The Death Knell

First Coming to American Comics Chapter 282 Door-to-Door Delivery

I don’t know if Cable finally figured it out, but Cable himself is also a product of time.

He is a clone of Jean, the child of the Red Queen and Cyclops, a weapon designed by Mr. Sinister, who always felt that Apocalypse wanted to settle accounts with him.

However, due to a series of changes, the young Cable was infected with a virus, for which there was no cure at the time.

The X-Men sent him to the 36th century, where he was treated, but half of his body was turned into a machine.

Cable, who grew up in the future, used the time and space device to return to the 21st century and got involved with the X-Men. He changed many things himself.

Anyone with an x ​​in their team name is not qualified to dictate time to others.

"Communicate with those three women, and Modi, and call them back. Now that the situation outside has changed, I need to make a new plan. It will be dangerous to let them run around again."

Su Ming didn't care what Diansuo was thinking and gave him the task directly.

Can Cable refuse? Definitely not. After all, those three women belong to Wade, and he must obey this order regardless of emotion or reason.

People are like this. After they have the habit of executing reasonable orders, they will not think too much when faced with unreasonable orders, but will subconsciously execute them first.

Once he gets used to it, Cable will no longer doubt Deathstroke's words.

When they returned to the guerrilla headquarters more than ten minutes later, almost everyone was here.

The X-Men and Holloway had already taken advantage of the chaos to loot the German hospital. The mysterious guest secretly stored the supplies in Limbo and took them out after returning here. The guerrillas obtained a mountain of medical supplies at once.

At this time, the faces of the three jealous women were covered in smoke and fire. They were very dissatisfied with the suspension of the game.

However, Wade, who was half-healing and looking like a fermented pancake, seemed very satisfied. He was very peacefully being sat on the ground by the three women to rest his buttocks.

Monaco also woke up, his face was pale, he was holding a cup in both hands, and he was drinking sip after sip, his eyes were empty as if in a daze.

Seeing the return of Su Ming and his party, he stood up.

"Deathstroke, I have something important to tell you."

Su Ming pulled him to sit down again and put the tea cup back into his hand: "You have cast a spell again. I suggest it is best to pause for a while. Even if the devil doesn't do anything to you, your psychology and spirit will soon be unable to bear it." Living."

"Remember the car we took before? I took the antidepressants in that car. Do you want to try it?" Holloway came over. He had just finished bandaging everyone and was now resting aside.

Monaco rubbed his mustache and made a rustling sound. He shook his head slowly: "Give me a try later, but I can still hold on for now. This matter is very important."

As he spoke, he raised his arm, and in his palm, a black earth gradually appeared, and at this time, there were dozens of bright spots on it that were moving quickly.

"These are the fragments of Namor." Su Ming recognized the location of these things at a glance. Compared with the previous map in his mind, these light spots were all moving to the same position.

Why were Namor separated and now it seems like he is being put back together?

"Yes, they are all Namor's body parts. According to the current trajectory, these fragments are rushing to Paris."

Monaco recited a short spell, and the directions of these light spots were marked with arrows, and the focus of these arrows was Paris.

Black light fluctuated in the room, attracting everyone's attention. This unnatural light made everyone feel eerie.

The pieces are coming.

This is not like something Hydra or Mustache would do. Zemo has already discovered that he is looking for these fragments, which means Hydra knows about it. And the mustache in this world is very powerful. He will definitely plant spies inside Hydra, which means he also knows it.

But now someone has brought the Namor fragment to me, as if to say: "I know you are looking for Namor, No, Namor, take it, go home and sleep quickly."

Very abnormal

Su Ming narrowed his eyes under the mask. It seemed that instead of becoming simpler, things had become more complicated.

Could it be a trap?

But in this situation, even if the opponent wants to make a desperate attempt to lay a trap, he has no choice but to confront the opponent head-on.

Fortunately, our team now has a strong lineup. Cable, Zhengtu, and Mysterio are all very strong.

The others are slightly weaker but can still be considered second-tier. There is also the mascot Domino, who is fully capable of fighting even against the Hydra All-Stars.

"It's a pity that Wade is a bitch now"

Su Ming, who was calculating his own strength, suddenly saw Wade, who was being used as a cushion by the three women. He was lying flat on the ground comically, and the two white eyes on the mask turned into crescents. He seemed to be very happy, and he was still there. Cheap smile.

Farke, do you start to act mean just after your bones and muscles have grown a little? Fortunately he was speechless just yet.

Su Ming walked over angrily and stepped on him, leaving a black boot print on his head.

Now that the enemy has sent Namor here for some unknown reason, he must accept it, and his next action plan needs to change.

The first thing is to group up. What comes with Namor may be a big trap, and it will be safer for several people to go and grab it together.

At the same time, a second team must be separated to contain all the German troops in the city while the other team goes to grab the Namor fragments. Even if it is a street battle, they must at least withstand the attacks from the sky and the ground. This requires a very strong force. strength.

The only one who can transform into Captain America is Su Ming himself. Steve has the ability to taunt, so the task of containing Zemo and the German army in the city must be completed by himself. Bring Journey, Explosion, Time Vortex and Mysterio just in case. one.

Everyone left to grab the Namor shard, let Cable lead the team and Monaco show the way.

As for the Howling Commandos, Peggy and Nick, they were not considered at all. They were too weak to be of any use.

"Everyone, listen to me." He clapped his hands and signaled these superheroes to focus on him: "The situation has changed now."

He shared his analysis with everyone, and before they could express their opinions, he also stated his response plan.

This is a relatively safe solution when the enemy's situation is unknown.

Only the little naughty boys seem a little confused. What did the X-Men originally plan to do in this era? Why does it feel like I was strapped into a chariot and ran wildly in another direction?

But she secretly glanced at Mysterio, who still looked expressionless. Mary rolled her eyes and suppressed her doubts.

The ossuary was very quiet. The weak light from the oil lamp made everyone's shadows sway. No one had any other opinions.

They had all decided to help before, so naturally they had to help people to the end. Now, it should be an hour or two before the Namor fragments arrive in Paris from all over the world, so they can take the time to take a rest.

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