The Death Knell

Chapter 2833 White Lantern

Although no one rang the big bell, these boilers were still running normally. With the thunderous sound of pistons, a large amount of steam began to fill the tower.

"This movement is a bit loud, and the zombies in the sewers will come towards us."

As a young person, Lori had never played with old objects like steam engines. Although she said worried words, her eyes were still staring at the red-hot fire.

The spirit of existence on Earth 12 was as if dead. Su Ming used the white lantern ring, but it had no reaction at all. If it weren't for the fact that there is X metal that can be used as a connecting force from the same source, it would have been replaced by another white lantern. There may not necessarily be enough energy to support the replacement of all venom and incendiary agents.

Although there is not enough stachysum as the energy carrier of the white light, this is a sewer, and there is not enough clean water and there is still dirty water.

Letting the strangulating tentacles close the last gas tank, Su Ming clapped his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as this system is activated, Gotham will soon be purified by white light. It's just that I'm thinking about the issue of the spirit of existence. Logically speaking, , after the darkest night falls, the spirit of existence of the White Lantern Beast, that is, the will of the earth itself will also awaken..."

"You mean there should be a White Lantern on Earth 12, right?" Lori understood what Deathstroke meant.

This principle is like the balance of nature. For example, if someone accidentally eats a poisonous plant while walking in the jungle, there is often another plant that can detoxify it within a hundred steps.

The power of crisis is balanced by the power of connection, the diversity of light is balanced by the diversity of darkness, and chaos is balanced by order.

The fact that a parallel universe can exist in the multiverse and be reflected in the time stream shows that it is balanced and will not be regarded as a "failure" waiting for Barbatos to recycle it.

So now the question is, Black Lantern corpses are everywhere, where is the White Lantern who was supposed to be the hope of balance?

Originally, Su Ming thought that Hal might be possessed by the Parallax Monster again and work with Mo Cun to cause trouble, just like what happened in the Zero Hour on Earth 1.

The result was no, this Hal was also infected with the black light virus, and died in his own hands very simply.

This cleared him of suspicion.

So could Kyle Rayner become the White Lantern again? But Kyle's character doesn't seem to be such a low-key person. Ever since his mother died suddenly and his girlfriend was cut into pieces and stuffed in the refrigerator, this young man has been jealous of evil.

"The current White Lantern on Earth 12 may be a coward, or he may be an alien." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and walked towards the console, preparing to open the lever that fixed the counterweight.

But at this moment...

"I have brought the ultimate fear to countless people. I am indeed an alien, but I am not a coward."

Someone spoke in a standard British London accent. Through the view behind Su Ming, Su Ming saw a red-faced man with a mustache flying in from the tower gate.

Sinestro, the former Yellow Lantern Demon.

Su Ming broke off the joystick, turned around and pulled Lori to fly outward, while waving to the current White Lantern:

"I'm busy, you can follow me and we'll talk on the way?"

He was going to Wayne Tower and put the domed lid on Gotham.

At this time, Sinestro was in a very strange state. He had a white light ring on his left hand, and a white light uniform on the left half of his body. His face was normal.

However, he was wearing a black light ring on his right hand, and that half of his body was that of a zombie, with his face shriveled up and his eyes deflated.

But fortunately, he still had sense and was not the kind of person to be irritable. He turned around and followed the death knell, flying towards the ground together.

"Strange Deathstroke, aren't you looking for the White Lantern? I came here after noticing a large amount of white lantern energy." Sinestro faced the two of them with the intact half of his face, but the expression on his face was different. He looked particularly gloomy: "I saw your spectrum and found that except for the yellow light and green light, your other light rings are not...perfect."

As he spoke, Su Ming had already flown through the stinking ditches, turning back and forth between each branch. Hearing what the yellow lantern demon said in the past, he smiled and nodded:

"This is normal. In order to deal with some alien threats, I collected ten light rings through other means. Among them, the white light was a weapon negotiated with the spirit of existence. It cannot be used for resurrection. other people."

"I see. You must have experienced many brutal battles. I can feel the aura of death on your body." Sinestro nodded, and reached out to help Su Ming lift the manhole cover, allowing everyone to return to the streets of Gotham.

Su Ming did not answer directly, but smiled silently behind the mask.

I have indeed gone through a lot of battles, but it is really not too cruel if I have a preparation plan. The death aura on my body was also contracted from that smiling girl, and it does not belong to the power of the black light.

"Don't always start the conversation around me. Tell me about yourself. Sinestro from Earth 12. Why are you the White Lantern? Are you still half-dead?"

Before Mustache could answer, a black lantern corpse flew from the sky. It was the bat wing after the corpse was transformed.

Black people have the advantage that they don't look old after becoming zombies.

When he saw a living person, the guy immediately started to salivate and attack. When Deathstroke was about to attack, the red-faced man stood up and said that he would handle it. Then he raised his hand and aimed at the living corpse flying down from the sky, shouting road:

"There will be light in the Whitest Day, come to life! Damn it!"

His white light ring shot out a ray of light and turned into another white light ring, which was accurately put on Bat Wing's finger. A mechanical electronic sound came from the ring:

"Lucas Fox from Sector 2814 Earth, you have been resurrected, welcome to join the White Lantern..."

But halfway through the words, the tape began to twist and go out of tune, just like the tape had been disturbed by a machine.

Because at the same time, the black light ring on Batwing's hand also started to speak, and what he said was more direct:

"Die, die, die, die..."

Two rings, one wanted people to live, the other wanted people to die, so they started a battle for Lucas' body, and the result was that the little black man fell into endless painful hell.

One moment he was alive, before he could take a breath of Gotham's sour air, and the next moment he suddenly died in pain because the black light killed him again.

Resurrection, death, resurrection, death...

In just ten seconds, this poor guy died dozens of times. Su Ming watched helplessly as he lost control of his urination and defecation, and flowed all over the floor along the gaps in the broken high-tech suit.

"I, what's wrong with me? Ah!!! I'm in so much pain! Save me! Save me!"

He rolled to the ground, struggling like a fish out of the water, bouncing on the ground on his back.

Sinestro didn't even mean to land, he just put down his fist: "My white light ring can't resurrect you, but it can make you experience the feeling of being alive. Just stay here honestly and don't chase me." We are.”

"No, life is too painful, and only death is peaceful! Kill me quickly!"

Mr. Fox shed two lines of bloody tears. He died again, and the white light symbol on his chest had not had time to fade away.

"Human life is inherently painful, because only emotions can make you understand the meaning of life."

Sinestro no longer pays attention to the pursuers. Batwing's wail and his half-dead state will attract many enemies for everyone, and that's enough.

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