The Death Knell

Chapter 2865 Prison Ideal City

"I've never seen a black light ring react like this. What does it mean?"

Wonder Woman stared at the ring on Deathstroke's hand. The black flames kept rolling and rising, releasing a cold and decaying breath.

After restraining the flames, Su Ming raised his head again and looked at the starry sky above his head. The stars in this star system were very strange. They had circles of faint blue light, like a huge, soulless eyeball.

"The black lantern corpse, like all lantern ring holders, possesses the power of the emotional spectrum. Those who are resurrected by the black lantern have a special bond between their souls and their corpses. This bond is controlled by the Black Death Emperor. , like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey's eyes, the lamp corpses will endlessly pursue the feeling that seems to be within reach. Looking for people close to them, devouring their flesh and blood, and sharing the so-called gospel, all in order to once again Feel that emotion.”

Deathstroke, who withdrew his gaze, took out the God Killer and dug a hole under his feet. He motioned for everyone to get down and said as he walked:

"Loyalty to brothers, hatred for enemies, love for parents, anger towards traitors, these are all familiar and unfamiliar connections. The black light ring will drive the lamp zombies to pursue it, and through this process, the energy virus will be spread. Until everything in the world is swallowed up, becomes nothing, and returns to the void.”


Diana repeated that word. She seemed to have heard it mentioned by an enemy a long time ago, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

The planet has lost energy and the prison has been destroyed. Su Ming, who went down first, caught Bobo who jumped down:

"Yes, strictly speaking, it is not nothing, there is only void. And when the black lantern zombies hunt and pursue those emotional connections together, they will also develop new 'comrade-in-arms emotions' between each other. This is why my black light ring suddenly exploded, because there are more than 30 billion black light corpses on this planet, and the emotion and connection are too powerful."

"Thirty billion? Hmm." Xiao Shan's face bulged due to the air in his mouth. He let out a puff after landing: "This number is too much. Just thinking of so many living corpses packed together like bacteria. When we are together, I feel a coolness on my back."

"My black light ring can temporarily conceal our presence, so the lamp zombies from a long distance will not notice us immediately. We just need to find Sinestro as soon as possible and blow up the entire planet."

Su Ming activated the yellow light ring, trying to locate the specific location of the red-faced man.

But just like everyone's life fluctuations are obscured by their own black lantern rings, when too many black lantern corpses gather together, the black light is almost overwhelming, and Sinestro's light is also blocked.

Occasionally a ray of yellow light shines through the thick dark clouds, but if you ask where the sun is at this time, you can only say that the sun is in the sky, but the specific location is unknown.

What is certain now is that the Yellow Lantern Demon is indeed on this planet and still alive.

The projection window that pops up from his yellow light ring is full of extremely dangerous warnings, just like an email inbox filled with junk messages.

"Honey, do you think something like a light ring can be updated with a new operating system?" Harley landed lightly on her own, rolled over to relieve herself, stood up, patted the dust on her butt, and came closer: "I What I mean is that, just like a smartphone, if you look at your light ring, it doesn’t even have an ad filtering function.”

As she spoke, she took out her small mobile phone covered with rhinestones and sequins and shook it, as if to show off something.

"The first light ring in the universe is the Green Lantern Ring. All other light rings are modeled after it." Everyone entered the giant prison planet. Su Ming stood there and looked around: "The light rings are all thugs. Group, and the light rings are both power and shackles. The little blue people have locked the program of this thing long ago. If it weren't for my special situation, just charging these light rings would be a big trouble."

The scene inside the prison is like an endless cattle farm. Everyone is now on an overpass. At their feet is a multi-story prison that is probably tens of thousands of layers deep. The abyss is full of identical cubicles.

In front of and behind me, the densely packed compartments seemed to stretch to the end of the line of sight.

This is the scene after the urbanization of the entire planet. The place where the group of people settled is equivalent to the top floor of the hive city, and the real ground is about hundreds of kilometers below them.

And everything from the ground to the center of the earth should be cells. Taklon was originally a modified Death Star, and its star core has already cooled down, so the prisoners are probably quite comfortable living here.

"That won't be fun." Harley blinked, walked to the edge of the overpass and looked down, then covered her forehead and stepped back as if she was about to faint: "No way, I'm afraid of heights, so I have to wear it." A hug will make you feel better, hee."

Diana speechlessly caught the little lunatic who was rushing towards her like a baby in the forest, reached out to touch her back, and looked at Deathstroke: "You can't lock Sinestro's position, it should be because he also has a black light ring. , so how do we find him without making a big fuss?"

"Simple, find the main control room of Taklon, find a way to restart the planet's total energy, and then use the original monitoring equipment to find someone." Su Ming smiled and picked up the orangutan on the ground, and put him on Lori's shoulder, barely using it. He thought about it and came up with a solution: "It's just that this prison is a bit big. It might be difficult to follow the wires to find the control room. It would be best to get a map or something."

"In the past, the entire planet was managed by a scientific police, so for orangutans, I say, the control room should be at the center of the earth." Bobo held his pipe and sat firmly on the girl's shoulders: "Because the center of the circle The distance to each direction is equal, which makes it easier to lay the pipeline.”

"Okay, if you guess wrong, it's yours, and I'll let the wolf spank you." Su Ming took off his cloak and placed it beside the overpass, and asked everyone to go up, preparing for a wave of rappelling: "Speaking of the wolf, wolf , are you familiar with this place, have you seen its control room in the past?"

The wolf held a cigar in his mouth and smiled, showing his sharp teeth: "I've never seen it before. This place is like the anus of the Guardian. If you haven't fucked it before, you don't know its depth at all. Even if you have fucked it, you I can’t remember it either, because it’s so damn boring.”

This is also true. In the past, every time he captured someone and sent them here, he only needed to hand them over to the fully automated logistics space station in outer orbit. Brainiac helped build it. It looked like something from the Earth Factory. assembly line.

There are many high-tech coffin-like cages on a conveyor belt. Mercenaries line up outside to put the captured people into the 'feeding port', and the person will fall into the cage below.

Then a large number of devices come over to scan, confirm the target's identity, check health status, and settle commissions, which can be completed within ten seconds.

After these processes, the coffin containing the person will be sent to the ground through the orbital elevator, and the mercenaries will not know what happens next.

Therefore, the mercenaries do not need to land on the planet at all, and there is no need to explore the future fate of their prey. What is so interesting about the prison planet?

Use money to do things, find a good place to play when you have the money, and come back to take orders when the money is spent, that's all.

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