The Death Knell

Chapter 2763 A Cassette

Without talking about anything else, I first ordered a search for the outpost where the few people were.

This place is like a small villa fixed on the ceiling of an underground cave, with about seven styles, three living rooms and two bathrooms.

There are traces of biological life in many rooms, and the existence of the bathroom proves this. But now for some unknown reason, there are only a few machine guards in this facility.

The creatures didn't leave in a hurry, and many things were arranged in an orderly manner. Maybe this is a bitter cold place for that giant underground city, so standing guard here is actually a chore?

"Hey Slade, I found something."

The orangutan came over with a magnifying glass in one hand and something that looked like an old-fashioned game console cartridge in the other.

He is a detective who is very good at finding clues. His small size allows him to often get into places that humans cannot go. At the same time, his thinking is very clear and he knows to first look for things like maps or descriptions of unfamiliar environments.

There were many fingerprints on the outer shell of this cassette, and it was not clean. It was obviously used frequently, and he thought it was valuable for research.

"What is this? A 256-in-1 tank battle?" Deathstroke took the brown suspected cassette, weighed it in his hand, and found that it was indeed almost exactly the same as what he remembered.

It's quite substantial, maybe it's just a few thousand in one?

"Even for Famicom games, it is a medium for storing information. In short, it seems easy to carry and very durable. Intelligent creatures are used to looking for such media for their own knowledge."

Bobo, who was old enough to have played the Famicom, pointed to the socket and explained:

"It's just that I searched in the room for a long time, but I still couldn't find the reading device for this thing. There are no suitable slots on the remains of the robots."

"It's hard to find it in other places, so have you gone to the bathroom and looked?" Deathstroke rotated the cassette with his finger and walked towards the bathroom.

Bobo tilted his head and showed a black question mark face: "Why do you need to check the toilet?"

"A guess is that if the residents of this underground city are also humans and have portable information storage media, they should do the same things as humans in modern society..."

Opening the toilet door, the inside was quite large and quite clean. After knocking on the wall next to the toilet a few times, a slot hidden in the wall popped out.

Deathstroke spread his hands towards Bobo. This is the fact. Human beings are a studious race that has to go to the toilet and play with portable terminals after entering the interstellar age.

"When I go to the toilet, I always think about the case that Zhenglian asked me to help. At the same time, I have to be careful not to fall into the toilet seat that is too big. I really envy you humans. You can still relax and read the news or play mobile games. .”

Bobo sighed. After all, as an orangutan, his way of solving crimes was different from Deathstroke.

"Then you should try a child's seat. There are special ones sold online." Su Ming came to the door and greeted the two ladies, then put down the toilet seat and sat on it, inserting something like a game cartridge. Wall Port: "Now let's see what's recorded in this."

A projector was lowered from the ceiling, and the lights were adjusted to a dim level. It began to play clips like old movies.

Accompanied by the soundtrack of an early twentieth-century movie, a few words popped up on the screen:

"The first lesson of surface exploration, where do we live?"

Another burst of music passed, and the screen went black. The black and white cartoon image of the Earth was once again displayed, and a standard British London accent sounded as a commentary:

"Hello, glorious citizen, since you are here and can see this video, it means that you are qualified enough to understand what we humans encountered back then, which leads to our topic today, what is surface exploration? .”

After the words fell, the small earth in the projection also rotated, and the crescent moon with a smiling face on one corner was quickly squeezed out of the screen. The earth was enlarged and eventually occupied the entire screen.

"Our earth was not what it is today, and we did not live in underground refuge cities, but lived freely on land."

The picture changes rapidly with the dubbing, and the white ball covered with ice and snow transforms back into the familiar appearance of black, white and gray.

Then there was a physical display of animals on the mainland or creatures in the sea, as well as some human images, which seemed to reflect the appearance of society in the 1930s and 1940s.

"So far so ordinary." Bobo narrowed his eyes and put his furry paw on his chin in thought.

"Keep reading, I've been waiting for him to say something - 'War, war has never changed.'" Su Ming replied to the orangutan in a low voice, blowing the hair on his head to and fro.

"What is that?" Bobo encountered something he couldn't understand again. He could only ask in vain, and he also knew that Deathstroke never explained his cold jokes.

"Shh!" Harley turned around and glared at Bobo, as if blaming him for talking while watching a movie, because she found a bucket of popcorn from nowhere and was sharing it with Raven. Eat.

The movie, no, the vocational training science and education film continued to play. After showing a series of social scenes from all over the world in the 1930s and 1940s, the topic was finally brought up.

"But while humans were enjoying life in ignorance, the great prophet arrived. He announced to everyone who saw him that the end was coming, and only by believing in him could one obtain salvation."

A tall man in a cloak appeared in the picture. He was holding a piece of cardboard with the words 'The end is coming' written on it, standing on the busiest street of Times Square in New York.

The endless flow of vehicles turned into phantoms under the accelerating camera, but the big man holding the sign remained motionless, with only the wind occasionally lifting the corners of his robe.

"In the beginning, ignorant humans regarded him as a madman, but in the end, his perseverance and persistence far beyond ordinary people moved many people. Under his leadership, they began to travel thousands of miles to the earth at that time under the eyes of everyone who did not understand. Antarctica, build this underground city covertly.”

"The prophet not only pointed out the way for the people, but also gave us unimaginable technological products. It is precisely because of these that we can complete this miraculous project."

Along with the explanation, the documentary began to play various scenes with a sense of the times, such as a prophet pointing out the progress of the project with his hands behind his back, a prophet shaking hands cordially with the excavator master, etc.

Scenes like this made Su Ming suddenly feel a sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen General Jin descending from the sky.

But all in all, this mysterious man has wrapped himself tightly in the current video records. It can only be seen that he is a strong man over two meters tall and weighs at least 150kg.

The scenes played one after another, and soon moved to the completion of the underground city. The prophet lit up the artificial sun, and his followers began to celebrate the completion in the new underground city.

At that time, the city was not as big as it is now, nor was it as deep.

Then the screen went black, the perspective was pulled into space again, and the realistic style of painting changed back to cartoons.

"It is certainly worthwhile to have our own home, but the predicted doomsday will soon come. January 1, 1950, is a day that all human beings should not forget, because everyone who witnessed the scene on that day has died. Now that we are making this film, we can only draw a general picture of what happened at that time from the prophet's narration."

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