have heads?

Just bite the head off.

Su Ming asked Zhuo Sha to set up a few tentacles to help him exterminate the corpse tide, or to dig a well inconspicuously.

Within a few seconds, he dug out a tunnel hundreds of meters deep, leading directly to the ruins of the city... The sewer road below is still sloped, and you can slide down like a slide.

Next, Su Ming played a trick with the cooperation of the cloak, which was to use cosmic energy to create clones, and then used the clones to pretend to be teammates.

So what happened was that during the battle, snow foam and garbage were deliberately thrown up as a blindfold. Several people took the opportunity to get into the sewer, strangled and destroyed the entrance.

Only the zombie-looking clones were left to be submerged in the tide of corpses.


"It's much drier in the sewers."

After sitting on the slide, Deathstroke surveyed the surrounding environment. The sewers on this earth had not been used for an unknown period of time, and a large amount of floating dust was splashed as everyone landed.

"Actually, the city's sewer system is relatively closed. You should know this if you often drill manhole covers." Bobo was finally able to get rid of the rotten black appearance caused by the illusion. He rubbed his hands in a relaxed manner and said happily. Quote: "Maybe a catastrophe like "The Day After Tomorrow" destroyed the earth, but I always feel that sewers can help people who want to live survive."

Raven did not comment on his point of view. On this earth where the sun cannot even be seen, even if a creature can survive by relying on sewers, is it still a human being? Maybe even his eyes have degenerated.

"The Hand of Nothingness wanted a refrigerator to store its zombie army, so the earth was transformed into a suitable state." Su Ming walked in the sewer, holding the God Killer as a light in his hand: "Everything happened It was so sudden that this..."

Su Ming stood at the entrance of a sewer tributary and found a mummy. Because there are no bacteria and other microorganisms in this world, and the outside temperature is very low, the corpse fixed in the ice is well preserved.

The corpse was wearing short-sleeved clothes and shorts, sports shoes on its feet, and a small device similar to an MP3 player in its hand.

He must have experienced a rapid cooling during his morning jog. Perhaps the body fell into a reservoir or a lake, and was then transported by the glacier to a lower sewer.

"There must be many people like this person, and the last frightened expressions on their faces have even been retained." Deathstroke raised the weapon in his hand so that everyone could see clearly: "And before the rapid cooling, people were still living their lives. In a quiet summer, without any defense against the cold, can anyone really hide in the sewers and find an isolated environment similar to a maintenance room and survive?"

"In addition to the zombie army on this planet."

Raven added that even if there are survivors after the first wave of cooling, they may not be able to survive the dead who revived at the slightest movement.

In fact, she has a darker guess. Maybe most of the humans on this planet have been made into zombies? Maybe this is just a fun place for the Void Hand, who just want to see their power to manipulate the multiverse?

Sangong has done this before. He turned a single universe in his chaotic multiplicity into a world of human-shaped torches, where all life has been transformed into candle wicks that emit black fire.

Even if Raven didn't say anything, Deathstroke could tell something from her expression. After all, the Three Palaces were competing against Cytorak next door. They were also Lords of Diversity, but the Crimson Tyrant had cleaner methods.

Each time the Crimson Universe devours a single universe, it will be completely transformed into thick red smoke. There won't be much pain or other things, and it will end in an instant.

However, there are still a few worlds in the Crimson Universe that are reserved for use. Su Ming is not sure about the specific situation above, but he estimates that if there are people there, they may not be living very well.

"Okay, although I want to always have hope like Superman..." Bobo climbed on Deathstroke's shoulder, took out the pipe, lit it and smoked: "But I'm afraid there is no hope here. Anyone who can survive The conditions are too harsh.”

Deathstroke himself lit one. He turned the God Killer into a sickle and carried the sword in both hands, slowly walking towards the cold and quiet darkness:

"Don't be sad for the spring and regret the autumn. The purpose of our coming here is to stop the heavy snow on Earth. As for how many indigenous people here died and how tragically they died, it has nothing to do with us. Don't let your emotions affect your judgment. Power, now we just have to wait.”

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