The Death Knell

Chapter 283: Zemo and the Red Skull

Somewhere in Paris, in a small two-story building, Baron Zemo was walking around anxiously, and the beautiful wooden floors kept making squeaking sounds.

He had received intelligence before that during his meeting, Captain America appeared near the Eiffel Tower and caused considerable losses to the German army.

However, after the meeting ended, Captain America had already escaped into the sewer with a group of weirdos.

"Damn it! We were so close to catching this damn clown!"

Zemo clenched his fists and pounded the table in front of him, but he could only feel pain in his hands.

He had already thought about it. After catching Captain America, he would give him a bath with adhesive, stick him with hundreds of kilograms of chicken feathers, and put him in a secret prison for his own pleasure.

But Captain America just wants to chase the Red Skull. Now that the Red Skull was rejected at the previous meeting, he should be planning to hide.

He thought for a while and called the Red Skull.

"I need you to do me a favor. Yes, this is the deal, in exchange for my support of your proposal."

After hanging up the phone, a huff of laughter came from under his purple hood.

The Red Skull said that he would show up to lure out Captain America, and would also help him attack Captain America. Then he would do whatever Zemo wanted to do.

Zemo began to prepare, first mobilizing his men and deploying traps, and then filling his weapons with adhesive to prepare for battle.

With the Red Skull as bait, there is no need to worry about Captain America not showing up.

His mood gradually became cheerful, and he sang the song of the Blue Danube.


"Oh? Helmut, why don't you go to bed? It's already very late." Baron Zemo put the weapon back into his holster, turned around and patted his son's head.

"It's too noisy outside and I can't sleep." Little Zemo is only seven years old this year and looks like a cute kid.

"It doesn't matter. Go to bed and lie down first. Dad will go out to solve this problem." Zemo put on his black leather coat and straightened the Hydra badge on his chest.

Ozawa just nodded in understanding. He understood somewhat: "Are you going out to kill people? Can you kill all these French people? Paris is beautiful. It would be great if we owned it directly."

Zemo shook his head with a smile: "No, no, you shouldn't kill so many people, just kill the people who made mistakes. The Zemo family will rule everything. If you kill everyone, who will you rule?"

"Yeah! Supervision and discipline, as you told me, we only kill bad guys who don't obey."

"You are right, my son. Now I am getting rid of the worst bad guy. He yearns for disordered freedom and will only make the world chaotic. For the future of the family, for Germany and Hydra, I He must be killed."

Zemo was ready, hung the family sword on his belt, and walked out the door.

"Then I'll wait for you to come back and tell me a story. It should be soon, right?"

"Yes, be back soon."

Zemo pushed open the door and walked out. The Hydra guards outside the door saluted him. He got into the black car, followed by hundreds of elite people running behind the car.

As the dense footsteps disappeared into the street, Zemo obediently returned to the bed, staring at the ceiling with shining eyes. He wanted to wait for his father to come back.

Elsewhere in Paris, the Red Skull dropped the phone with an expressionless expression. Dr. Zola was by his side, carefully observing his expression.

But what expression could he see on a skeletal face? The only emotion that can be distinguished on this face is anger.

"Zemo thinks I'm an idiot, or a brainless fool Arnim, what do you think I should do?"

"Uh, didn't Zemo just show that he was leaning towards us? Hahaha cough cough."

The two round eyes of the Red Skull stared at Zola, and the eyelidless eye sockets looked very scary.

The original dry smile of the doctor soon turned into a series of dry coughs because he couldn't laugh. Sweat dripped from his head. Schmidt's eyes were full of madness, he was going to kill someone.

Sure enough, Schmidt pulled out his pistol, turned around, killed two guards, and fired wildly until the pistol was empty and hung up.

"Huh!" He gasped, twisted his neck to loosen his collar, and moved his mandible: "What did you just say? Doctor?"

New guards walked in outside the door. They silently dragged away the bodies of their companions, then took their positions and continued to stand guard.

This is the duty and destiny of the Hydra soldiers. Among the leaders of the Hydra Council, except for Blue Glove Heine, who is good at dealing with his subordinates, the other leaders are all madmen.

Especially Viper, her poison experiments often require "volunteers" to try them out. Whitehall's immortality experiments are also very dangerous.

However, Hydra soldiers are not afraid. In their view, it is a great honor to sacrifice one's life for Hydra. Those chosen by the leader to sacrifice will go to the true God of Hydra and live in a happy paradise forever.

Since no one could return from that side, everyone believed this to be true.

"You're right! Schmidt, Zemo was the first person to oppose you at the meeting just now!"

Zola shook his head and smiled apologetically, taking out a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit and wiping his sweat. He took off his glasses, not daring to look at the Red Skull's face anymore.

"Yes, he is fooling me, this damn guy, he is just a hereditary noble, an extremely weak scientist, he is not worthy of being the leader of Hydra"

"I" Zola wanted to turn around and run away, but he heard some bad meaning.

"Oh, not including you, my dear doctor, you are the smartest man in Germany and my ally, right?" The Red Skull put his huge palm on Zola's shoulder, and the force made him unable to move.

"Hahaha, you're right. I'm very smart and very useful." Zola sniffed and nodded repeatedly.

"Very well, Doctor, my good Doctor, now it's time for you to come in handy. Are the clones I got from Sinister last time still alive?"

Dr. Zola immediately confirmed his statement: "Yes, they are still alive. I have kept those few of your clones in cryogenics. The disgusting products are very unstable. If they are allowed to act after thawing, they will not support it." To four hours.”

"Ah, four hours. As powerful as me, the clone has such a short lifespan. It's really disappointing, isn't it?" Red Skull's tone was a little dissatisfied. He lowered his head and wiped the blood spattered on his body.

"No, Sinister is actually the best biologist of this era. His cloning and genetic technology are both..." Zola tried to explain to the Red Skull the difficulty of genetic engineering. Although he is a physicist, he is actually still I admire Jingwei very much.

"Huh?" Red Skull's palm tightened.

"Yes, you're right. Sinister is so disappointing. It's only been four hours. What's enough?" Zola immediately changed her mind.

"Well, it's okay. Do you remember what I got from Sitric?" Red Skull let go of Dr. Zola's shoulders and led him to the next room.

Here is a secret compartment, the walls are all made of metal, emitting gray light. The Red Skull enters a password on the wall control panel, and the door slowly opens with a buzzing sound.

The Red Skull put one hand behind his back and made a 'please look' gesture to Dr. Zola with the other hand.

On the high platform in the center of the small room, there was a row of test tubes. Black liquid seemed to be rolling and surging in it. A beam of red light shone on it, reflecting a suffocating color.

Dr. Zola wiped the sweat away faster.

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