The Death Knell

Chapter 2765 Entering the City

First of all, Voodoo is popular in Africa and the Caribbean on Earth 0 and other places where the slave trade was popular. It is also the culmination of various traditional African religions.

In their view, all things are animistic, and these people worship anything they want, including but not limited to elemental spirits.

Naturally, there are also people who worship the spirits of death and ancestors.

According to this faction's view, the wandering soul can be summoned back to the corpse through some things of the deceased. This is also the famous 'resurrected corpse'.

Of course, it is not uncommon for some fake witch doctors to use anesthesia to put people into a state of suspended animation, and then hypnotize them to control them as slaves.

But there is no room for those fakes in the magic world. This is why 'Daddy Midnight' has a lot of reputation in North Africa. The main reason is that the methods he uses to play with resurrected corpses are all genuine and he acts without any scruples. .

Bobo was not sure whether what the prophet in front of him did had anything to do with voodoo, but he knew that if the other party ordered a search for things related to the deceased, he could summon the soul.

It’s not too difficult. If you have a voice channel and hold something that the deceased cherished during his lifetime, the ghost will naturally come back and ask for his things after hearing the call.

There are not many people who can do this, and Constantine is one of the best. And when he encounters this kind of job where the ghost is talking, he is often the employer and the target.

Those poor people were undoubtedly deceived by the title of 'Master of the Dark Arts' on Zha Kang's business card, or by the advertisement in the yellow pages of the phone, because the seance ceremony can be said to be an entry-level technology to black magic, and it only requires a few connections in hell. Even a little devil will do.

If there are a hundred guests in the Oblivion Bar, then at least fifty people can host a séance.

"After all, I still don't like conventional energy, so are you absorbing souls?" Su Ming nodded and looked at the instructional video that was still playing.

Inside, they were teaching how to deal with a frozen corpse, saying that the key was to retrieve the head and heart of the corpse.

Well guys, Sleepy Hollow and Flying Dutchman sent congratulatory messages directly.

Also, heads and hearts are much easier to carry than vases and glasses. Think about it this way. If you were an ordinary person who took great risks to explore, you would probably choose these things that are not easily damaged and bring them back. ?

As for what you can get in exchange for bringing it back, it may be a material reward or a spiritual reward, but it's still the same thing.

However, given that this prophet did not set himself up to be a god, at least it ruled out religious brainwashing, so it was considered a normal transaction.

"That's almost it. This educational film will turn into an anatomy encyclopedia later on." Su Ming pulled out the cassette inserted in the wall and stuffed it back into his pocket for storage. The light in the bathroom also turned on again, exiting the 'immersive theater mode'.

He made up this name, but it has to be said that it is really easy to concentrate on watching a movie while sitting on the toilet.

The three people and the orangutan returned to the slightly more spacious living room again. They first rewarded the raven with a lollipop for reminding him of the important idea, and then started to investigate separately again.

It seemed that this place was not only used as an outpost, but also as a passage to the surface. Not far away, Su Ming discovered a tunnel leading to the surface. There were also traces of vehicles parked and repaired there.

It seems that this group of scavengers went out to search, leaving a bunch of robots to look after the house. Deathstroke and his party came in by taking an unusual route, so they went astray.

It would be nice if there were human prisoners so that Strangler could read some information. These security robots don't have decent hard drives at all, there is only a crystal in them.

The system is not compatible, or in other words, Strangler hasn't found anything that can make it compatible.

There are no written records, no more storage media, and except for the strange plants in the greenhouse, there are not even an insect here.

The group reunited and said the search was complete, even though Harley had actually been paddling, and Bobo, the room she was responsible for, had also checked.

"Then let's go take a look inside the dungeon. It would be best if we could find clues to the prophet and put human souls into ice and snow elements to make monsters. They have the environment and the technology, but they haven't found the motive yet. ..."

"Maybe there is no motive, just for fun." Harley licked her lips and blinked quickly: "Although I don't understand what's fun, I can understand that everyone has the same idea of ​​finding different fun."

Deathstroke thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head:

"This possibility is very small. It involves two multiverses and countless single earths. It would be too much investment just to have fun. We are not talking about the Hand of the Void, but a mysterious person. He must have a deeper Realistic plan.”

"Then I don't know. You have to let me see the person first before I can prescribe him medicine." Harley smiled and walked aside to hug Raven. She seemed to really care about the girl. As a doll.

"We can't go down the existing passage."

Bobo pointed to the other end of the corridor. There was an orbital elevator connecting the garage. Although he could crack the password, it was not recommended:

"This kind of search team should have a schedule. If we go down through the magic elevator, we will probably attract attention. We still have to rely on Deathstroke to take us down."

"This is what it should be, but we don't know the specific situation in the city below, so you must follow my command after going down."

Su Ming glanced down through the glass of the outpost and took off the cloak behind him.

It ate a piece of crystal before, but it didn't provide any effective clues. It just wrote 'yummy' on the corner of the back of the death knell.

So Su Ming decided not to feed it for a while.


The Unicom Observation Station is similar to a patio, the area closest to the ground, while the city itself is almost fifty kilometers underground. If you really take the elevator up and down, it may take a whole day.

This depth should have entered the mantle layer, but due to the impact of the overall cooling of the earth, there is no softened magma layer here, but the temperature feels very suitable for human survival.

The radiation values ​​also show normal. Although it is unknown why, the radioactive minerals may have been processed.

In short, all the way down the black rock wall, the people sitting on the cloaks stopped talking. They were about to fall into the city under the artificial sunlight, just like a few black stowaways.

The city, with no visible edges to begin with, becomes even more complex after entering it, and everything in the city seems weird, as if the foundations of human society in the 1950s have been spliced ​​together with the products of another civilization.

The vehicles running on the road, the vending machines on the roadside, and the neon lights next to the buildings all have an appearance from the 1950s, but they are all driven by transparent crystals and look strange.

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