The Death Knell

Chapter 2828 Strange Clown

"Joker shouldn't do this."

Batman, who had high hopes from Clark, was facing Gordon's questioning at this time, and he could only say this.

Because just after another group of lunatics committed suicide and attracted the attention of the police and the Bat, the Joker sneaked into Arkham Sanitarium and killed Bane with laughing gas.

Batman suspects that the 'Tooth Fairy' he sent here not long ago provided any help, and this is all part of the Joker's plan.

Bane, a big man, was locked in a special room, and his limbs were fixed with special equipment weighing a total of one hundred tons. However, the clown still entered his cell through normal means without alerting anyone, and used the method that Bane used to use. The skeleton wrestling mask was spiked with ingredients that poisoned the strong man to death.

Thinking of Bane's death expression when he laughed until his eyeballs popped out and the corners of his mouth cracked after taking off his mask, it was hard for Batman not to be distracted.

That lunatic was organizing his followers to commit mass suicide, and then first killed Little Jim, and then Bane. Is there any connection between them?

"Batman, you have to stop that damn madman as soon as possible."

Gordon didn't know yet about his son's murder, but he looked equally bad at this time. Standing in the snow for a long time made the tip of his nose red, the hand holding the cigarette was shaking, and he couldn't put the cigarette holder in his mouth for a long time. inside.

After finally getting the cigarette to stick to his lips, the director took the cigarette off again and continued:

"Every second he is free, there will be hundreds more lunatics in Gotham City. You know what kind of influence he has in this city, people even want to elect him as mayor!"

The old mayor was killed by Bane before. Recently, the election for Gotham's new mayor is underway, and there are currently two candidates with great advantages.

One is a Japanese-American Nakano, whose background is a mystery. In the eyes of the bat, he is a potential criminal, perhaps related to Yakuza.

The other is the clown, a knowing, ready-made prince of crime.

An unknown person signed up for the clown on the Internet, and more people supported a lunatic for the money to buy tickets, which made the clown now far ahead in the number of votes.

After Luthor triggered the Year of the Villain, it seems that the people of Gotham are more daring to think and act. If the Joker can lead them to make money, then he will be chosen, no matter what the source of the money is.

As for whether a criminal can become the mayor of Gotham? This has never been a problem.

So far, the Joker is still hiding in the dark, but through the night, Batman can feel the madness, and the laughter hidden in the night echoes in his ears.

"I know, Jim, give me some time. The Bat Family has been sent out to investigate this matter, and there will be results soon. On the one hand, we have to find the Joker, and on the other hand, we have to prevent his new followers from continuing to organize mass suicides. I’m going to find the clown.”

Batman's deep voice answered his old friend, and he slowly walked towards the shadows.

But Gordon stopped him, and the sergeant took a deep drag on his cigarette, lowered his voice and said:

"I'd rather have Harley as his follower, do you know what that feels like? Harley Quinn is a psychologist. She could have induced the same mass suicide in the past, but she didn't do it. Now we see a The joke about using religious beliefs to incite people to commit mass suicide... Damn, the point is we have to stop these lunatics from committing suicide without shooting, I feel like things are getting out of control, Batman."

"I understand you are under a lot of pressure, Commissioner Gordon, we are all the same. But the Harley in the past was not as good as you thought. She didn't do that just because the criminal method was related to her career, and she thought it was related to her career. Nothing about technique is fun.”

Gordon just said casually, although now Harley said she wanted to change her mind and become a superhero, Deathstroke took her out of the Suicide Squad, and Wonder Woman vouched for her...

But what will happen in the future, everyone can only wait and see.

The director calmed down, continued to look at the figure in the darkness, and asked: "So this joke may also have a psychological background, rather than a simple preaching master?"

"I just doubt it, but she can't compare with the people in the Gotham database for the time being." Batman gave a negative answer: "Either her makeup skills are too good, or she has undergone plastic surgery. She is a chameleon. Of course you will also have a certain level of psychology.”

Gordon sighed, took a deep breath from his cigarette, dropped the butt and slowly stamped it out. Watching the red dot of fire disappear into the snow on the road, he exhaled a puff of smoke:

"So where can we ambush and catch her in advance? Beauty salon? Plastic surgery hospital? Beauty training class? If we deal with her directly, maybe... Batman? Batman, are you listening? Shet! That’s it again!”

It turns out that in the blink of an eye, Batman once again left without saying goodbye, just like in the past.


Earth 12, a point in time in the past.

Deathstroke and the others were currently in the sewers of Gotham, not walking around, but waiting for something.

Gotham's sewers are divided into many levels, and different levels were built at different times. Underground are the labyrinths of the Court of Owls, hidden outposts of aliens, gangs' smuggling route networks, refugee settlements, and more.

Of course, the number of beggars and homeless people is the largest among them. The official population of Gotham is eight million, which does not include underground residents.

They have no identity, no protection, and many people don’t even know that such people exist.

This is the reason why Batman doesn't install surveillance cameras in Gotham's sewers. It's because it's for nothing. People who can't live anymore have even eaten away the cockroaches and rats in the sewers, let alone whether they dare to dismantle the bat camera. Take it and sell it for money.

At this time, everyone found a relatively clean sewer maintenance room, closed the door and rested inside, eating some hot pot that was conveniently carried by the death knell, and drinking some drinks and beer.

Su Ming himself doesn't feel tired or hungry, but others in the team are different, especially Xiao Shen, who gets hungry the fastest.

"If we wait here, will Batman come to the door?" He quickly scooped up the ingredients in the hot pot and opened ten packages to soak in the hot pot.

"Of course, if you think about it, if Batman is not infected, then he will definitely continue to monitor the movements of the Black Lantern Zhenglian. Whether it is formulating a countermeasure plan or preparing to avoid the edge, keeping an eye on Superman is a must."

Su Ming drank a bottle of beer and leaned against the wall leisurely to answer. His expression was very calm, and he was not affected by the zombies wandering in the sewer at all.

Bobo was also drinking, and he had a good drink capacity. At this time, he added what Deathstroke said: "When Superman and Deathstroke fought, Batman should have seen the white light that can restrain the powerful Black Lantern; when the weak Green Lantern fought against Deathstroke, Deathstroke let Batman saw what he wanted; Diana and Deathstroke fought, and Deathstroke deliberately let Batman see his madness..."

Harley sees through this, so she intentionally burns Martian Manhunter's balls.

Bobo also saw through this, but he didn't want to be counted among the madmen and be targeted by the bat.

This was the difference in performance between the two in the previous battle, and it was also the reason why Harley interrupted Bobo now.

"So, to sum up, a man who is capable, can be bribed, and is mentally disturbed, da da! This is the message that Little Bee wants to convey to the peeping tom Batman!"

Harley hugged Xiao Dai, eating ice cream with each hand, and happily explained to Barry:

"In fact, the first two items are not needed. As long as someone shows that he is a madman, he will not be able to resist the temptation of madness. What's more, we have entered Gotham now, and some new madmen have entered Gotham alive? He will definitely want to Come because he is...heehee!”

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