The Death Knell

Chapter 2864 Dark Planet

"Although I have a subconscious feeling that reminds me that I cannot go to the spirit of existence, but I can't say exactly why."

In the dark room, Bobo tried to put the bottle into his pocket while talking, and then he scratched his head and looked at Deathstroke, hoping to get an answer.

Deathstroke crossed his arms: "As you mentioned before, at time point B, when I discovered zombies and noticed that the black light ring reacted to them, I immediately tried to use the white light ring to contact Earth 12. "Spirit of Being"

Logically speaking, the spirit of existence is the will of the earth, and it is also the lantern beast of the white lantern. As a pitifully small number of white lanterns, it is not difficult to contact them even if they are from a parallel world.

However, the connection failed, and the spirit of existence seemed to be dead and did not respond at all.

Later, when we came to the current time point A, when meeting Sinestro, Su Ming also tried to contact the spirit of existence again.

But the result was still the same. The other party didn't answer at all, as if he wanted his lantern to fend for itself.

"Since then, I have had a guess, because when the White Lantern couldn't contact the General Lantern, could it be that the Lantern Beast itself was avoiding something?"

Tell Bobo roughly what he and Lori did after everyone separated, and he should be able to understand.

The orangutan certainly lived up to expectations. He straightened out the black hair on his chin and nodded slowly:

"I understand where the logic doesn't make sense, because when the black light comes, as an opposing attribute, the white light must stand up and fight in order to maintain the balance of the universe. This is 'the darkest night will eventually have light' 'As promised in the oath."

"Yes, but now the spirit of existence has simply withered. It doesn't respond to the Lantern, and its attitude towards Sinestro is also very strange." Deathstroke took out a cigarette and lit it, and walked towards the door of the safe house. : "White light can turn almost everyone into a selfless hero of light, but according to the red-faced man, he did not give the light ring to Hal's soul because of jealousy at the critical moment. What is the impact of this? His judgment at the time?"

Bobo, who held up his detective hat, took up the conversation. He held his knees and said, "Anti-life equation, right? The spirit of existence is also a kind of life force. It comes from the light of creation. The only thing that can restrain it is the one that represents death." In addition to the black light, anti-life should be the same thing. I have only heard that it can brainwash living people, but I didn’t expect it to affect the soul?"

"It's not the anti-life equation, but the technology of other multiverses. Did you forget that in Multiverse 2 we saw the souls stuffed into the bodies of ice elemental creatures? That is evidence that Darkseid has that ability, but This technology is not his, but Skeleton King's power of Huik from Etania, a cosmic force that can change the soul."

Putting Bobo on the ground and letting him go by himself, Su Ming prepared to go to the corner to wake up the wolf. To deal with the massive black lantern corpses, he needed this human shield that would not be infected.

"That's right, have you forgotten the wonderful time we spent on vacation together? Bad gorilla!" Harry took the opportunity to take advantage of Bobo's ears. Before, Xiao Dai only tugged one side, making one ear red and the other one red. White, very unpleasant to the eye.

So she also had to find faults and pinch the other side, one red and one blue to look good.

"Ah! It hurts so much! Let go, you madman!" Bobo gasped and fled, rubbing his ears and hiding behind Batman.

Harley has a bit of a psychological barrier towards Batman. Although it's not the same bat, she is safe behind him.

"Lamp Ring, tell me where Sinestro is now." After gathering everyone, Deathstroke raised his fist and asked. The Lamp Ring itself has a means of locating the cloned Lamp Ring.

At this time, Sinestro, with the help of Deathstroke, had four light rings, black, white, yellow and green, but his black lights came from the enemy, so he ignored them; while the existing spirit of the white lights pretended to be dead, it was useless to ask.

Positioning can only rely on yellow and green rings.

But just like the past conflicts between the two lantern groups, the two light rings on Su Ming's hand gave different answers. The green light ring showed that Sinestro was currently in Oa, while the yellow light ring showed that the red-faced man At this time it is located in Takron-Galtos.

One is in sector zero, and the other is in sector 1. It seems that there is only a difference of one number, but in fact, they are thousands of light years apart, which is a huge difference.

Looking at the two planets of different colors floating in front of Deathstroke, Bobo, covering his ears, revealed a head from behind the bat cloak: "Did Sinestro be dismembered? How could one person appear in two places?"

"It's also possible that one of the two light rings lied. We should interrogate it and let it have a taste of Arkham's methods! Hehehehe" Harley immediately raised her hand to say that she could do it for her, although she has played with red lights and black lights. ring, but she also wanted to try what fear felt like.

However, Deathstroke didn't have any particularly unexpected reaction. He just calmly turned off the projection of the green light ring and turned to look at the yellow light ring to plan the star map.

"The target is a replica of the light ring, not a person, so Sinestro gave the green light ring to others and kept the yellow light ring for himself." Su Ming pointed to his chest, which was probably the location of his heart: "If If he wants to take out a light ring to save people, Lao Sai will definitely give the green light, because the yellow light has a special meaning to him, and it is more powerful at this moment."

It seems that Sinestro went to look for something in the universe after parting ways with Deathstroke. Perhaps he met a Green Lantern who had lost his Lantern Ring on the way, so he gave up the Green Lantern Ring he got from Deathstroke.

Who is worthy of Lao Sai's special trip to save? There is a high probability that it will be his daughter, Green Lantern Soranik.

Because the rescued person was not very grateful, she soon parted ways with the Yellow Lantern Demon. A typical extremely arrogant character, Solanik is the kind of woman who is tough-talking but has a good heart.

She regarded Hal as a teacher and friend, but she would make some weird sarcasm every time they met. Sometimes after saving Hal, she would say: "I, I didn't come here specifically to save you. Stop being so sentimental." How disgusting. ’

She also respects her father Sinestro. Although their different understandings of the emotional spectrum cause the father and daughter to be at odds, she often says, "It would be better if he died," "I don't have such a father," etc. Waiting for words like this, I secretly prayed that my father would be safe.

In short, just listen to what the woman said.

While Su Ming was distractedly thinking about Sinestro's behavior, Tyrannosaurus, who had stuffed a magazine into his trouser pocket, came over to look at the projection, turned his head and spat to the side, took out a cigar from his leather vest pocket, lit it, and put it in his mouth. Yelling:

"I'm familiar with that place in Taklon. It's very far away from the 2814 sector where the earth is located. Even if I take the awesome big baby under my crotch, the only macho man, it will take about a week of Earth time."

The big baby mentioned here is his motorcycle 'Ramona' with space flight capabilities, not anything else.

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