The Death Knell

Chapter 2764 Scavenger Guide

There is no war at all, and naturally there are no famous lines.

In the cartoon-paper-cut-like image, the Earth was still hanging there, but then a huge gray arm stretched out from the distant space.

The arm stretched out a finger larger than the earth and tapped the planet, and the planet instantly turned white, like a snow globe.

Then he rubbed his big hand with two fingers, like sprinkling colored sugar particles on ice cream, and dropped zombie creatures on the earth.

No more, it was over, and in just a few seconds the planet became what it is today.

"Human beings who believe in the prophet have survived. When the end comes, we live at the farthest end of this big hand. The unbelievers have all died, and their bodies have been devoured by terrifying monsters, and their souls will also be lost in the cold wind. Cry forever.”

The dubbing sounded again at the right time, explaining what happened, but since this was a documentary teaching underground humans how to explore the ground, new content started to play later.

Generally speaking, it is how the underground city of refuge developed and prospered in various harsh environments. Without going into details, it finally advanced the time to the current time, 2555 AD.

"Hey, does time flow at a different speed? This Martha's earth is much faster than our time."

Bobo didn't like this situation.

Once we fall behind in time, it most likely means that both technology and magic may fall behind. This is determined by objective laws.

"Don't worry, the technology tree used in this dungeon is different from ours. Since 1950, it has turned to magic technology."

Deathstroke used his nails to pry open the cassette case, letting Bobo see what was inside.

Sure enough, what was inside the cassette was not an integrated circuit board, but a piece of transparent crystal painted with complex patterns. As the video played, it continued to glow faintly.

"Is it a magic prop that everyone can use?" Bobo shook his head and looked at the death knell: "Then people eat the pie that fell from the sky, who paid the price?"

"Haha, who is it? But if it were me, I would probably sacrifice all the unbelievers, right? Billions of souls can be used as fuel to maintain a pocket space for tens of thousands of years."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. These crystals are both information media and energy storage devices. They must have a source. Maybe this is the key to everything.

Knowing its origin, we can use the intelligence to deduce the identity of the mysterious prophet, and then analyze the invasion of Multivariate 1.

If everything goes well, it should look like this...

"It doesn't feel like it. Look at the robots that you chopped up before. Their shells are all white. And the things you, or Batman, make like to be painted in black. That means Your character.”

Bobo shook his head. Although he was not brainwashed after watching the video, he obviously had a good impression of the mysterious prophet.

Although he didn't save everyone, it was good to save those who believed in him. There were at least hundreds of thousands of people.

"Just say I'm dark. What's the matter with the paint?" Su Ming tapped the monkey's head and continued to watch the video that was still playing: "But those who like white are not all good people, such as the Black Warrior's men. The imperial soldiers all wear white armor."

"Hiss...I'm telling you about color psychology, and then you tell me about Star Wars?"

Bobo rolled his eyes speechlessly. He even felt that he should discuss this matter with Harley, because Deathstroke also had his own crazy logic, and was even crazier than Harley at times.

Su Ming didn't bother to correct Bobo's opinion. When he goes to the Star Wars universe, he should take this guy with him. When he is burned to the point of monkey hair by the lightsaber, he will know what reality is.

The content at the end of the instructional film is relatively boring. It purely teaches the residents of the underground city what kind of protective work they should do after going to the surface, what they should do when facing the threat of zombies, and what kind of things they should look for.

The main purpose is not to collect energy or technology, but to collect various relics.

For example, diaries from hundreds of years ago, or textbooks from hundreds of years ago, if those papers are still intact.

Of course, if you don't have that, anything with a touch of history will do, even human remains and things carried by them.

"This is a scavenger lesson. Even the homeless robbers in Gotham know better than it. It didn't even mention that many people actually hide money in their shoes." Harley dozed off after watching it, and simply turned it over. Lying down in the bathtub, only his head was exposed: "No matter who ordered them to search these, I think the person who ordered them is sick."

"What disease?" Su Ming asked her. After all, she was a professional psychiatrist.

"I haven't seen the patient with my own eyes, so I can only say that most of the time it's an abnormal collecting habit. Generally, patients with this characteristic can only be divided into two categories." Harry lay in the bathtub with one leg raised and doing synchronized swimming movements. While raising two fingers: "Either he is an autistic squirrel syndrome patient whose condition has worsened, or he is simply a big liar."

Bobo thought for a while, but still didn't understand Harley's thinking. He sat on Deathstroke's lap and raised his hand to ask:

"Why did you say that? Why did you jump directly to the liar theory?"

Harley shook her head, her twin ponytails trembling in the air. She smiled and said: "This video was recorded in 2555. It was just mentioned in it, and it relied on the description of the 'present' prophet to recreate the invasion scene of the Hand of the Void. So can we think that this prophet has lived to this era?"

"It's very possible that this thing wasn't badly worn after it was made, maybe just a year or two ago."

Bobo nodded, this is all true.

"That's it. If the prophet is also a person who survived that era, he can use today's magic technology to copy those groceries. Why send people to risk digging outside?"

Harley stuck out her tongue and said quickly with a wink:

"You have to know that this is the Antarctic pole. When the doomsday came in 1950, there were probably not many people in the nearest Chile, right? The investment in archeology is not directly proportional to the return. He is obviously not an idiot, so he must have concealed a lot of things, right? Say, isn’t this a liar?”

"There is another possibility." Raven sat on the edge of the bathtub and stretched out a finger from under her purple cloak: "I wonder what you know about voodoo, a branch of magic?"

"I understand, this scavenging guide is all nonsense. Papers and documents must have been destroyed long ago. Even under ice and snow, the low temperature will destroy the fiber structure. As for fragile items, they are even less valuable. How can I bring that thing back thousands of kilometers away when zombies are swarming it?"

Bobo jumped up immediately after getting the hint. Raven said the key point, which was the 'remains' and 'relics', which happened to be in line with some rituals in Voodoo...

Although he is not a spell caster, Bobo's knowledge is no problem. To put it bluntly, this is a layout to collect soul energy.

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