The Death Knell

Chapter 2784 Little Fu orangutan’s request

Bobo is still so smart. No matter what high-tech equipment he has never seen before, he can control it easily after playing with it for a while.

Sometimes it even makes people think that he is a scientist, but in fact, the only thing he has anything to do with science is probably his ability to make wine. As for his ability to crack unknown technological props, Su Ming is more inclined to have the instinct of an orc.

Just hit it a few times, kick it a few times, and press the buttons randomly, and then the machine can be used.

If you ask the orangutan to tell you how these devices control this dungeon, he won't be able to explain why, but it can be used.

After successfully cutting off the connection between the dungeon and the Duoduo 1 side, the adjutant reported to Su Ming that the heavy snow on Earth 0 had stopped. As the temperature rises, the snow should gradually melt in the next few days. .

It is expected to cause a small amount of sea level rise, but little else. Su Ming told her to send people to collect some pure water, maybe it could be used sometime.

As for this underground city also called 'Sepurk', and the people in it who have been brainwashed by the anti-life equation, Deathstroke does not want it. First of all, the location of this planet is within Multiversity 2, and it is still under the eyelids of the hands of nothingness. Below, it looks like chestnuts in a fire.

It's not time to start a full-scale war with that guy yet. You have to wait and see if Darkseid has a plan to deal with the Hand of Nothingness. If so, maybe you can take the opportunity to do some activities inside.

If not, Su Ming would not take the initiative.

In fact, a long time ago, as a time traveler who knew a lot of information, he had long known about the existence of the Hand of Nothingness and had a countermeasure plan against it.

But there are still some opportunities missing in the plan, and some beings who can get on the line have not yet appeared.

But it should be soon.

"Friend, you simply don't know anything about your father." Seeing Bobo solve the problem, Deathstroke patted the Lion King beside him on the arm with some emotion, and shook his head with a smile: "He didn't tell you anything. , you don’t want to ask, this life is too easy.”

Kalibak was very cooperative, and he could be said to answer all questions and tell the truth, but these truths were all "I don't know", which made Su Ming laugh.

"Haha, it's actually not that easy. My usual duties include cleaning the neighborhood." Lionhead thought Deathstroke was complimenting him, so he scratched his head modestly and smiled sheepishly.

There were two blushes on the big yellow furry face.

"...I see that your Excellency's bones are extraordinary, and your speech is different from ordinary people. If my prediction is correct, you should be - an imbecile!"

Su Ming nodded and raised his hand to rub the back of his head. For some reason, he felt a little headache.

"Ah? You can even see this? My father often says that to me, hehe!"

Kalibak was even happier. He looked at Deathstroke as if he were looking at his confidant. Anyway, no matter what Darkseid said about him, he considered it a compliment.

And now that Deathstroke has come to the same conclusion, he feels that he has been recognized again.


The heavy snow stopped and the mastermind behind the crime was found, but Su Ming didn't feel the pleasure of solving the case at all. Instead, he felt a little disgusted.

Not only did Darkseid have a golden cicada escape from his shell, but he also left behind a mentally retarded son to waste time, which is as if he didn't leave any clues.

However, now that he knows that the heavy snow is a side effect of using 'Blizzard Teleportation', Su Ming still has something to track down.

Within Diversity 1, there is not only heavy snow on Earth 0, but also on Earth 12, and even the snow there only appeared the day before yesterday.

There should be a clone of Darkseid who secretly went there, maybe looking for something...

"Ah, the problem is solved, you can go home and drink."

Bobo put his hands behind his head and seemed to be in a good mood. The crisis on Earth 0 was temporarily lifted. He didn't want to chase Darkseid anymore. With his gorilla's fighting power, chasing him would be almost like sending him to death.

Although Deathstroke used a cloak that could fly around to protect them, the cloak always gave people an unreliable feeling. What if...

"There is still an unresolved problem. If Blizzard teleported to Earth 0 to support the evacuation of our Darkseid, this can be explained." Su Ming sat on the edge of the flying carpet, and everyone returned along the original road. It is covered with various corpses: "But so far, we still don't know why he sent those ice and snow monsters there. What are those elemental creatures with human souls looking for?"

The orangutan detective clicked his hat and looked away from the corpse on the roadside. Kalibak's cleaning task seemed to be getting more serious this time.

His eyes glanced at the death knell, and then quickly moved away:

"It depends on what you say. You still have information that you haven't shared with us, right?"

Su Ming took off his mask, took out a cigarette and lit it, touched the orangutan's head and said with a smile: "As expected, I still can't hide it from you. Indeed, when we were conducting investigation work here, Xiao Dai also provided me with I received information about another incident, a witch named Linn was detained by Zhenglian, she is the mistress of the Skeleton King."

"Before, you asked the fool if he heard his father talk about the Skeleton King. I was attracted by this name because I didn't hear you mention it anywhere else." Bobo also put his pipe in his mouth and took out the match. Stirring fire inside: "So I know you have something you haven't said. This is not a reasoning, it's just what you want me to know. You can't make such a simple mistake as letting something slip."

"You're right. Originally, I didn't intend to let you know about the other side of Duanyuan. After all, it would only make the situation more complicated and disrupt your thinking." Su Ming nodded and generously acknowledged the orangutan's statement: "But when I discovered that there was no Darkseid here but only Silly Daer, I knew I had to zoom in and let you see another new map."

Detective Orangutan took a drag on his cigarette. He seemed to have changed to new tobacco. This time the tobacco leaves smelled a little like banana.

He squinted and blew out the smoke, shaking his head slowly:

"Actually, there is no need for you to beat around the bush and deliberately ask me to deduce something to satisfy my pride... Who is the orangutan? I came from the circus. I have long been used to being treated as a joke. There are always people. They will hit me with peanuts and candies, but I can’t grin at them yet. Instead, I have to pick up the things and put them in my pocket, bow to them and thank them..."

"Look, you're starting to blame me in a roundabout way."

Su Ming smiled and slapped Bobo's deer hunting hat, letting the short brim of the hat droop down to block the orangutan's eyes, and said:

"You said it so resentfully, if animal rights activists or Black Lives Matter heard it, they would think I did something to you."

"I don't care, you have to make up for my injured heart." Seeing that the orangutan was found out, he simply acted rogue and stretched out his two short legs on the flying carpet: "Hurry up and help me get rid of those three in the bar. Get rid of the female gorilla, I really don’t need a girlfriend!”

"How about I get you some lemurs?" Deathstroke reached out and scratched the orangutan's chin.

"No!" The corners of Bobo's mouth turned downwards. This was getting more and more outrageous. He started to complain directly: "Do you think I am a pirate captain? Raising lemurs on my shoulders? Isn't it true that an orangutan can carry a monkey? The one from the circus?!”

"What about the androids loaded with the 'Edo Forty-Eight Hands' service program? Or?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes again and made another suggestion to exchange goods.

As a result, the orangutan looked at him as if he were mentally ill. What kind of moral turpitude would make this person think that an orangutan would like humanoid sex dolls?

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