The Death Knell

First Coming to American Comics Chapter 284 Death Spores

Red Skull didn't know where Sitric got this thing from, but he knew that it was very useful. The death spore virus could kill most infected people instantly, without even taking a breath.

It spreads through the air, and the killing range of this small tube is about tens of meters square.

Although the area is a bit small, it is more controllable, will not cause a big commotion, and is powerful enough.

It cannot kill extraordinary creatures such as cybernetics, superpowers or mutants, but it can weaken them to a great extent. Even if the Red Skull is poisoned, he will immediately become an ordinary person.

On Earth, no one except Su Ming currently knows the source of the death spores.

It was not originally in this form, but a black flower called the death spore flower, which grew in Helheim, the underworld, among the nine realms.

For warriors who believe in the Norse gods, if the death is glorious enough to be praised by future generations, then Odin will send someone to receive the soul of the deceased and send it to the paradise he created - Valhalla, also known as the Hall of Valor.

This place is located on a mountaintop somewhere in Asgard, very secluded.

There the glorious souls could wrestle, drink, sing loudly, and enjoy anything else they could think of.

And if a believer calls himself a warrior but dies a less than honorable death, such as dying of old age, illness and death in bed, or being drunk and falling off a boat and drowning, etc., then I'm sorry, there is no place for you in the Hall of Valor.

You can only go to Helheim to keep Hela company.

Anyway, Hela was secretly sealed in Helheim by Odin and couldn't get out at all, so he might as well throw the trash he didn't like there.

These miserable souls are accumulating in Helheim, falling from the sky one by one, forming mountains and rivers in the underworld, and Hela can only keep company with these undead souls day by day.

Their souls, nurtured by the unique climate of Helheim and the powerful resentment of Hela, grew a black flower that could spread death and despair.

It's the death spore flower.

Hela liked this kind of thing very much, and she often used it to decorate her boudoir.

Of course, Helheim is always dark, everything is black, and there is actually no beauty in this black flower. Hela cannot leave Helheim, so this terrible plant has no other effect in her hands.

This is found all over the mountains and plains of the underworld, as common as weeds.

But Loki is different from her. He has control over many spatial paths. He can come and go between the nine realms without going through the Rainbow Bridge without being discovered.

He didn't know that Hela was imprisoned in Helheim, because it was a dark world there, and it was not such a coincidence that the two met there.

He thought it was the garbage dump of the Nine Realms, a place used to discard waste, a world of eternal night without any scenery at all.

But he knew that there was a very special plant there, which was very interesting. It could turn mortals into a puddle of black ash and die, and turn members of the God Clan into useless people in a short time.

So, he stole some flowers from the underworld and returned to Asgard, planning to trick Thor and make him embarrassed in front of everyone, such as becoming incontinent in front of Sif.

As a result, the conspiracy was discovered by Odin, who cursed Loki and put him in solitary confinement.

How could confinement hold Loki? So he quickly slipped away and took his Death Spore Flower to Midgard, aka Midgard, Earth.

He gave the flowers to Baron Sitric and encouraged him to launch a massacre for his own enjoyment. But Sitric said that poison in the form of flowers was not easy to use, so he needed some time to make it into venom.

It's a pity that Loki didn't wait until he could see the power of this thing with his own eyes. He was captured by Heimdall, was sprayed by Odin again, and was imprisoned for several years.

But both Odin and Heimdall forgot about the death spore virus that turned into a liquid state, and Sitric didn't know where the 'mysterious black-haired young man' had gone, but the virus was really easy to use, and he had been transforming it. .

Enhance volatility, increase propagation speed, artificial replication, etc. He has always wanted to enhance this thing through scientific methods. Over the years, he has spent his time in Japan on this research.

This is where the death spore bomb comes from.

Of course, the development of each world is different. For example, Sitric in earth-12591, after getting the poisonous flower, gave it directly to Mustache, lying to him that eating it would make him immortal.

He originally wanted to poison Mustache so that he could sit on the highest throne, but Mustache turned directly into zombies after eating it, infecting all the German troops into zombies and occupying the world.

Sitrik is still a handyman, and he has also turned into a zombie. The bamboo basket is empty.

"Look, doctor, it's a beautiful color, isn't it?" Red Skull pushed Zola's shoulders to come to the virus, and the two of them looked closely at the row of test tubes.

The Red Skull also had spies among Sitrik's men. The loyal subordinate risked his life to steal some samples for him, and was later turned into a pile of dust by the furious Sitric.

But the Red Skull's goal has been achieved, and he has plenty of men. If he dies, he will be replaced.

Dr. Zola, who was being pushed forward, felt like the soles of his shoes were on fire. He didn't want to look at this thing at all.

"You, Red Skull, are not afraid. You are a reformed person. After smelling it, you will be relieved for a few days, but I am an ordinary person!" If you inhale even a little bit, you will die immediately! ’

But he didn't dare to say this thought at all. He could only smile and let the Red Skull press his shoulders and press their heads together.

"Yes, Schmidt, I saw it. My myopia is not that serious."

"Well, that's good. You have twenty minutes to put the death spore virus into my clone. I require that this thing can be remotely detonated outside the transmission range. Yes, it should be paired with some of my Cosmic Cube batteries. , the explosion power must be large enough.”

The Red Skull let go of his hand and turned to leave. He had decided to send a self-destructing clone to Zemo's date.

"Come on, Doctor, don't put too much pressure on me, but if you don't do well, I will be very disappointed, very disappointed."

The Red Skull glanced at the doctor again, gave him a 'you know' look with his big eyes, and then left quickly.

He has already planned that when the time comes, when Zemo and the clones fight side by side to entangle Captain America, he will detonate the bomb from a distance and get rid of these two annoying people, Zemo and Captain America, at once.

Listening to the footsteps getting further and further away, Animzola raised his glasses and wiped his face hard with his handkerchief. The whole handkerchief was soaked.

There is no way, Red Skull's order must be carried out, otherwise he will die.

Zola carefully took out a bottle of pitch-black liquid from the holder, held it in both hands, and rushed towards her laboratory quickly.

There, he would simultaneously defrost the clones, debug the Cosmic Cube battery, modify the death spore bomb, install a remote control device, and brainwash the clones.

Even if he is a world-class physicist, time is a bit tight now, and he must race against time.

The Red Skull never talks empty words.

Especially this kind of suggestive death threat, Zola had seen him talk about it countless times, and every time those who disappointed him died miserably.

Zola didn't believe in the idea of ​​a 'true god's paradise'. He was a scientist, a scientist who originally just wanted sufficient funds and experimental materials.

Before joining Hydra, outsiders will never know how crazy this organization is, and once you join, you will never be able to leave alive.

"If this continues, one day I will die in his hands. It seems that I have to prepare my backup plan quickly and transfer my consciousness to something that the Red Skull cannot destroy."

Zola trotted along the corridor holding the test tube, and began to plan in her mind how to escape from the clutches of the Red Skull.

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