The Death Knell

Chapter 2829 Irresistible

The not-so-large underground space was filled with the smell of cream hot pot, and the sound of fine bubbles caused by the reaction of lime and water was endless. At this time, a strange voice suddenly appeared in the room.

"It's not nice to talk about people behind their back."

As the words fell, a dark shadow walked out of the darkness in the corner of the room. The two pointed ears on the top of his head already explained his identity.

"This room has only one door and is about the same size as my bedroom. How did you get in?"

Barry, who was still holding a small plastic fork in his hand, was a little speechless, as if Batman in any world could suddenly appear and disappear.

"That's silly. This question is based on the same principle as the one I mentioned before." Harley twirled the ice cream in her hand and answered naturally: "Because he is Batman."

Compared with the one on Earth 0, this Batman is a little stooped, and he also has an air of twilight that is difficult to conceal. Fortunately, he still looks strong in his movements.

He ignored everyone present, but first looked at the white pigeon who was eating, and asked:

"You look like you're in good shape."

A standard bat question to ask someone in a declarative tone.

"I'll also tell you whether I'm okay now, but at least I'm still alive."

Dawn replied, and the Dark Knight's gaze made it difficult for her to swallow.

The bat in the dark nodded, and then he walked towards the small circle of everyone. His eyes swept over the wolf who was reading a magazine in the corner. He stretched out his hand to Diana: "Diana from the parallel world, what are your travel plans?" It doesn’t look like you picked the right time.”

After breaking free from Harley's entanglement like octopus tentacles, Xiao Dai hid the ice cream in his hand behind his back, stretched out his hand to shake hands, and said with a serious face: "This is not a tour, we are here to help."

"No, you are not." Batman saw through the problem at a glance. He let go of Diana's hand and shook it with Barry, who was squatting beside him eating hot pot: "Because if you want to deal with the Black Lantern Corpse, there is absolutely no need. Specifically designed to lure me out, the one among you who makes the decision must be Deathstroke.”

Barry put down his fork and scratched his head in embarrassment: "How come you know it again?"

"Although we are not in the same world, I am familiar with all of your peers. A total of 23 seconds have passed since I appeared. During this period, the six of you and an orangutan peeked at Deathstroke a total of 15 times. In addition to waiting for him Order, I can’t think of any other reason.”

The old voice appeared hoarse and calm after being processed by the voice changer. He walked towards the death knell who was leaning against the wall and smoking, and looked at the young face:

"Tell me, Slade from the parallel world, your purpose."

"I want to use your brother's eyes to find War Eagle, Batman. Of course, if you already know where Mo Cun and Di Jun are, you can tell me directly." Su Ming shook hands with Bat, looked at the face under the mask, and said seriously Said: "This matter is very important and affects many people's lives."

"I can see that you are not the kind of person who cares about other people's lives, mercenary. This level of words cannot affect me."

Batman's face remained expressionless. He looked carefully at the mercenary's one eye, as if to see if there was any humanity in this body.

The red cigarette butt flashed in the darkness. Su Ming slowly blew out a puff of smoke and raised an eyebrow:

"It looks like you are really old, Bruce. If it were the Batman of our world, even if he saw through my acting skills, he wouldn't expose it to my face. What are you afraid of?"

"At least it's not aging itself, come with me."

After saying this, Batman turned around and opened the door. He asked everyone to follow him and go somewhere through the sewers.

"Hey! What should I do with these hot pots?"

Barry brewed ten boxes of instant hot pot in one breath, but they were not yet cooked. He could only use stasis to temporarily stop the reaction between lime and water, picked up the red plastic boxes one by one, and followed the others:

"Also, Batman's style is really different. If it were our Bruce, he would definitely be suspicious, right?"

Barry didn't understand the exchange between the Dark Knight and the Supreme Mage. He only saw the two holding hands and saying a few words like a riddle, and the matter was settled.

Diana was talking to Batman, and Harley's little hands that had no place to rest hugged the innocent-looking dove again, arming each other like good sisters. She answered Barry's doubts:

"Didn't you analyze it before? Deathstroke's request is actually a 'condition', and Batman wants us to help prevent the Black Light incident, so lending his brother's eyes and providing intelligence is the 'price'. This has been a problem from the beginning. trade."

"He is really old." Bobo sat in Lori's arms with a pipe in his mouth, shaking his head with some emotion: "He was not even sure to continue playing games with Slade, but chose to expose the lies in person and let things go. So far, it would be unimaginable for our Batman."

"However, another possibility cannot be ruled out, that is, he predicted our judgment and deliberately pretended to be old in order to paralyze us."

Harley stretched out a finger as if pointing at the glowing light bulb above her head. Her eyes widened and her smile appeared again.

The orangutan detective nodded, and he took a puff of cigarette: "But it is also possible that he predicted our prediction at this time, and used this method to create mystery to cover up his aging nature."

"It's still possible." Harley seemed to be getting more excited and began to desperately analyze Batman's various ideas.

"That's enough. I'm indeed old, but I'm not so old that I can't hear." Bat still interrupted, because he, Deathstroke and Diana were walking a few steps ahead, with the man behind him and the monkey behind. He started to profile him as if no one else was around, which was too awkward.

Both Harley and Bobo laughed awkwardly, but when Batman turned his head, Harley raised an eyebrow at the ape, and Bobo nodded slightly knowingly.

Through a new round of testing, they determined one thing, and Deathstroke should have figured it out.

The group of people walked through the sewers like this. Diana asked Batman something about the outbreak of the Black Light Crisis, and Batman also asked several people about their origins. As far as information exchange was concerned, it was unremarkable.

The density of zombies in the sewers is not high, but even on the third underground floor, you will occasionally encounter a few. However, with the violent wolf clearing the way, it is actually quite easy as long as you ignore his foul language.

After walking for about ten minutes, Batman came to a distribution box, took the box off the wall, and pressed a brick.

Then a hole appeared in the wall, big enough for the Batmobile to pass through, and inside was a dark space.

"We're at the place, come in and chat."

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