The Death Knell

Chapter 2774 Part of the mystery


Strangler spat aside and threw the empty head shell in Little Tentacle's hand aside, because the alien's frozen brain was too unpalatable.

But fortunately, the information was collected and the suffering was not in vain.

"How's it going? Slade?"

Bobo stretched his neck to look at Deathstroke's face, a little eager for the answer, and held his pipe tightly in his paws.

Deathstroke stretched his neck and raised his head again:

"There is good news and there is bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Can you just hear the good news? Honey."

Harley stood aside with a war hammer. She felt that her life was good now, so there was no need to find happiness on her own.

Anyway, whether you listen or not, you will encounter them when the time comes, right? Just be happy for a while as long as you can.

"Of course, Tangdou." Su Ming stepped on the skull that fell on other boxes nearby: "The good news is that this is a multiverse 2 demon-like creature. In addition to the hunger for fear, his mind also has It made me see some of the things that had happened before.”

The black-haired detective shook his head. He no longer needed to hear the bad news to deduce: "Well, it seems that the prophet we are looking for is actually another Darkseid in this multiverse. .”

Su Ming touched the orangutan's head and helped him put on his deerstalker hat:

"Yes, you succeeded in answering again. What we have to face next is another Darkseid. To be precise, it is Darkseid who moved to the Antarctic underground after his family was destroyed and re-developed in a wretched manner. This multi-dimensional internal No Kryptonians, no Lanterns, no Bats, just Darkseid and the Hand of Nothingness.”

"It's understandable, because the cosmic tyrant we are familiar with doesn't know how to play crystal magic." Bobo sighed, and he took back his night blade: "If you want to go to war with that guy, I don't think I can provide it. What kind of fighting power is there, I can’t avoid omega rays.”

The death knell pried open a few more coffins to inspect the corpses inside, and said: "The white sun we see is actually a different kind of 'fire pit'. And those transparent crystals are another kind of 'black diamonds', which are fire pits." Derivatives of it. Injecting the soul into an elemental creature should actually be viewed in two steps..."

The cold air in the room turned into wisps of white mist, and there was a faint rancid smell in the air. Raven already understood it at this time, and she added a sentence from a distance:

"First, the soul is trapped in the white diamond, and then the white diamond is stuffed into the elemental creature. During this period, apart from some unfamiliar magic steps that are still incomprehensible, only the crudest assembly is left."

"The answer is correct. The white diamond, which is similar to the black diamond, is itself a prison for the soul. You only need to stuff the soul with almost no independent consciousness into it, and then let the relatively strong mental power of the human soul suppress the will of the elemental creature itself. This realization of this 'external cockpit'-like driving method is achieved."

Su Ming wondered if they had ever seen EVA, which placed the driver in a bolt-like separate cockpit and then inserted it into the body. It was the same as the current ice and snow monsters.

Bobo nodded slowly and sighed: "Maybe there are disobedient souls, but they are restrained by the body of the elements and become intelligent life, which will be controlled by the anti-life equation. As undead, they are naturally interested in X The bonding force represented by metal has a hateful resonance, so it will track you and Batman."

"That's probably the case, but some details are still unclear. For example, who helped Darkseid complete the work of summoning and imprisoning souls? Who helped him deploy troops? There should be a sorcerer... ..After all, we only found dead demonoids, and we are not high-tech talents. There is only so much we can know.”

Deathstroke put away the God Killer and replaced the Night Sword. He wiped his palm across the sword body and let the X metal flow to the blade, ready to start.

The plan was to take out the bottling plant first, then the White Sun, and if necessary, a Darkseid clone.

As the sword was taken out of the space and wrapped in space, the X metal began to shine, and the surrounding atmosphere changed instantly.

Loud footsteps soon came from outside the three doors connecting the rooms, followed by something hitting the door.

"Which way should we go?" Bobo jumped into Harley's arms. He knew that there might be those ice and snow monsters outside the door, so he chose to paddle.

Deathstroke tilted his head and listened for a while, then pointed to one of the doors:

"That side has the most enemies, which is the right direction."

Raven immediately began to cast spells, using energy tentacles to block the other two doors, because those doors, which were not thick to begin with, had deformed under the continuous impact and were not as strong as the tough tentacles.

Deathstroke grabbed Harley and Bobo, flew to the passage where the raven was, and kicked the door. The door flew back, shattering the ice and snow monster in the corridor. Then Su Ming used The yellow light ring fired energy towards the inside.

The road was temporarily clear, Deathstroke flew in front, and Cloak followed behind with three people.

This place is more like a cellar than a factory. In addition to a large number of ice and snow monsters, there are also the female warriors we have seen before.

Compared with the low-level characters seen before, the warriors stationed here are more powerful. There are even superpowers, and they are also new gods.

"Stop! Mortal!"

When they came to the next hall, what everyone saw in front of them was such a female warrior. She was wearing a golden female armor. She even looked a bit like the female version of Heimdall, except that she was more than three meters tall and so strong that she seemed to be several feet tall. A brown bear is stacking Arhats.

In her hand was a double-sided giant axe. While roaring, she slashed through the air in the direction of everyone. A half-moon-shaped energy light wave flew towards several people, plowing a ravine on the metal ground.

Su Ming's giant sword swung horizontally, gently deflecting the long-range attack with energy, causing it to open a big hole in the ceiling not far away.

Clods of earth and some debris fell down, filling the space with dust.

The good news is that the other party can speak English, so this is no longer a problem. Deathstroke raised a finger and shook it, signaling the other party to slow down, and first asked in a devilish voice:

"Female warrior, what should I call you?"

"I am 'Stomach'! Remember who killed you!"

The female warrior did not stop, but she still reported herself very carefully, and then launched the charge.

Little did she know, she was facing Death Knell, and all she needed was a codename or a name to know all her details.

Stompa is a member of Darkseid's "Nemesis" team, which are some new female warriors of the Protoss selected by "Kindly Grandma", each with different superpowers.

Her superpower is that her legs are particularly strong, and she also has a pair of artifact boots given to her by Darkseid, which can crush any object made of molecules.

In addition, there are some characteristics that the new gods have, such as super strength, super agility, super hearing, etc., which are not worth mentioning.

Knowing her characteristics, it only takes a moment to formulate a counter plan. All it takes is one attack with her unstoppable energy, and this woman will immediately rush to the street.


"Let me do it! Actually, I know her!"

Harley suddenly screamed, then rushed out with a hammer. She actually launched a countercharge at a new Protoss warrior?

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