The Death Knell

Chapter 2773 Visitors to the Hall of Justice

Raven also took a look, shook his head when he saw the creature inside, and then took the initiative to change places with Deathstroke.

"You go and see, I'll guard the door."

She couldn't understand what was inside, so she had better do what she could and let people who were good at investigating look at it.


Su Ming changed shifts with her and flew to the pile of boxes where Harley and the others were to observe the body that Bobo mentioned.

The Stitch Monster looks like a fly and a human. Although it looks like it has many mammal characteristics, it also has many insect elements, such as the large, dim compound eye structure on its face.

"What do you think? Is it a demon or a product of technology?" Bobo held the pipe in his mouth, the firelight shining in the brown-red wood.

"Technological products, no doubt." Su Ming picked up the corpse in the coffin with a weapon and fiddled with the equipment on the other party: "Have you ever seen a demon carrying a key card and an ID card?"

Just like Deathstroke said, the corpse was also wearing a tactical vest made of similar metal. Although the thermal weapons were not in the coffin, the tactical vest still had pockets for storing various tools.

There are no weird magic patterns that are incomprehensible, and there are no magical reactions. The frozen corpses are even more lifeless. They are just ordinary alien corpses.

The orangutan detective shrugged, who knew?

If it were within Diversity 1, he could be sure that it wasn't a demon, but this was Diversity 2, and he didn't know if his common sense applied here.

But since Deathstroke is so sure, it must be right.

"That's a bit strange. We came here after tracing the use of soul magic, but we broke into a morgue that uses modern technology." Bobo's thick lips turned a few times, and he put his hand on his chin: " Have you noticed? These technologies are not the magic technologies used in the city, but more like things we commonly see."

"Well, so now we have found the connection between this place and Multidimensional 1, haven't we?" Su Ming chopped off the corpse's head with one knife. The fly-like head was a bit disgusting, especially after the orange-yellow body fluids froze. It is easy to think of mango shaved ice.

But let's let Strangler try to read the memory in the brain. I hope this thing has an organ like a brain.


"Essence Club? Why did you find me?"

Underground in the Hall of Justice on Earth 0, Diana, who was sitting and thinking in her small underground temple, welcomed an unexpected guest.

The so-called Essence Society is a small group composed of guys who consider themselves to be the guardians of the universe. The members are the little blue man Ganser, one of the guardians of the lamp group, the heavenly father of the New Creation Star, and representative of Orin. Hera, Queen of Pace, as well as the Phantom, the wrath of God, and the Stranger, the sinner phantom of God.

Sometimes God will send his own avatar, ‘Jehovah’, to participate, but obviously not this time. Heaven is too busy to take care of itself at this time.

Xiaodai obviously didn't have a good impression of these existences, and she obviously wouldn't be afraid of them, even if they suddenly and silently appeared in her bedroom.

Although Gunther has always been friendly to the earth and has a good relationship with Hal, the Lantern Corps gave up on the earth before Perpetua awakened, which obviously ruined the goodwill accumulated before.

Yes, the Justice League asked them for help after the origin wall broke, but the final facts proved that Deathstroke was right.

There has never been a savior, no gods or emperors. If we want to realize human happiness, we can only rely on humans themselves.

Except for the Heavenly Father, everyone else in the Essence Society abandoned humanity. Faced with the threat of the Mother of Diversity, they chose to retreat into their homes and only care about themselves.

But now, the big crisis has been resolved, and they have emerged alive again, once again shouldering the responsibility of 'guarding' the multiverse.

"We're here to thank you."

Heavenly Father spoke first. He looked like an ordinary old man with gray hair and a kind look on his old face.

"You're contrary. The Justice League is always grateful for the help of the New Gods." Diana still smiled. After all, the gods of the New Genesis originally wanted to help repair the Origin Wall, but because of Perpetua's appeared, their entire clan and the planet were wiped out.

This is not because people don’t contribute, but because they are unable to do their best, and there is nothing to complain about.

"It can be said that we help each other." Heavenly Father also smiled and nodded. He walked aside and showed a posture of obviously not participating in the next topic: "It is the efforts of mankind that have made us reappear in this universe, and we are also grateful to you. s help."

"Yes, a wonderful future appears before our eyes." Ganser, the little blue man floating in the sky, took up the topic. He was familiar with several people in Zhenglian: "Wonder Woman, in addition to thanking the Justice League for their efforts, Besides, we have another purpose here, which is to invite you to join the Essence Club."

Diana's brows furrowed and she shook her head in confusion: "Why me?"

"Because you saved our multiverse, silly child." Hera smiled very kindly. She was still wearing her peacock feather shawl, and she spoke like a kind neighbor's aunt: "Olympus is proud of you. Proud, Diana, God of War.”

Wonder Woman took a deep breath, and she wanted to ask on the spot if this had anything to do with Olympus?

Even if there is, it is because Vulcan has provided some help to everyone.

But there were too many outsiders present, so she decided to save some face for the Queen, so she forced out an awkward fake smile and covered her eyes with her long hair: "Thank you for your praise. I am honored, Mother of the Gods, But I still don’t understand what you are talking about, I was not the one who defeated Perpetua and the Laughing Bat.”

Hera was satisfied, her vanity was greatly satisfied, and she covered her mouth with laughter: "Yes, we know that it was the foreign death knell who did it, but if it weren't for your existence, he wouldn't have done it at all. Isn’t this the reason to fight in the multiverse?”

"...I don't know." Diana was silent for a moment, then shook her head slightly.

Although this sounds sweet, it seems a bit far-fetched.

"Is he busy again? Have you seen him recently? How about asking him to consider the marriage that Olympus discussed before?" The pantheon has now lost the source of its divine power, and Hera is eager to obtain the Upside Down The right to use the ball, thus regaining control of the foundation of the company: "If the conditions are not satisfactory, we can still negotiate."

Hearing Hera's words, Diana wanted to laugh a little. Is this the Olympus her mother believed in, the queen she respected?

In the face of interests, he is just an ordinary person.

"Let's talk business first, Queen Hera." The Phantom Stranger interrupted the queen's pimping behavior. Even as a sinner Judas, he couldn't stand it anymore: "Wonder Woman, regarding joining the Essence Society, rising to a higher level At a high level, what is your decision?”

The crime money necklace didn't know when it came back to his neck, and he now returned to his former cool appearance.

The cuckold ghost turned into a figure similar to that of a human being, and just watched quietly without speaking. The greetings that the death knell left for him not long ago were obviously still fresh in his memory.

Wonder Woman, with almost no thought, rejected the suggestion:

"Sorry, everyone, I have to decline your invitation. I will not leave the Justice League. I will not leave this place. My friends and compatriots are all here on this earth."

She didn't even agree to Deathstroke's invitation to travel to other worlds, so how could she fool around with this group of godless gods?

And now, when we have to face threats from other multiverses, it is not the time to talk about it.

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