The Death Knell

Chapter 2832 Super Time War

While Deathstroke was exploring the ancient ruins with Black Alice, somewhere in a place filled with white light, there was a person confronting him.

There is no direction in this space. When people are here, they seem to be floating in nothingness. However, the surrounding environment is not endless white, but full of colorful pictures.

These pictures fly past at a speed invisible to the naked eye, so that to the human eye, only white light remains.

The main body seemed to be a black shadow, but the limbs and cloak of the uniform were all red. The man wearing a mask with mouth and eyes shouted at the other party:

"Stop! I told you to stop!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and released a skill, creating a layer of dimension in this strange environment. It was like a luminous fishing net, covering the figure flying in front.

However, the man in blue and gold armor in front smiled lightly and used the same method to offset the attack.

The emperor continued to fly towards the far end of time. He was not angry, but just avoided the battle and provoked: "It's useless, all your struggles are ineffective, because becoming me is your destiny, and I just ensure everything." Everything is on the right track.”

"Shut up! I won't become you!" Mo Cun, who was flying at high speed, folded his hands together and clasped his fingers in the air.

A writhing mass of darkness gradually took shape in his hand, beginning to attract the surrounding light and energy, and the space began to become unstable, making crackling sounds.

This looks like a black hole, but is actually an 'entropic rift'.

In an isolated system, the development of things always tends to increase entropy, and eventually reaches the maximum state of entropy, which is the most chaotic and disordered state of the system.

However, for an open system, since it can transfer the entropy increase generated by internal energy exchange by releasing heat to the surrounding environment, the open system may tend to decrease entropy and reach an orderly state.

This skill of Mi Cun is to turn the space in his hand into an unstable state with both entropy increase and entropy decrease, allowing the power of chaos and the power of order to collide in an unpredictable manner, thereby artificially creating an 'uncertain concept' as a means of attack.

People hit by entropic rifts will also have conceptual collisions within their bodies, causing their existence to be erased by the multiverse itself, just like a large program repairing the logical conflicts.

This is a very powerful skill. There are only a few dozen beings in the multiplicity that can handle conceptual attacks, and those beings are not currently in the time stream.

However, the person who attacks silently is his future self, and the emperor can also master the skills he knows, and even knows more things.

The Emperor wears a high-tech armor and is dressed like a future warrior. His research on order and chaos is also more in-depth and thorough than his past self.

Mo Cun needs to use two hands to drive different energies to launch a conceptual attack, and he only needs to use the 'Entropy Rift Cannon' on the armor to fire a backhand shot.

Yes, he has made this attack into a conventional weapon. In the endless time, he has unlimited time to study something, and he has become almost an all-rounder.

One cracked black ball, the other a pink ray, they collided together in the air, and a phenomenon that was difficult to describe in words occurred.

Everything around him began to collapse like a castle made of sand. Everything visible lost its color, and the void was torn apart, revealing the more essential white background of the lower layer.

The entire space collapsed, and the two of them disappeared from this timeline and fell elsewhere, and the story was interrupted at the same time.

"It's better than the old stuff. It's sturdy, durable and reliable."

In the building that looked like a water tower, Su Ming was fiddling with the equipment around him and praising Gotham's builders for their good work.

He likes the design of this purely mechanical structure. It is clear at a glance which gear this lever is connected to and which bearing the gear drives. It is clear what design serves what purpose.

There is no complicated digital system, no genius to crack the code, just break the lock on the door with a weapon, and then go in and fiddle with it yourself.

The two of them seemed to be in a steampunk-style world, with copper-colored gears and parts everywhere, full of the industrial beauty of that year.

Black Alice, who is looking around, also appreciates this style. The goth fan girl likes the vampire style, so she likes anything that is nostalgic, but she is usually too poor and has no money to cultivate hobbies.

"We're like little bugs in a pocket watch, Deathstroke, do you see those big gears over there? Each one is taller than ten of me put together."

"Lever, gear, this is the beauty of industrial mechanics." Su Ming looked up at the space at the top of the tower, where there was a huge copper counterweight block, like a hill: "Insects don't think as much as we do. "

"I can't describe it in words. Oh my god, when you look at it from the outside, it just looks shabby and old, but when you walk inside, everything is so sophisticated and complicated."

Being limited to high school education, Luo Rui was a bit at a loss for words, so she could only keep expressing her emotions with her eyes wide open.

This kind of understandable thing shocked her even more than the incomprehensible scenery in the Speed ​​Force plane.

This feeling is like asking an ordinary person to climb the Great Wall. He will be impressed by the magnificence of the wonders of the world; but if a man in black takes out a glass bead and puts it in his hand and tells him that this is the Milky Way, he will feel overwhelmed by the wonders of the world. It has exceeded the scope of one's own cognition, resulting in no feeling, and only thinks that the man in black is sick.

"This should be a hydraulic system. There is a sea valve somewhere underground in Gotham."

Su Ming pointed to the counterweight above his head, then pointed to the hundreds of large jars fixed on the inner wall of the tower, and told the girl his analysis:

"When the sea valve is opened, seawater will be poured into the bottom sewer due to the gravity of the earth, thereby squeezing the gas that originally existed there in the limited space, generating strong pressure, which is guided back here by some mechanical structures. The poison gas and fuel prepared in advance will be squeezed out from the ground through preset pipes, spraying like a fountain all over Gotham."

Luo Rui, who nodded repeatedly, tugged on her black T-shirt and revealed her yearning eyes: "Since this place was built more than 200 years ago, I can only say that this is a genius idea. On our earth, the last smile is like this." ?"

"Actually, no, the final smile of Earth 0 is a set of unmanned airship bombing gameplay. The specific situation of each world is different."

As Su Ming spoke, he changed the poisonous liquid in the poison gas tank to water mixed with white light energy. At the same time, he also asked Strangler to find the location of the steam engine. In order to use those control levers, there must be energy to start:

"Speaking of which, I have been to Earth Minus 11. Maybe that rocket system is the last smile over there."

"A rocket from two hundred years ago?" Luo Rui was a little unbelievable.

"In fact, in the East, the prototype of rockets existed in the Song Dynasty a thousand years ago. It's nothing to make a fuss about. Come on, use your thermal vision to help light the coal in these furnaces. We are going to activate this system."

Su Ming found the boiler unit, but all the oil used for ignition had evaporated, so he could only use some external force.

"Oh." The girl's eyes glowed red.

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