The Death Knell

Chapter 2827 A nightmare

Before the two of them landed, Harley was the first to complain. She pointed at the orangutan next to her and said loudly

"Dear friends, I discovered that our orangutan is also a psychopath. After Black Alice used magic to capture Martian Manhunter, I burned him with fire as Little Bee said. But this perverted orangutan kept jumping around and screaming around me. He asked me to burn Ron’s balls, and I burned them, but he kept yelling. I now suspect that he has schizophrenia and a perverted obsession with cruel violence.”

Both Su Ming and Diana's eyes fell on the chimpanzee. Even Dawn, who had been watching, had something wrong in his eyes. However, the chimpanzee now looked helpless.

"I said let you burn his eyes, -y--s, not my ass! Nor s! I corrected the pronunciation many times, but besides laughing, you insisted on burning his buttocks Frontal, what else can I do?!”

The orangutan danced helplessly, pointing at his eyes for a while, and then turned around and slapped his buttocks.

However, Harley didn't speak. She turned her head and whistled towards the sky.

Who told this black light Martian to have to face everyone? If he had turned around and stuck his butt out early, wouldn't it have been fine?

She has this habit. The more someone resists, the more excited she becomes.

Looking at Ron, who was still screaming in the flames, Su Ming sighed. The Martian Manhunter actually has good abilities, but he has too many weaknesses to be put on the table. Batman in a certain universe even used it to kill bats in chocolate cookies. Ron was brought down by tranquilizers.

Probably the battle would be better in a vacuum environment, since there is no way to start a fire there.

Patting the orangutan's head comfortingly, Su Ming asked Xiao Dai to end the Martian Manhunter's pain. The cloak that had just returned once again transported the corpse to the sun crematorium, and everyone walked to the battlefield of the violent wolf together.


From a distance, I saw Tyrannosaurus grabbing Black Lantern Hawkman and beating him violently. While fighting back, he spat in his face. At the same time, the curse words in this guy's mouth began to be incomprehensible.

This wasn't the end yet. After breaking Eagle Man's neck, Tyrannosaurus was about to take off his pants and give the corpse a soak in the face while it was cold.

"Stop! That's enough!" Su Mingfei went over and grabbed his belt, shaking his head speechlessly. "Your level of anti-hero performance has risen too fast. We just haven't seen you for two minutes, so you're going to do something inappropriate for children." of?"

Tyrannosaurus sneered and slapped away Deathstroke's hand, lifted up his pants, then spat on Hawkman's body, took off the iron chain wrapped around his body again, and killed everyone.

"This idiot is spouting feces, and he wants to make me kneel in front of the Black Death Emperor. I am the only macho man who can make him feel better? Then will even a space worm be able to scream in front of me in the future?"

"Why are you fighting with the dead?" Su Ming also used God Killer to start cleaning up the ordinary black lantern corpses around him. With the help of Strangler, he was more efficient than Violent Wolf. "Forget it, you haven't lost anything. "

"Okay! You are the employer, you have the final say." Baolang doesn't care, it's the same wherever he works.

Soon, the black lantern corpses were dismantled into corpses, and each one was crushed in the black lantern ring. Except for the corpses scattered everywhere, the cemetery returned to the peace and tranquility of the past.

Looking at the body of Hawkman that looked like it was fished out of a spittoon, Diana and the others were speechless for a long time. Only Harley covered her mouth and rolled her eyes, not knowing why she was happy about it.

"We can't leave so many things here alone, we must purify them."

It was ** who spoke first. He didn't know what to say, so he used things everywhere on the ground as topics.

"Burn them all. There are too many corpses here." Su Ming waved to Xiaofang, who had brought all the corpses of the soldiers, to come over and have something to eat and rest for a while. Then he took out a large amount of gasoline from his pocket and ordered strangulation to pour water on the corpses. "It's too late to send it for cremation, so we can solve it on the spot."

"What did you do before? Why does Diana look a little tired?" Barry asked curiously.

The cemetery is a bit large, and since he was not assigned the task of dealing with powerful enemies, the Flash took the initiative to clean up the corpses wandering around the cemetery. He is largely responsible for the current peace and tranquility.

He took the chocolate given to him by Deathstroke, but didn't eat it because the pile of corpses beside him began to smoke black, and he really had no appetite.

Wonder Woman rubbed her face and shook her head slowly, "I'm fine. It's just a little bit of psychological pressure to face another Justice League that has become like this."

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Shan nodded clearly and showed a forced smile, "I understand, although these people are not ourselves, but seeing their current appearance, I am actually a little sad, but everything will be fine, right? Right? Slade?"

"You're right, Barry." Su Ming took off his mask and smoked a cigarette, then raised his head and looked at the sky. "Let's go, let's find a place to rest for a while. There are too many zombies in Washington. It's better not to blow up the earth than to clean it up." Endless.”

At the same time, Earth 0, Kansas.


Superman sat up suddenly in his sleep. Fortunately, he immediately realized that it was just a nightmare, so he didn't gasp and blow the house away.

The fluorescent screen of the bedside electronic alarm clock flashed green, showing that the current time was 2 o'clock in the evening. Everything outside the window was quiet, except for the occasional sounds of small animals celebrating the end of the heavy snowfall.

In view of the series of earth crises in the past six months, in order to take care of his wife and children, Superman took them back to the Kansas countryside to live with Martha, so as to avoid having to run both ways.

"What's wrong?"

Louise beside her had already woken up and asked the people around her in a low voice.

She had always slept very lightly since the Leviathan incident. She secretly obtained a pistol from somewhere and placed it on the bedside table.

Although Clark didn't understand the point of having a pistol with a Superman as his husband, he respected his wife's decision and didn't even say he was aware of it.

"I dreamed about Darkseid, and the end of the earth. In the dream, I was controlled by the anti-life equation." Superman wiped the cold sweat from his face, lay back on the bed, and held his wife in his arms. "I still Kill everyone in Zhenglian, kill all human beings.”

"That's just a dream." Louise closed her eyes in the darkness and moved her head to find her accustomed comfortable position. "Batman must have some backup plan to release the control. If he doesn't, the other young Deathstroke will too. , and Darkseid doesn’t need all humans to die, he wants living slaves.”

"Yes, Batman always has a plan." Superman also smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Mentioning his friends made him feel more at ease. "But when did you know Darkseid so well? I don't remember telling you. Got through this?"

The wind outside the window blew the glass, making a faint rattling sound. Louise was silent for so long that Clark almost thought she had fallen asleep before he heard her answer.

"I have to understand. I want to be able to help you."

"Don't worry, you have helped me a lot. You and Martha gave me a home, which is enough for me."

Superman kissed her hair, then smiled and closed his eyes.

But in the darkness, half asleep and half awake, he seemed to see the dream that seemed extremely real. The giant with the red Omega symbol shining on his chest was looking at him with a smile and his hands behind his back.


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