The Death Knell

Chapter 2785 Return to Earth 0

After playing around with the orangutan secretary for a while, Su Ming agreed to help him send the three beauties away.

After all, he was originally introduced to him out of good intentions. After all, Bobo was old and still single, and the bar always seemed awkward without a proprietress. It was like a small restaurant, and it was fun to run it as a family.

But since he is so resistant, let's forget it and let him live alone for the rest of his life.

"By the way, Harley, why are you still taking her with you?"

When Su Ming turned his head, he saw that Little Tangdou was still holding the fake kind grandma in his arms. Although the old lady's face was full of tears and runny nose during the high-speed flight, she still maintained a perfect kind smile. .

Harry showed a big smile, cupped the fat chin of the old woman with his hand, and replied:

"I want to do the same thing as you. Do you think if I introduce this lady to Colonel Sanders, will there always be free chicken legs to eat in the future?"

She swallowed cutely after saying that, although her favorite would always be Gotham's burrito, who could resist free fried chicken?

After hearing this, Su Ming actually thought about it, because this matter was really possible.

The colonel is a pure man, a man who has escaped from vulgar tastes. He has devoted his life and enthusiasm to the greatest cause in the world, and has struggled throughout his life to let mankind realize the freedom of fried chicken.

In the DC setting, he really doesn't have a wife. In addition, the strong muscles under his white suit that we saw before show that he is still young.

Their smiles match quite well...

"Okay, then take her back with you. Let's go find the colonel and have a meal before continuing."

Su Ming agreed and activated the symbiote.

Poor old grandma, no one asked her for advice at all. The reality is so dark.

Deathstroke also planned to have Strangler modify her memory to counter the brainwashing of the Anti-Life Equation.

But who can say for sure whether it is good or bad? After all, no matter how you look at it, the living conditions of Diversity 1 are still much more stable than those of Diversity 2.

The flying carpet returned to the ground along the old road. In the wind and snow, the death knell called Sepulke. A light accompanied by noise lit up, and everyone left this Martha Earth in an instant.

In the distant starry sky, in an unknown dimension, a faceless black figure with horns on its head moved on the throne and changed an arm to support his chin. He seemed to have discovered something and let out a feeling. A low chuckle of interest.


I came to the colonel's luxurious manor again. The situation here is much better than it was a few months ago. At least the supply of raw materials is still sufficient, and the screams of chickens and cows are endless.

The colonel himself was still wearing the white suit, walking around in each workshop with high spirits, directing the workers to load the cut and pickled materials into trucks and send them to chain fast food restaurants around the world.

"Speed ​​up, boys! There are countless people in the ice and snow waiting for our finger-sucking original chicken! You hold the hope of other people's lives in your hands!"

While shouting, he also made gestures with his fingers around his mouth, smacking his lips constantly to simulate the delicious explosion of taste.

"Hi, Colonel, do you want a wife?"

Su Ming, who landed with the fake kind grandma, went straight to the topic. At this time, the old lady had been dressed up by Harry. Her face was painted white and her lips were as red as if she had just drank chicken blood.

"Oh, death knell, my friend." After all, the colonel is old, well-informed and a businessman. His attitude must be unspeakable and very enthusiastic: "Come and try my new secret sauce. material!"

Generally speaking, in Europe and the United States, when visiting someone else's home, the host will serve the guests with a glass of wine or something.

Pour it here, a cup of hot brown sauce per person?

"No, thank you. If possible, I would choose Coke." Su Ming declined the old man's kindness, and then introduced the old lady to the colonel.

It was only said that he was a refugee from Diversity 2 who was rescued.

Anyway, the memory has been modified by strangulation, and she thinks so too.

The colonel didn't agree but didn't refuse either. He just asked the old aunt to stay first and see if she could learn how to fry chicken.

After leaving the people behind, the few of them had a meal of free fried chicken here, chatted and rested for a while, before heading back to the Hall of Justice.

At this time, there were no snowflakes in the sky. The moon hung brightly in the middle of the sky, like a ray of light, and the magnificent building made of outer space building materials lay quietly on the square, glowing with a faint white light.

The flying carpet landed in front of the door, and Harley once again stared at the dummies in the foyer. She was still not among the hero dummies displayed here.

But she no longer cared about that, instead she hugged Deathstroke's arm and rubbed it happily.

Within seconds of entering, Martian Manhunter emerged from the air. His red eyes looked at Deathstroke, and he stretched out his hand to shake hands.

"Hey Ron, haven't you rested yet at this time of night?"

Su Ming smiled and shook hands with the other person, patted his shoulders, and asked about the current situation with a smile.

"Good evening, Slade." Martian Manhunter landed on the ground, his blue cloak fluttering slightly: "We can't let down our guard yet, but thank you for helping to stop the heavy snow. Do you mind coming to the meeting?"

"You're welcome. Although I like skiing, I don't want to live in the snow 365 days a year. It's okay to have meetings, but who is here?"

He rubbed Harley's waist in his arms with his backhand, motioned for her to find a place to play by herself, and then followed Ron to the conference room.

"Except for Batman, everyone else will be here as soon as they're notified." The hunter still looked unsmiling. He was very serious about his work, and the Martian's extraordinary physique didn't require much rest.

"That's it. I want to tell you about Multiverse 2. Can you help inform Earth 8 and Earth 26 to send people over? They are more familiar with the Void Hand and the Evil Nobles."

When he came to the conference room and saw the large round table placed under the light beam, with a huge 'transcendence' symbol engraved on the table, Su Ming unceremoniously sat in Batman's seat.

Since he won't come, the position will remain empty.

Martian Manhunter nodded in agreement. He raised his hand to press his temple to activate his ability: "I will notify the people over at the Hall of Justice. This will probably take a while."

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry." Su Ming smiled and took out the wine to drink with Bobo. He shook the glass in front of the bright headlight and watched the brown-red liquid surging in the container: "By the way, can I ask Batman? What are you busy with now?"

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