The Death Knell

Chapter 2775 Overcoming the Wall Tactics

"Are you ready? Keep your ears open, because the story I'm about to tell you is so exciting and informative that it can make your little brain explode like an egg in a microwave."

"Yeah, I'm the girl who's called the 'climb over the wall', I can see and hear you guys, maybe it's one of my schizophrenia symptoms, maybe it's some amazing superpower, but it doesn't matter , what matters is the story.”

"So I started? Don't interrupt. Come on, Li! Hee hee!"

"A long, long time ago...actually not that long ago, there was an amazing girl who was homeless and at home all over the world. Her name was, Ta-ta! Harleen Quinzel!"

"Okay, it's me. You know it again. That's great, but no more words are allowed."

"Anyway, I don't quite look like a heroine in a traditional fairy tale, because I lied. I'm not a native of Gotham, but an immigrant who moved to the city when I was thirteen. The town I used to live in was called Aishole, or Eye Town."

"The name of this town might as well be called hell. Anyway, fairy tale princesses will not be born in this kind of place, and my mother always said that devils are everywhere in the world."

"My father's name is Dash Alabaster Quinzel. He is a car repair technician and a good man. He never swears, always smiles and works hard. He once promised me to buy a new house for our family. , the one with a swimming pool and an inflatable crocodile, he has good expectations for life and believes in the goodness of human nature.”

"So he was murdered, shot in a garage when I was four years old, because the killer liked the baseball cap he wore while working."

"People have to eat when they are alive. My mother was also worried about this problem at the time. She was a full-time housewife and had no other skills, so she chose to ask other men for money. Therefore, when I was five years old, I knew that men like Naiko, this is probably why I later became interested in psychology."

“I like to study what other people want and what happens when they don’t get it.”

"To get back to the subject, she worked in a fast food restaurant during the day and danced part-time as a striptease at night. It was not a high-end job, and the income was naturally very small. When I was six years old, the bank took away my house, and my mother and I had to move. Living in the only remaining car, I brushed my teeth and washed my face every morning using a sprinkler from someone else’s lawn.”

"When I was ten years old, my car was stolen. We lived in bridge caves and dilapidated houses for several years. She still collapsed when I was thirteen. She was not yet thirty at the time, but she was still young and beautiful. She felt that she You shouldn’t live like this.”

"She told me that there are two roads in the world, the road of angels and the road of devils. The former is very difficult and rarely rewarding, while the latter is at least easy all the way down."

"So she decided to go work as a high-end prostitute on a high-end cruise ship called the Delicious Cherry to see if she could hook up with rich people, and then she gave me a ticket and five dollars, and an address. I went to the big city of Gotham to live with my grandma whom I had never met before.”

"It was a summer, and the long-distance bus was full of low-quality perfume mixed with the smell of armpits, including my own armpits, but that was not important. What was important was a little girl's first impression of Gotham, and that was ——High buildings, high buildings, high buildings, skyscrapers, high buildings, high buildings, high buildings, like this.”

"You can't see the sun on the streets during the day, just the feeling of dark clouds and acid rain, which is cool."

"Unfortunately, my grandma died some time ago. Gotham at that time was still ruled by the mafia family, so her death was quite normal. She died from a stray bullet in a street shootout and left me with a room full of sex toys. and lots of dolls about the circus.”

"Fortunately, the landlord of my grandma's house took me in. His name is Beni. He is also a drag queen and a fairy godmother. He has a cheerful and optimistic personality. He and more than a dozen transvestite friends started a 'Queen Cabaret'. These transvestites also They are all rare good people in Gotham.”

"In any case, grandma's insurance compensation is enough to cover the rent for several years. Penny said she could take care of my food and accommodation, and also sent me to school, Gotham Middle School. That's where I met Xiaohong, my best friend, but she was She has a plain appearance, buck teeth, crossed eyes, freckles, hair loss, and wearing big glasses, so that when I see her again ten years later, I won’t be able to recognize that hot girl covered in green radish.”

"That's about it. I went to high school, and Beni's house was demolished by the Kane family's Millennium Real Estate Company. The ladyboys had to go their separate ways, and Beni went to New York with the condolence money from Wayne Enterprises for the demolition refugees. . The small building I live in now is the legacy she left to me, and letting a circus live in it is also to inherit her will."

"Some people ask why it was Millennium Real Estate that was demolished, but Wayne Enterprises was compensated? Is there anyone who doesn't know that Bruce's mother's maiden name is actually Martha Kane?"

"By the way, during this time I also received a postcard from my mother. She said that she was going to make a fortune and that she would come and live a good life with me soon, but after that I never had her again. News. I hope she really got rich and abandoned me instead of dying somewhere no one knows."

"In high school, I went to juvenile detention centers several times. There's not much to say. I'm good at studying, so I was admitted to Gotham University and got a doctorate in psychology ahead of schedule."

"Then there are all the shit that everyone knows, interning at Arkham, meeting the Joker, then going crazy for a few years or decades, breaking the Earth and restarting it too many times, until I finally left Gotham and went to New York."

"I forgot exactly when it happened. The editors made a mess of the story timeline, but I remember that I was captured by Darkseid and went to Apokolips. He thought that my heart was full of darkness, so he released me. , and also asked me to join the Nemesis team and receive training from the kind grandmother."

"After discovering that I was crazier than her, the old woman announced that I had successfully graduated. Darkseid gave me a set of equipment, including a big hammer from Apokolips technology."

"And the stomping girl from Diversity 1? She's just a defeated opponent of mine. In the editor's settings, when I pick up a two-handed hammer, my fighting ability is on the same level as Batman by default, because I often hit him on the head. of."

"Having said all that, I'm happy anyway. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Now it's time to let time flow. The look on the little gorilla's face was so unbelievable that it shocked him for a moment."

"Okay Jim Lee, you can continue here. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

After muttering a lot to himself, Harley re-arranged her fighting posture. After thinking about it, she changed her angle and came behind the enemy, stretched the hammer in front of the enemy, and then clicked in an unknown direction during the pause. nod.

Time resumed flowing, and Zhongdao, who was still charging, had no time to react. His face hit the power hammer and he passed out.

Harley burst out laughing. She found it extremely interesting. Then, under Bobo's black question mark expression, she slowly put the weapon on her shoulder and touched her little nose with her thumb:

"It's done, can we continue?"

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